Source code for jupyter_analysis_tools.distrib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
from import Iterable
from operator import itemgetter

import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.interpolate

from .plotting import plotVertBar
from .utils import grouper

[docs] def integrate(xvec, yvec): return abs(scipy.integrate.simps(yvec, x=xvec))
[docs] def normalizeDistrib(x, y, u=None): x = x.values if isinstance(x, pd.Series) else x y = y.values if isinstance(y, pd.Series) else y # normalize the distribution to area of 1 norm = integrate(x, y) # print("CONTINs norm", norm) y /= norm if u is not None: u /= norm return x, y, u
[docs] def area(xvec, yvec, showArea=True): """Returns a string with the area value of the given discrete curve points.""" return r" $\int${:.3g}".format(integrate(xvec, yvec)) if showArea else ""
[docs] def findPeakRanges(x, y, tol=1e-16): """Returns the location of data/peak above a base line. Assumes it touches the baseline before and after. For distributions. *tol*: Multiplied by Y to produce a threshold to distinguish noise/artifacts from peaks.""" x = x.values if isinstance(x, pd.Series) else x y = y.values if isinstance(y, pd.Series) else y # look at all data above zero, get their array indices indices = np.where(y > tol * y.max())[0] # segmentation: look where continous groups of indices start and end indexGroups = np.where(np.diff(indices) > 1)[0] ranges = [] istart = indices[0] def appendPeakRange(start, end): # print("appending", start, end, end-start) start, end = max(start - 1, 0), min(end + 1, len(x) - 1) monotony = np.sign(np.diff(y[start : end + 1])) if not all(monotony == monotony[0]): # avoid monotonously increasing/decreasing peaks -> unwanted artefacts ranges.append((start, end)) for idx in indexGroups: appendPeakRange(istart, indices[idx]) # add the new range to the list istart = indices[idx + 1] # start new range appendPeakRange(istart, indices[-1]) # print("findPeakRanges", ranges) return ranges
[docs] def findLocalMinima(peakRanges, xarr, yarr, doPlot=False, verbose=False): """Identify local (non-zero) minima within given peak ranges and separate those bimodal ranges into monomodal ranges, thus splitting up the peak range if it contains maxima connected by non-zero minima. Returns a list of index tuples indicating the start and end of each peak. Uses 4th order spline fitting and its derivative for finding positions of local minima.""" # print("findLocalMinima", peakRanges) newRanges = [] if doPlot: plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) for ip, (istart, iend) in enumerate(peakRanges): if verbose: print((istart, iend), xarr[istart], xarr[iend]) if iend - istart < 5: # skip this, can't be fitted and no sub-peaks are likely newRanges.append((istart, iend)) continue while yarr[istart] <= 0.0 and istart < iend: istart += 1 # exclude leading zero while yarr[iend] <= 0.0 and istart < iend: iend -= 1 # exclude trailing zero if istart == iend: continue if verbose: print((istart, iend)) x, y = xarr[istart : iend + 1], yarr[istart : iend + 1] try: spline = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k=4) except Exception: print(f"Warning: Could not findLocalMinima() within {(istart, iend)}!") newRanges.append((istart, iend)) continue # if verbose: print(spline(x)) deriv = spline.derivative() # if verbose: print(deriv(x)) roots = deriv.roots() # get indices of roots and ignore any duplicate indices rootIdx = set(np.argmin(np.abs(xarr[:, np.newaxis] - roots[np.newaxis, :]), axis=0)) rootIdx.add(istart) rootIdx.add(iend) rootIdx = sorted(rootIdx) # if rootIdx[0] == istart: # omit the first root at the beginning # rootIdx = rootIdx[1:] if verbose: print((istart, iend), len(roots), roots, rootIdx) if doPlot: plt.subplot(1, len(peakRanges), ip + 1) radGrid = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 200) plt.plot(x, y, label="data") plt.plot(radGrid, spline(radGrid), label="spline"), plt.ylabel("data & spline approx.") handles1, labels1 = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() [ plotVertBar(plt, xarr[i], spline(radGrid).max(), color="blue", ls=":") for i in rootIdx ] plt.gca().twinx() plt.plot(radGrid, deriv(radGrid), label="deriv. spline", color="green") plt.ylabel("1st derivative") handles2, labels2 = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() plt.grid() plt.legend(handles1 + handles2, labels1 + labels2) peakBoundaries = rootIdx[::2] if verbose: print(peakBoundaries) newRanges += [tuple(peakBoundaries[i : i + 2]) for i in range(len(peakBoundaries) - 1)] if verbose: print(newRanges) return newRanges
[docs] def getLargestPeaks(peakRanges, xarr, yarr, count=1): def peakRangeArea(peakRange): return integrate( xarr[peakRange[0] : peakRange[1] + 1], yarr[peakRange[0] : peakRange[1] + 1] ) return sorted(peakRanges, key=peakRangeArea, reverse=True)[:count]
[docs] class Moments(dict):
[docs] @staticmethod def nthMoment(x, weights, n): """Calculates the nth moment of the given distribution weights.""" center = 0 if n > 0: # calculate the mean first center = np.average(x, weights=weights) if sum(weights) else 0.0 # np.sqrt(u**2)/len(u) # center uncertainty if n == 1: return center # the mean var = 1.0 if n > 1: var = np.sum(weights * (x - center) ** 2) / np.sum(weights) if n == 2: return var # the variance return np.sum(weights * (x - center) ** n) / np.sum(weights) / var**n
@classmethod def fromData(cls, x, y): store = cls() mean, var, skew, kurt = [cls.nthMoment(x, y, i) for i in range(1, 5)] store["area"] = integrate(x, y) store["mean"] = mean store["var"] = var store["skew"] = skew store["kurt"] = kurt return store @property def area(self): return self["area"] @property def mean(self): return self["mean"] @property def var(self): return self["var"] @property def skew(self): return self["skew"] @property def kurt(self): return self["kurt"] def __str__(self): return "\n".join( [ "{: <4s}: {: 9.2g}".format(k, self[k]) for k in ("area", "mean", "var", "skew", "kurt") ] ) @staticmethod def logNormParFromMoments(mean, var, N=1.0): # SASfit manual, 6.4. Log-Normal distribution median = mean**2 / np.sqrt(var + mean**2) sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(mean**2 / median**2)) return {"N": N, "sigma": sigma, "median": median} def logNormPar(self, N=1.0): return self.logNormParFromMoments(self.mean, self.var, N=N)
[docs] class Distribution: x, y, u = None, None, None peaks = None # list of peak (start, end) indices pointing into x,y,u color = None xlabel = None plotAxes, plotAxisIdx = None, 0
[docs] def __init__(self, xvec, yvec, uvec, xlabel=None, maxPeakCount=None): self.xlabel = getattr(xvec, "name", None) xvec = xvec.values if isinstance(xvec, pd.Series) else xvec yvec = yvec.values if isinstance(yvec, pd.Series) else yvec uvec = uvec.values if isinstance(uvec, pd.Series) else uvec self.x, self.y, self.u = normalizeDistrib(xvec, yvec, uvec) if xlabel is not None: self.xlabel = xlabel self.peaks = findPeakRanges(self.x, self.y, tol=1e-6) # refine the peak ranges containing multiple maxima self.peaks = findLocalMinima(self.peaks, self.x, self.y) # For a given list of peaks (by start/end indices) return only those # whose ratio of amount to uncertainty ratio is always below the given max. ratio # maxRatio = 1.5 # self.peakRanges = [(istart, iend) for istart, iend in self.peakRanges # if maxRatio > 1/np.median(self.y[istart:iend+1]/self.u[istart:iend+1])] # Sort the peaks by area and use the largest (last) only, assuming monomodal distributions if maxPeakCount: self.peaks = getLargestPeaks(self.peaks, self.x, self.y, count=maxPeakCount)
def peakData(self, peakRange): return ( self.x[peakRange[0] : peakRange[1] + 1], self.y[peakRange[0] : peakRange[1] + 1], self.u[peakRange[0] : peakRange[1] + 1], ) def uncertRatioMedian(self, peakRange): _, y, u = self.peakData(peakRange) return 1.0 / np.median(y / u) @staticmethod def getBarWidth(xvec): return np.concatenate((np.diff(xvec)[:1], np.diff(xvec)))
[docs] def plotPeak(self, peakRange, mom, momLo, momHi, dp, dpLo, dpHi, showFullRange=False, ax=None): """ *showFullRange*: Set the x range to cover the whole distribution instead of the peak only. """ x, y, u = self.peakData(peakRange) if not ax: ax = plt.gca() # ax.plot(x, y, 'o', color=cls.color) lbl, fmt = [], "{: <7s} {: 9.2g} ±{: 9.2g}" for k in "area", "median", "var", "skew", "kurt": if k == "median": lbl.append( fmt.format( "median:", dp["median"], max(abs(dp["median"] - dpLo["median"]), abs(dpHi["median"] - dp["median"])), ) ) else: lbl.append( fmt.format(k + ":", mom[k], max(abs(mom[k] - momLo[k]), abs(momHi[k] - mom[k]))) ) lbl.append("LogNorm: " + distrParToText(dp)[0]), y, width=self.getBarWidth(x), color=self.color, alpha=0.5, label="\n".join(lbl)) ax.fill_between( x, np.maximum(0, y - u), y + u, color="red", lw=0, alpha=0.1, label=f"uncertainties (lvl: {self.uncertRatioMedian(peakRange):.3g})", ) if showFullRange: ax.set_xlim((self.x.min(), self.x.max())) ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) ax.grid(True) legend = ax.legend(prop=font_manager.FontProperties(family="monospace")) # make the legend background more transparent legend.get_frame().set_alpha(None) legend.get_frame().set_facecolor((1, 1, 1, 0.2))
[docs] def plot(self, ax, distPar, name=""): """plot complete distribution as loaded from file""" lbl = ( "from file, " + name + area(self.x, self.y, showArea=True) + "\n" + distrParLatex(distPar[0]) ) ax.fill_between( self.x, self.y, # width=GenericResult.getBarWidth(self.x), color=self.color, alpha=0.5, label=lbl, ) # ax.errorbar(self.x, self.y, yerr=self.u, lw=lineWidth()*2, label=lbl) ax.fill_between( self.x, np.maximum(0, self.y - self.u), self.y + self.u, color="red", lw=0, alpha=0.1, label="uncertainties", ) ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) ax.legend() ax.grid() ax.set_xscale("log")
def moments(self): def momentsByPeak(): for peakRange in self.peaks: x, y, u = self.peakData(peakRange) N = integrate(x, y) mom = Moments.fromData(x, y) momLo = Moments.fromData(x, np.maximum(0, y - u)) momHi = Moments.fromData(x, y + u) lnp = mom.logNormPar(N=N) lnpLo = momLo.logNormPar(N=N) lnpHi = momHi.logNormPar(N=N) yield (peakRange, mom, momLo, momHi, lnp, lnpLo, lnpHi) # return a dict of lists, addressable by peak index return dict( zip( ["peakRange", "mom", "momLo", "momHi", "lnp", "lnpLo", "lnpHi"], zip(*[m for m in momentsByPeak()]), ) ) def peakDistrPar(self, plotAxes=None, plotAxisStart=0, **plotPeakKwargs): momentsAndLogNormPar = self.moments() if plotAxes is not None: for i, peakRange in enumerate(momentsAndLogNormPar["peakRange"]): plotPeakKwargs["ax"] = plotAxes[plotAxisStart + i] self.plotPeak(*[v[i] for v in momentsAndLogNormPar.values()], **plotPeakKwargs) return momentsAndLogNormPar["lnp"], momentsAndLogNormPar["mom"]
[docs] def distrParToText(logNormPar): """ >>> distrParToText({'N':1.1, 'sigma':0.15, 'median':33.1234e-9}) ['median=3.3e-08 sigma=0.15 N=1.1'] >>> distrParToText({'N':1.2e13, 'sigma':0.15, 'median':3.1234}) ['median=3.1 sigma=0.15 N=1.2e+13'] >>> distrParToText({'N':(1.,2.), 'sigma':(.2,.4), 'median':(40e-9,7e-8)}) ['median_0=4e-08 sigma_0=0.20 N_0=1', 'median_1=7e-08 sigma_1=0.40 N_1=2'] """ fmt = {"median": "{:.2g}", "sigma": "{:.2f}", "N": "{:.2g}"} order = {key: list(fmt.keys()).index(key) for key in fmt.keys()} return [ " ".join(p) for p in grouper( list( zip( *sorted( [ ( i * 10 + order[key], f"{key}" + (f"_{i}" if isinstance(vals, Iterable) else "") + "=" + fmt[key].format(v), ) for key, vals in logNormPar.items() for i, v in enumerate(vals if isinstance(vals, Iterable) else [vals]) ], key=itemgetter(0), ) ) )[-1], 3, ) ]
[docs] def distrParLatex(distrPar, *kwargs): r""" >>> distrParLatex({'N':1.1, 'sigma':0.15, 'median':33e-9}) '$median=3.3e-08\\;sigma=0.15\\;N=1.1$' >>> distrParLatex({'N':(1.,2.), 'sigma':(.2,.4), 'median':(40e-9,7e-8)}) '$median_0=4e-08\\;sigma_0=0.20\\;N_0=1$\n$median_1=7e-08\\;sigma_1=0.40\\;N_1=2$' """ return "\n".join(["$" + txt.replace(" ", r"\;") + "$" for txt in distrParToText(distrPar)])
[docs] def distrParToFilename(distrPar, prefix=""): """ >>> distrParToFilename({'N':1.1, 'sigma':0.15, 'median':33e-9}) '_median=3.3e-08_sigma=0.15_N=1.1' >>> distrParToFilename({'N':(1.,2.), 'sigma':(.2,.4), 'median':(40e-9,7e-8)}) '_median_0=4e-08_sigma_0=0.20_N_0=1_median_1=7e-08_sigma_1=0.40_N_1=2' """ return "_".join([prefix] + distrParToText(distrPar)).replace(" ", "_")
[docs] def distrParFromFilename(fn): """ >>> distrParFromFilename('_median=_33_sigma=0.15_N=1.1') == {'N':1.1, 'sigma':0.15, 'median':33} True >>> fn = '_median_0=4e-08_sigma_0=0.20_N_0=1_median_1=7e-08_sigma_1=0.40_N_1=2' >>> distrParFromFilename(fn) == {'N':(1.,2.), 'sigma':(.2,.4), 'median':(40e-9,7e-8)} True """ fn = fn.split("=") fn = [elem.lstrip("_") for elem in fn] fn = [(elem.split("_", maxsplit=1) if elem[0].isnumeric() else [elem]) for elem in fn] fn = list(itertools.chain(*fn)) result = {} for k, v in grouper(fn, 2): key = k.split("_")[0] value = float(v) if "median" == key else float(v) result[key] = ( value if key not in result else ( result[key] + (value,) if isinstance(result[key], tuple) else (result[key], value) ) ) return result