Source code for jupyter_analysis_tools.datalocations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import glob
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

from .utils import indent, isList

[docs] def getWorkDir(workDir=None, skip=False): """Find a local work dir for temporary files, created during analysis. The default is *$HOME/data*.""" if skip: # stay in the current directory if desired return os.path.abspath(".") if not workDir or not len(workDir): workDir = Path.home() / "data" else: workDir = Path(workDir).resolve() if not workDir.is_dir(): os.mkdir(workDir) print("Using '{}' as working directory.".format(workDir)) return workDir
[docs] def prepareWorkDir(workDir, srcDir, useExisting=False): """Create a temporary working directory and copy the input data (series) to it if not already present.""" # source dir has to exist if not os.path.isdir(srcDir): raise RuntimeError("Provided source directory '{}' not found!".format(srcDir)) srcDir = os.path.realpath(srcDir) # no separate work dir requested? if os.path.samefile(workDir, os.getcwd()): print("Working in current directory '{}'.".format(os.getcwd())) return srcDir # nothing to do prefix = os.path.basename(srcDir) + "_" if useExisting: # use an existing work dir, avoid copying dirs = glob.glob(os.path.join(workDir, prefix + "*")) if len(dirs): return dirs[0] # use the first match print("No existing work dir found, creating a new one.") # copy all data from src dir to a newly created work dir workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=workDir, prefix=prefix) print("Copying data to {}:".format(workDir)) for dn in os.listdir(srcDir): srcPath = os.path.join(srcDir, dn) dstPath = os.path.join(workDir, dn) if os.path.isdir(srcPath): shutil.copytree(srcPath, dstPath) print(indent, dn) if os.path.isfile(srcPath): shutil.copy(srcPath, dstPath) print(indent, dn) print("Done preparing work dir.") return workDir
[docs] def printFileList(fnlst, numParts=2, limit=20): def printlst(lst): return [print(indent, fn) for fn in lst] def shorten(lst): return [os.path.join(*Path(fn).parts[-numParts:]) for fn in lst] if len(fnlst) > limit: printlst(shorten(fnlst[:3])) print(indent, "[...]") printlst(shorten(fnlst[-3:])) else: printlst(shorten(fnlst))
[docs] def getDataDirs(dataDir, noWorkDir=False, reuseWorkDir=True, workDir=None): """Create a local work dir with a copy of the input data and for storing the results. (Data might reside in synced folders which creates massive traffic once batch processing results get replaced repeately.) Parameters ---------- noWorkDir: bool False: Copy input data to a new working dir (default), True: otherwise, use data where it is. reuseWorkDir: bool False: Create a new working dir each time, True: reuse the work dir if it exists already (default). Returns ------- A list of absolute directory paths. """ basedir = getWorkDir(workDir=workDir, skip=noWorkDir) workDir = prepareWorkDir(basedir, dataDir, useExisting=reuseWorkDir) print("Entering '{}':".format(workDir)) dirs = sorted([dn for dn in Path(workDir).iterdir() if dn.is_dir()]) dirs.append(Path(workDir)) # [print(os.path.join(*[-2:])) for dn in dirs] printFileList(dirs, numParts=1) return dirs
[docs] def getDataFiles(dataDirs, include=None, exclude=None): """Return absolute file paths from given directories.""" def getFiles(dn, include=None): if not include: include = "*" if not isList(include): include = (include,) return [path for inc in include for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(dn, inc))] if not exclude: exclude = () if not isList(exclude): exclude = (exclude,) if not isList(dataDirs): dataDirs = (dataDirs,) files = [ fn for dn in dataDirs for fn in getFiles(dn, include) if not any([(ex in fn) for ex in exclude]) ] print("{} files to be analyzed in subdirectories.".format(len(files))) return sorted(files)