Source code for mcsas3.McData1D

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas

from .McData import McData

[docs]class McData1D(McData): """subclass for managing 1D datasets.""" csvargs = None # default for 1D, overwritten in subclass dataRange = None # min-max for data range to fit qNudge = None # nudge in case of misaligned centers. Applied to measData omitQRanges = None # to skip or omit unwanted data ranges, for example with sharp XRD peaks
[docs] def __init__( self, df: Optional[pandas.DataFrame] = None, loadFromFile: Optional[Path] = None, resultIndex: int = 1, **kwargs: dict, ) -> None: super().__init__(loadFromFile=loadFromFile, resultIndex=resultIndex, **kwargs) self.csvargs = { "sep": r"\s+", "header": None, "names": ["Q", "I", "ISigma"], } # default for 1D, overwritten in subclass self.dataRange = [-np.inf, np.inf] # min-max for data range to fit self.qNudge = 0 # nudge in case of misaligned centers. Applied to measData self.processKwargs(**kwargs) # redo kwargs in case the reset values have been updated # load from dataframe if provided if df is not None: self.loader = "from_pandas" # TODO: need to handle this on restore state self.from_pandas(df) elif loadFromFile is not None: pass # do not try loading the file, the information is already there. elif self.filename is not None: # filename has been set self.from_file(self.filename)
# link measData to the requested value def linkMeasData(self, measDataLink: Optional[str] = None) -> None: # measDataLink:str|None if measDataLink is None: measDataLink = self.measDataLink assert measDataLink in [ "rawData", "clippedData", "binnedData", ], ( f"measDataLink value: {measDataLink} not valid. Must be one of 'rawData', 'clippedData'" " or 'binnedData'" ) measDataObj = getattr(self, measDataLink) self.measData = dict( Q=[measDataObj.Q.values + self.qNudge], I=measDataObj.I.values, ISigma=measDataObj.ISigma.values, )
[docs] def from_pdh(self, filename: Path) -> None: """reads from a PDH file, re-uses Ingo Bressler's code from the notebook example""" assert filename is not None, "from_pdh requires an input filename of a PDH file" skiprows, nrows = 5, -1 with open(filename) as fd: nrows = [ln for ln, line in enumerate(fd.readlines()) if line.startswith("<?xml")] csvargs = self.csvargs.copy() csvargs.update({"skiprows": skiprows, "nrows": nrows[0] - skiprows}) self.from_pandas(pandas.read_csv(filename, **csvargs))
[docs] def from_pandas(self, df: pandas.DataFrame) -> None: """uses a dataframe as input, should contain 'Q', 'I', and 'ISigma'""" assert isinstance( df, pandas.DataFrame ), "from_pandas requires a pandas DataFrame with 'Q', 'I', and 'ISigma'" # maybe add a check for the keys: assert all( [key in df.keys() for key in ["Q", "I", "ISigma"]] ), "from_pandas requires the dataframe to contain 'Q', 'I', and 'ISigma'" assert all( [df[key].dtype.kind in "f" for key in ["Q", "I", "ISigma"]] ), "data could not be read correctly. If csv, did you supply the right csvargs?" self.rawData = df self.prepare()
[docs] def from_csv(self, filename: Path, csvargs: dict = {}) -> None: """reads from a three-column csv file, takes pandas from_csv arguments""" assert filename is not None, "from_csv requires an input filename of a csv file" localCsvargs = self.csvargs.copy() localCsvargs.update(csvargs) self.from_pandas(pandas.read_csv(filename, **localCsvargs))
def clip(self) -> None: self.clippedData = ( self.rawData.query(f"{self.dataRange[0]} <= Q < {self.dataRange[1]}").dropna().copy() ) assert len(self.clippedData) != 0, "Data clipping range too small, no datapoints found!"
[docs] def omit(self) -> None: """This can skip/omit unwanted ranges of data (for example a data range with an unwanted XRD peak in it). Requires an "omitQRanges" list of [[qmin, qmax]]-data ranges to omit. """ # nothng to do: if self.omitQRanges is None: return assert isinstance(self.omitQRanges, list), "omitQRanges must be a list" for omitQRange in self.omitQRanges: assert ( len(omitQRange) == 2 ), "each omitQRange must contain two elements: a minimum and maximum value" # we drop the matches: self.clippedData.drop( self.clippedData.query(f"{omitQRange[0]} <= Q < {omitQRange[1]}").index, inplace=True, )
[docs] def reBin( self, nbins: Optional[int] = None, IEMin: float = 0.01, QEMin: float = 0.01 ) -> None: # nbins:int|None """Unweighted rebinning funcionality with extended uncertainty estimation, adapted from the datamerge methods, as implemented in Paulina's notebook of spring 2020 """ if nbins is None: nbins = self.nbins qMin = self.clippedData.Q.dropna().min() qMax = self.clippedData.Q.dropna().max() # prepare bin edges: binEdges = np.logspace(np.log10(qMin), np.log10(qMax), num=nbins + 1) binDat = pandas.DataFrame( data={ "Q": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # mean Q "I": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # mean intensity "IStd": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # standard deviation of the mean intensity "ISEM": np.full( nbins, np.nan ), # standard error on mean of the mean intensity (maybe, but weighted is hard.) "IError": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # Propagated errors of the intensity "ISigma": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # Combined error estimate of the intensity "QStd": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # standard deviation of the mean Q "QSEM": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # standard error on the mean Q "QError": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # Propagated errors on the mean Q "QSigma": np.full(nbins, np.nan), # Combined error estimate on the mean Q } ) # add a little to the end to ensure the last datapoint is captured: binEdges[-1] = binEdges[-1] + 1e-3 * (binEdges[-1] - binEdges[-2]) # now do the binning per bin. for binN in range(len(binEdges) - 1): dfRange = self.clippedData.query( "{} <= Q < {}".format(binEdges[binN], binEdges[binN + 1]) ).copy() if len(dfRange) == 0: # no datapoints in the range pass elif len(dfRange) == 1: # only one datapoint in the range # might not be necessary to do this.. # can't do stats on this: binDat.I.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.I) binDat.IStd.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.ISigma) binDat.ISEM.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.ISigma) binDat.IError.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.ISigma) binDat.ISigma.loc[binN] = np.max([binDat.ISEM.loc[binN], float(dfRange.I) * IEMin]) binDat.Q.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.Q) binDat.QStd.loc[binN] = binDat.Q.loc[binN] * QEMin binDat.QSEM.loc[binN] = binDat.Q.loc[binN] * QEMin binDat.QError.loc[binN] = binDat.Q.loc[binN] * QEMin if "QSigma" in dfRange.keys(): binDat.QStd.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.QSigma) binDat.QSEM.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.QSigma) binDat.QError.loc[binN] = float(dfRange.QSigma) binDat.QSigma.loc[binN] = np.max( [float(binDat.QSEM.loc[binN]), float(dfRange.Q) * QEMin] ) else: # multiple datapoints in the range binDat.I.loc[binN] = dfRange.I.mean(skipna=True) # , numeric_only = True) binDat.IStd.loc[binN] = dfRange.I.std(ddof=1, skipna=True) binDat.ISEM.loc[binN] = dfRange.I.sem(ddof=1, skipna=True) binDat.IError.loc[binN] = np.sqrt(((dfRange.ISigma) ** 2).sum()) / len(dfRange) binDat.ISigma.loc[binN] = np.max( [ binDat.ISEM.loc[binN], binDat.IError.loc[binN], binDat.I.loc[binN] * IEMin, ] ) binDat.Q.loc[binN] = dfRange.Q.mean(skipna=True) binDat.QStd.loc[binN] = dfRange.Q.std(ddof=1, skipna=True) binDat.QSEM.loc[binN] = dfRange.Q.sem(ddof=1, skipna=True) binDat.QError.loc[binN] = binDat.QSEM.loc[binN] if "QSigma" in dfRange.keys(): # overwrite with propagated uncertainties if available binDat.QError.loc[binN] = np.sqrt(((dfRange.QSigma) ** 2).sum()) / len(dfRange) binDat.QSigma.loc[binN] = np.max( [ binDat.QSEM.loc[binN], binDat.QError.loc[binN], binDat.Q.loc[binN] * QEMin, ] ) # remove empty bins binDat.dropna(thresh=4, inplace=True) self.binnedData = binDat