
class mcsas3.mccore.McCore(measData: dict | None = None, model: McModel | None = None, opt: McOpt | None = None, loadFromFile: Path | None = None, loadFromRepetition: int | None = None, resultIndex: int = 1)[source]#

Bases: object

The core of the MC procedure.

  • modelFunc – SasModels function

  • measData (dict) – measurement data dictionary with Q, I, ISigma containing arrays. For 2D data, Q is a two-element list with [Qx, Qy]. This is why it’s not a Pandas Dataframe.

  • pickParameters (dict) – dict of values with new random picks, named by parameter names

  • modelParameterLimits (dict) – dict of value pairs (tuples) with random pick bounds, named by parameter names

  • x0 – continually updated new guess for total scaling, background values.

  • weighting – volume-weighting / compensation factor for the contributions

  • nContrib – number of contributions

__init__(measData: dict | None = None, model: McModel | None = None, opt: McOpt | None = None, loadFromFile: Path | None = None, loadFromRepetition: int | None = None, resultIndex: int = 1)[source]#


__init__([measData, model, opt, ...])


accept pick



scale and calculate goodness-of-fit (GOF) from all contributions


calculate the total intensity from all contributions


pick, re-evaluate and accept/reject

load(loadFromFile, loadFromRepetition[, ...])

loads the configuration and set-up from the extended NXcanSAS file


iterate until target GOF or maxiter reached


replace single contribution with new contribution, recalculate intensity and GOF


reject pick


stores the resulting model parameter-set of a single repetition in the NXcanSAS object, ready for histogramming

accept() None[source]#

accept pick

evaluate(testData: dict | None = None) float[source]#

scale and calculate goodness-of-fit (GOF) from all contributions

initModelI() None[source]#

calculate the total intensity from all contributions

iterate() None[source]#

pick, re-evaluate and accept/reject

load(loadFromFile: Path, loadFromRepetition: int, resultIndex: int = 1) None[source]#

loads the configuration and set-up from the extended NXcanSAS file

optimize() None[source]#

iterate until target GOF or maxiter reached

reEvaluate() float[source]#

replace single contribution with new contribution, recalculate intensity and GOF

reject() None[source]#

reject pick

store(filename: Path) None[source]#

stores the resulting model parameter-set of a single repetition in the NXcanSAS object, ready for histogramming