Source code for mcsas3.mcopt

from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

import mcsas3.McHDF as McHDF

# TODO: refactor this using attrs @define for clearer handling.

[docs]class McOpt: """Class to store optimization settings and keep track of running variables""" accepted = None # number of accepted picks convCrit = 1 # reduced chi-square before valid return gof = None # continually updated gof value maxIter = 100000 # maximum steps before fail maxAccept = np.inf # maximum accepted before valid return modelI = None # internal, will be filled later repetition = None # Optimization instance repetition number (defines storage location) step = None # number of iteration steps, should be renamed "iteration" testX0 = None # X0 if test is accepted. testModelI = None # internal, updated intensity after replacing with pick testModelV = None # volume of test object, optionally used for weighted histogramming later on. weighting = 0.5 # NOT USED, set to default = volume-weighted. # volume-weighting / compensation factor for the contributions x0 = None # continually updated new guess for total scaling, background values. acceptedSteps = [] # for each accepted pick, write the iteration step number here acceptedGofs = [] # for each accepted pick, write the reached GOF here. storeKeys = [ # keys to store in an output file "accepted", "convCrit", "gof", "maxIter", "maxAccept", "modelI", "repetition", "step", "weighting", "x0", "acceptedSteps", "acceptedGofs", ] loadKeys = [ # load (and replace) these settings from a previous run into the current settings "accepted", "convCrit", "gof", "maxIter", "maxAccept", "modelI", "step", "x0", "acceptedSteps", "acceptedGofs", ] # Multiple types (e.g. Path|None ) only supported from Python 3.10
[docs] def __init__( self, loadFromFile: Optional[Path] = None, resultIndex: int = 1, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """Initializes the options to the MC algorithm, *or* loads them from a previous run. Note: If the parameters are loaded from a previous file, any additional key-value pairs are updated.""" # Cleaning the parameters, making sure we do not inherit anything: self.accepted = None # number of accepted picks self.convCrit = 1 # reduced chi-square before valid return self.gof = None # continually updated gof value self.maxIter = 100000 # maximum steps before fail self.maxAccept = np.inf # maximum accepted before valid return self.modelI = None # internal, will be filled later self.repetition = None # Optimization instance repetition number (defines storage location) self.step = None # number of iteration steps, should be renamed "iteration" self.testX0 = None # X0 if test is accepted. self.testModelI = None # internal, updated intensity after replacing with pick self.testModelV = ( None # volume of test object, optionally used for weighted histogramming later on. ) self.weighting = 0.5 # NOT USED, set to default = volume-weighted. # volume-weighting / compensation factor for the contributions self.x0 = None # continually updated new guess for total scaling, background values. self.acceptedSteps = [] # for each accepted pick, write the iteration step number here self.acceptedGofs = [] # for each accepted pick, write the reached GOF here. self.resultIndex = McHDF.ResultIndex(resultIndex) # defines the HDF5 root path self.repetition = kwargs.pop("loadFromRepetition", 0) if loadFromFile is not None: self.load(loadFromFile) for key, value in kwargs.items(): assert key in self.storeKeys, "Key {} is not a valid option".format(key) setattr(self, key, value)
# Multiple types (e.g. Path|None ) only supported from Python 3.10
[docs] def store(self, filename: Path, path: Optional[PurePosixPath] = None) -> None: """stores the settings in an output file (HDF5)""" if path is None: path = self.resultIndex.nxsEntryPoint / "optimization" McHDF.storeKVPairs( filename, path, [(key, getattr(self, key, None)) for key in self.storeKeys] )
# Multiple types (e.g. Path|None ) only supported from Python 3.10 def load( self, filename: Path, path: Optional[PurePosixPath] = None, repetition: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: if repetition is None: repetition = self.repetition if path is None: path = self.resultIndex.nxsEntryPoint / "optimization" / f"repetition{repetition}" for key, value in McHDF.loadKVPairs(filename, path, self.loadKeys): setattr(self, key, value)