Source code for jupyter_analysis_tools.widgets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

import ipywidgets as ui

[docs] def showBoolStatus(value, description, invertcolor=False): """Pretty prints the status of a boolean variable *value* along with the provided description in a green color for True and in a red color for False values. *invertcolor* allows to flip the color assignment.""" from IPython.display import HTML, display statuscolor = "darkgreen" if value ^ invertcolor: statuscolor = "darkred" descr = description[0].lower() + description[1:-1] if description[-1].isalnum(): descr += description[-1] statustext = '<h4 style="color: {};">Yes, {}!</h4>'.format(statuscolor, descr) if value: statustext = '<h4 style="color: {};">Do not {}!</h4>'.format(statuscolor, descr) display( HTML( f'<div style="border-style: solid; border-color: {statuscolor};' " border-width: 1px; padding: 0em 1em .5em 1em; margin: 1em 0em;" f' width: {len(descr) * 0.75}em;">' + statustext + "</div>" ) )
[docs] class PathSelector:
[docs] def __init__(self, start_dir, select_file=True): self.file = None self.select_file = select_file self.cwd = start_dir = ui.SelectMultiple(options=["init"], value=(), rows=10, description="") self.accord = ui.Accordion(children=[]) self.accord.selected_index = None # Start closed (showing path only) self.refresh(self.cwd), "value")
def on_update(self, change): if len(change["new"]) > 0: self.refresh(change["new"][0]) def refresh(self, item): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cwd, item)) if os.path.isfile(path): if self.select_file: self.accord.set_title(0, path) self.file = path self.accord.selected_index = None else: = () else: # os.path.isdir(path) self.file = None self.cwd = path # Build list of files and dirs keys = ["[..]"] for item in os.listdir(path): if item[0] == ".": continue elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, item)): keys.append("[" + item + "]") else: keys.append(item) # Sort and create list of output values keys.sort(key=str.lower) vals = [] for k in keys: if k[0] == "[": vals.append(k[1:-1]) # strip off brackets else: vals.append(k) # Update widget self.accord.set_title(0, path) = list(zip(keys, vals)) with = ()