Source code for mcsas3.mcanalysis

import os.path
from pathlib import Path

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas

import mcsas3.McHDF as McHDF

from .mccore import McCore
from .mcmodelhistogrammer import McModelHistogrammer

[docs]class McAnalysis: """ This class is the analyzer / histogramming code for the entire set of repetitions. It can only been run after each individual repetition has been histogrammed using the McModelHistogrammer class. McAnalysis uses the individual repetition histograms to calculate the mean and spread of each histogram bin, and the mean and spread of each population mode. It also uses the scaling parameters to scale all values to absolute volume fractions. Due to the complexity of setting up, McAnalysis *must* be provided an output HDF5 file, where all the results and set-up are stored. It then reads the individual optimization results and performs its statistical calculations. """ # base: _core = None # instance of core through which _model, _measData, _opt should be accessed _measData = None # measurement data dict with entries for Q, I, ISigma, # will be replaced by sasview data model # specifics for analysis _histRanges = ( pandas.DataFrame() ) # pandas dataframe with one row per range, and the parameters as developed in McSAS, # this gets passed on to McModelHistogrammer as well _concatI = ( dict() ) # for now, just a simple concatenation of the entire set, one row per repetition, # not separated to indivudual histogram ranges.. _concatOpts = ( pandas.DataFrame() ) # dictionary of pandas Dataframes, each dataframe containing a list (with length of nRep) # of scaling factors, backgrounds, goodness-of-fit, and eventual other optimization details _concatModes = dict() # dictionary of pandas DataFrames, one per histogram range. _concatHistograms = dict() # ibid. _concatBinEdges = dict() # ibid.. _averagedModes = None # will be multi-column-name pandas DataFrame, # with one row per histogram range. It's pretty cool. _averagedI = None # averaged model intensity # _averagedModelData = pandas.DataFrame() _averagedHistograms = dict() # dict of dataFrames, one per histogram range, each containing # pandas.DataFrame(columns = ['xMean','xWidth','yMean','yStd','Obs','cdfMean','cdfStd']) _averagedOpts = ( pandas.DataFrame() ) # a dataFrame containing mean and std of optimization parameters. # Some will be useful, some will be pointless. _repetitionList = ( [] ) # list of values after "repetition", just in case an optimization didn't make it _modeKeys = ["totalValue", "mean", "variance", "skew", "kurtosis"] _optKeys = ["scaling", "background", "gof", "accepted", "step"]
[docs] def __init__( self, inputFile: Path, measData: dict, histRanges: pandas.DataFrame, store: bool = False, resultIndex: int = 1, ) -> None: # 1. open the input file, and for every repetition: # 2. set up the model again, and # 3. set up the optimization instance again, and # 4. run the McModelHistogrammer, and # 5. put the histogrammer results in the right place, and # 6. concatenate the results in a big table for statistical analysis, and # 7. calculate the mean model intensity, and # 8. find the overall scaling parameter for the model intensity, and # 9. scale the volumes with this scaling parameter, and # 9. calculate the observability for the bins # reset everything to make sure we're not inheriting anything: # base: self._core = ( None # instance of core through which _model, _measData, _opt should be accessed ) self._measData = None # measurement data dict with entries for Q, I, ISigma, # specifics for analysis self._histRanges = ( pandas.DataFrame() ) # pandas dataframe with one row per range, and the parameters as developed in McSAS, # this gets passed on to McModelHistogrammer as well self._concatI = ( dict() ) # for now, just a simple concatenation of the entire set, one row per repetition, # not separated to indivudual histogram ranges.. self._concatOpts = ( pandas.DataFrame() ) # dictionary of pandas Dataframes, each dataframe containing a list (with length of # nRep) of scaling factors, backgrounds, goodness-of-fit, # and eventual other optimization details self._concatModes = dict() # dictionary of pandas DataFrames, one per histogram range. self._concatHistograms = dict() # ibid. self._concatBinEdges = dict() # ibid.. self._averagedModes = None # will be multi-column-name pandas DataFrame, # with one row per histogram range. It's pretty cool. self._averagedI = None # averaged model intensity # _averagedModelData = pandas.DataFrame() self._averagedHistograms = ( dict() ) # dict of dataFrames, one per histogram range, each containing # pandas.DataFrame(columns = ['xMean','xWidth','yMean','yStd','Obs','cdfMean','cdfStd']) self._averagedOpts = ( pandas.DataFrame() ) # a dataFrame containing mean and std of optimization parameters. # Some will be useful, some will be pointless. self._averagedAcceptedSteps = [] # averaged steps at which the optimization was accepted self._averagedAcceptedGofs = ( [] ) # not sure how to average these two... not same size, not same location... self._repetitionList = ( [] ) # list of values after "repetition", just in case an optimization didn't make it self._modeKeys = ["totalValue", "mean", "variance", "skew", "kurtosis"] self._optKeys = ["scaling", "background", "gof", "accepted", "step"] assert os.path.isfile(inputFile), "A valid McSAS3 project filename must be provided. " assert isinstance( histRanges, pandas.DataFrame ), "A pandas dataframe with histogram ranges must be provided" assert measData is not None, "measurement data must be provided for analysis" self._concatOpts = pandas.DataFrame(columns=self._optKeys) self._histRanges = histRanges self._measData = measData # make sure we store and read from the right place. self.resultIndex = McHDF.ResultIndex(resultIndex) # defines the HDF5 root path print("Getting List of repetitions...") self.getNRep(inputFile) print("Histogramming every repetition and extracting elements to average...") self.histAndLoadReps(inputFile, store, resultIndex) print("Averaging population modes...") self.averageModes() print("Averaging histograms...") self.averageHistograms() print("Averaging optimization parameters...") self.averageOpts() print("Averaging model intensity...") self.averageI() if store: print("Storing averages...")
@property def modelIAvg(self) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._averagedI @property def optParAvg(self) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._averagedOpts
[docs] def histAndLoadReps(self, inputFile: Path, store: bool, resultIndex: int = 1) -> None: """For every repetition, runs its mcModelHistogrammer, and loads the results into the local namespace for further processing.""" # not the best approach, best do this per histogram # to avoid losing track of what goes where. for repi, repetition in enumerate(self._repetitionList): # for every repetition, load a core: self._core = McCore( measData=self._measData, loadFromFile=inputFile, loadFromRepetition=repetition, resultIndex=resultIndex, ) # for every repetition, load the model # self._model = McModel(loadFromFile = inputFile, loadFromRepetition = repetition) mh = McModelHistogrammer( self._core, self._histRanges, resultIndex=resultIndex ) # switched from supplying model instance, to supplying complete core instance. if store:, repetition) # tabulate the necessary optimization parameters: # self._opt = McOpt(loadFromFile = inputFile, loadFromRepetition = repetition) self._concatOpts.loc[repetition] = pandas.Series( data={ "scaling": self._core._opt.x0[0], "background": self._core._opt.x0[1], "gof": self._core._opt.gof, "accepted": self._core._opt.accepted, "step": self._core._opt.step, } ) # this would not be necessary if McOpt was pandas.Series or DataFrame already... # Possible avenue for improvement... # tabulate the intensity and scale them with x0 self._concatI[repetition] = ( self._core._opt.modelI * self._core._opt.x0[0] + self._core._opt.x0[1] ) """ this is going to need some reindexing: mh contains info on the histogram of one repetition for multiple ranges, but we want a dictionary of dicts, one per range, containing all histograms of the repetitions """ for histIndex, _ in self._histRanges.iterrows(): # make sure we can append to a dataframe.. self.ensureConcatEssentials(histIndex) self._concatModes[histIndex].loc[repetition] = mh._modes.loc[histIndex] self._concatHistograms[histIndex][repetition] = mh._histDict[histIndex] self._concatBinEdges[histIndex][repetition] = mh._binEdges[histIndex]
[docs] def ensureConcatEssentials(self, histIndex: int) -> None: """Small function that makes sure at least an empty DataFrame exists for appending the concatenated data to""" if histIndex not in self._concatModes: self._concatModes[histIndex] = pandas.DataFrame(columns=self._modeKeys) if histIndex not in self._concatHistograms: self._concatHistograms[histIndex] = dict() if histIndex not in self._concatBinEdges: self._concatBinEdges[histIndex] = dict()
def averageI(self) -> None: self._averagedI = pandas.DataFrame( data={ "modelIMean": np.array([i for k, i in self._concatI.items()]).mean(axis=0), "modelIStd": np.array([i for k, i in self._concatI.items()]).std(axis=0), } )
[docs] def averageOpts(self) -> None: """Combines the multiindex dataframes into a single table with one row per histogram range.""" self._averagedOpts = pandas.DataFrame( data={ "valMean": self._concatOpts.mean(), "valStd": self._concatOpts.std(ddof=1), } )
[docs] def averageModes(self) -> None: """Combines the multiindex dataframes into a single table with one row per histogram range.""" dfs = dict() for histIndex, histRange in self._histRanges.iterrows(): dfs[histIndex] = self.averageMode(histIndex) self._averagedModes = pandas.DataFrame(data=dfs).T
[docs] def averageMode(self, histIndex: int) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Calculates the mean and standard deviation for each mode, for a particular repetition index, and returns a multiindex DataFrame.""" df = pandas.DataFrame( data={ "valMean": self._concatModes[histIndex].mean(), "valStd": self._concatModes[histIndex].std(ddof=1), } ) return df.stack()
[docs] def averageHistograms(self) -> None: """Averages all the histogram ranges sequentially and stores the averaged histograms in a dict with {histIndex: histogram DataFrame}.""" for histIndex, histRange in self._histRanges.iterrows(): aH = self.averageHistogram(histIndex) self._averagedHistograms[histIndex] = aH for key in aH.keys(): self._averagedHistograms[histIndex][key].astype(aH[key].dtype)
[docs] def averageHistogram(self, histIndex: int) -> None: """Produces a single averaged histogram for a given histogram range index. Returns a DataFrame.""" # these are the columns and datatypes I want in my histograms. # forced datatypes to prevent issues later on when storing cols = { "xMean": float, "xWidth": float, "yMean": float, "yStd": float, "Obs": float, "cdfMean": float, "cdfStd": float, } # averagedHistogram = pandas.DataFrame( # columns = ['xMean', 'xWidth', 'yMean', 'yStd', 'Obs', 'cdfMean', 'cdfStd']) averagedHistogram = pandas.DataFrame(columns=cols.keys()) # ensure correct column type so we don't get issues later on when storing the dataFrame for key, keyType in cols.items(): averagedHistogram[key].astype(keyType) # histogram bar height: hists = np.array( [self._concatHistograms[histIndex][repetition] for repetition in self._repetitionList] ) averagedHistogram["yMean"] = hists.mean(axis=0) averagedHistogram["yStd"] = hists.std(axis=0, ddof=1 if hists.shape[0] > 1 else 0) # histogram bar center and width: if len(self._repetitionList) > 1: # assuming (!) that the binEdges for all are the same, # so no 'auto' bin edge selection possible assert all( self._concatBinEdges[histIndex][self._repetitionList[0]] == self._concatBinEdges[histIndex][self._repetitionList[1]] ) binEdges = self._concatBinEdges[histIndex][ self._repetitionList[0] ] # these are the left edges averagedHistogram["xWidth"] = np.diff(binEdges) averagedHistogram["xMean"] = binEdges[:-1] + 0.5 * averagedHistogram["xWidth"] return averagedHistogram
[docs] def debugPlot(self, histIndex: int, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """Plots a single histogram, for debugging purposes only, can only be done after histogramming is complete.""" histDataFrame = self._averagedHistograms[histIndex] histDataFrame["xMean"], histDataFrame["yMean"], align="center", width=histDataFrame["xWidth"], yerr=histDataFrame["yStd"], **kwargs, ) if self._histRanges.loc[histIndex].binScale == "log": plt.xscale("log")
[docs] def debugReport(self, histIndex: int) -> str: """Preformats the rangeInfo results ready for printing (mostly translated from the original McSAS). Should be plotted with a fixed-width font because nothing says 2020 like misaligned text.""" statFieldNames = self._modeKeys histRange = self._histRanges.loc[histIndex] # for histIndex, histRange in self._histRanges.iterrows(): oString = f"*** Population statistics for Histogram number {histIndex} ***\n" oString += ( f"For {histRange.rangeMin: 0.02e}{histRange.parameter} ≤" f" {histRange.rangeMax: 0.02e}, vol-weighted \n" ) oString += "\n".rjust(48, "-") for fieldName in statFieldNames: valMean = self._averagedModes[fieldName]["valMean"][histIndex] valStd = self._averagedModes[fieldName]["valStd"][histIndex] oString += self.debugAddString(fieldName, valMean, valStd) return oString
def debugAddString( self, fieldName: str, valMean: float, valStd: float ) -> str: # not sure if val* needs to be float or more generic numeric types # does a bit of error checking to avoid division by zero for debug*Report methods if valMean != 0: oString = ( f"{fieldName.ljust(10)}: {valMean: 0.02e} ± {valStd: 0.02e} (±" f" {valStd/valMean * 100: 0.02f} %) \n" ) else: oString = f"{fieldName.ljust(10)}: {valMean: 0.02e} ± {valStd: 0.02e} \n" return oString
[docs] def debugRunReport(self) -> str: """Preformats the run statistics results ready for printing (mostly translated from the original McSAS). Should be plotted with a fixed-width font because nothing says 2020 like misaligned text.""" statFieldNames = self._optKeys oString = ( f"*** Optimization statistics average over {len(self._repetitionList)} repetitions" " ***\n" ) oString += ( f"For {np.min(self._measData['Q']): 0.02e} ≤ Q (1/nm) ≤" f" {np.max(self._measData['Q']): 0.02e}\n" ) oString += "\n".rjust(50, "-") for fieldName in statFieldNames: valMean = self.optParAvg["valMean"][fieldName] valStd = self.optParAvg["valStd"][fieldName] oString += self.debugAddString(fieldName, valMean, valStd) return oString
[docs] def getNRep(self, inputFile: Path) -> None: """Finds out which repetition indices are available in the results file, skipping potential missing indices. Note: repetition must be int.""" self._repetitionList = [] # reinitialize to zero with h5py.File(inputFile, "r") as h5f: for key in h5f[str(self.resultIndex.nxsEntryPoint / "model")].keys(): if "repetition" in key: self._repetitionList.append(int(key.strip("repetition"))) print(f"{len(self._repetitionList)} repetitions found in McSAS file {inputFile}")
def store(self, filename: Path) -> None: # store averaged histograms, for arhcival purposes only, # these settings are not planned to be reused.: path = self.resultIndex.nxsEntryPoint / "histograms" oDict = self._averagedHistograms.copy() # .to_dict(orient="index") for key in oDict.keys(): keypath = path / f"histRange{key}" / "average" # print("histRanges: storing key: {}, value: {}".format(key, oDict[key])) pairs = [(dKey, dValue.values.astype(float)) for dKey, dValue in oDict[key].items()] McHDF.storeKVPairs(filename, keypath, pairs) # store modes, for arhcival purposes only, these settings are not planned to be reused: oDict = self._averagedModes.copy().to_dict(orient="index") # careful, multiindex... for key in oDict.keys(): # xs('valMean',axis=1,level=1).keys(): # print("modes: storing key: {}, value: {}".format(key, oDict[key])) keypath = path / f"histRange{key}" / "average" for col in ("totalValue", "mean", "variance", "skew", "kurtosis"): colpath = keypath / f"{col}" pairs = [(subcol, oDict[key][(col, subcol)]) for subcol in ("valMean", "valStd")] McHDF.storeKVPairs(filename, colpath, pairs) for valName, row in self.optParAvg.iterrows(): keypath = self.resultIndex.nxsEntryPoint / "optimization" / "average" / f"{valName}" pairs = [(key, getattr(row, key)) for key in ("valMean", "valStd")] McHDF.storeKVPairs(filename, keypath, pairs) pairs = [(dKey, dValue.values) for dKey, dValue in self.modelIAvg.copy().items()] McHDF.storeKVPairs( filename, self.resultIndex.nxsEntryPoint / "optimization" / "average", pairs )