Basic principle
This example demonstrates the basic principle of performing the “constitutive
update” manually on the quadrature points, by explicitly providing the stresses
and their derivative w.r.t. the strains as numpy
This is done in a displacement-controlled, uniaxial tensile test on a unit square.
Note that this is not meant as an introduction on FEM or linear elasticity, but focuses on the steps on how to replace the constitutive formulation in UFL with a custom one.
from helper import *
For details on this helper
functions/classes, see here.
As with a normal fenics simulation, we first define the mesh, function spaces and boundary conditions.
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(20, 20)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 2)
du, u_ = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
u_bc = 42.0
bc_right = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), u_bc, plane_at(1, "x"))
bc_left = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), 0.0, plane_at(0, "x"))
bc_origin = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), 0.0, plane_at(0, "y"))
bcs = [bc_right, bc_left, bc_origin]
Constitutive law
Instead of providing the constitutive law for linear elasticity via UFL, we manually implement. This is done in Voigt notation, where the strains \(\boldsymbol \varepsilon\) are defined as
def eps(u):
e = sym(grad(u))
return as_vector((e[0, 0], e[1, 1], 2 * e[0, 1]))
and Hooke’s law (for plane stress) reads
E, nu = 20000, 0.2
C11 = E / (1.0 - nu * nu)
C12 = C11 * nu
C33 = C11 * 0.5 * (1.0 - nu)
C = np.array([[C11, C12, 0.0], [C12, C11, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, C33]])
Quadrature spaces
We now define appropriately sized vector function spaces for \(\boldsymbol \sigma\) and a tensor function space for \(\frac{\boldsymbol \sigma}{\boldsymbol \varepsilon}\).
q = "Quadrature"
cell = mesh.ufl_cell()
q_dim = C.shape[0]
deg_q = 2
QV = VectorElement(q, cell, deg_q, quad_scheme="default", dim=q_dim)
QT = TensorElement(q, cell, deg_q, quad_scheme="default", shape=(q_dim, q_dim))
VQV, VQT = [FunctionSpace(mesh, Q) for Q in [QV, QT]]
q_sigma = Function(VQV, name="stresses")
q_eps = Function(VQV, name="strains")
q_dsigma_deps = Function(VQT, name="stress-strain tangent")
The quadrature degree deg_q
defines the number of integration/Gauss points
and a corresponding integration measure has to be defined and used in all forms.
metadata = {"quadrature_degree": deg_q, "quadrature_scheme": "default"}
dxm = dx(metadata=metadata)
The form for the residual and its derivative w.r.t. to the displacements is defined as
R = -inner(eps(u_), q_sigma) * dxm
dR = inner(eps(du), dot(q_dsigma_deps, eps(u_))) * dxm
Right now, q_sigma
, q_eps
and q_dsigma_deps
contain only zeros.
Our initial state with a zero displacement field \(\boldsymbol u==\boldsymbol 0\) leads to
zero strains and zero stresses. So we only need to modify the tangent matrix.
The values of the quadrature function space are arranged in possibly huge 1D
vector where the first 9 (= 3x3 = q_dim*q_dim
) entries correspond to the
first Gauss point, the next 9 entries to the second and so on.
As our tangent is constant, we simply np.tile
our the C
defined above
for each Gauss point and assign it to the function space. (Details on set_q)
n_gauss = len(q_sigma.vector().get_local()) // q_dim
C_values = np.tile(C.flatten(), n_gauss)
set_q(q_dsigma_deps, C_values)
Both forms are now assembled and solved.
A, b = assemble_system(dR, R, bcs)
u = Function(V, name="displacements")
solve(A, u.vector(), b)
The solution field of this uniaxial problem should now look like
A brief check verifies the correctness of our solution.
test_points = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)
for x in test_points:
for y in test_points:
u_fem = u((x, y))
u_correct = x * u_bc, -nu * y * u_bc
assert np.linalg.norm(u_fem - u_correct) < 1.0e-10
Strain calculation
This simple example with a linear constitutive law technically only requires
the nonzero tangent q_dsigma_deps
to be defined and implemented. For
nonlinear materials, this changes. They usually depend on the strain, which can
be calculated from the displacement field by projecting eps(u)
on the
quadrature function q_eps
get_strain = LocalProjector(eps(u), VQV, dxm)
strains = q_eps.vector().get_local()
In a nonlinear analysis, the get_strain
would then be called in every
Newton Raphson iteration. Here, we can use it for additional checks like
for strain in strains.reshape((-1, q_dim)): # reshape makes it a (n_gauss,3) matrix
eps_x, eps_y, eps_xy = strain
assert abs(eps_x - u_bc) < 1.e-10
assert abs(eps_y + nu * u_bc) < 1.e-10
assert abs(eps_xy) < 1.e-10
or for calculating and plotting the corresponding stresses. Note that a quadrature function space cannot be interpolated! Thus, we need to define a different one and project the solution in there. DG0 with one value for the whole element is often used.
stresses = strains.reshape((-1, q_dim)) @ C
set_q(q_sigma, stresses)
visu_space = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0, dim=q_dim)
stress_plot = project(q_sigma, visu_space)
stress_plot.rename("sigma", "sigma")
f = XDMFFile("basics.xdmf")
Embedding in a nonlinear material
One Newton-Raphson iteration would normally consist of
calculate \(\boldsymbol \varepsilon\) as a big
vectorcalculate \(\boldsymbol \sigma(\boldsymbol \varepsilon), \frac{\partial \boldsymbol \sigma}{\partial \boldsymbol \varepsilon}(\boldsymbol \varepsilon)\)
assign those values back to their quadrature spaces
assemble and solve for a increment in \(\boldsymbol u\)
This is (e.g.) demonstrated in the more complex gradient damage example.
Iterations on Gauss point level
The constitutive equation of plasticity models often includes a stress norm.
This requires an iterative update of some internal variables, e.g. a plastic
multiplier, until Gauss-point-convergence is reached. This procedure may
include a manual loop over all Gauss points, where each evaluation itself
consists of several Newton-Raphson iterations. The Ramberg-Osgood
example demonstrates this approach and how the numba
just-in-time compiler
significantly speeds up these calculations.