
Groups are collections of parameters.

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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Groups are collections of parameters.

import copy
from ..helpers import *
from ..geometry import *
from .parameter import Parameter

class Group:
    """A collection of parameters.

    A group is used to manage a collection of parameters (i.e., the group's
    properties) and set the frame number for all of those parameters at once.

    properties : dict
        A dictionary of part-specific properties.
        The dictionary elements are usually
        `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter` objects.
    def __init__(self, name:str="", _root=None):
        self._root = _root  # root scenario object

        self._name = name
        self._properties = dict() # Properties of class Parameter.
        self._subgroups = list()
        self._alternative_names = list()

    def reset(self):
        """Reset all parameters in this group to their standard values."""
        for key in self._properties:

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:

    def json_dict(self) -> dict:
        """Create a CTSimU JSON dictionary for this group and its subgroups.

        json_dict : dict
        jd = dict()
        for key in self._properties:
            jd[key] = self.parameter(key).json_dict()

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:
            jd[subgroup.get_name()] = subgroup.json_dict()

        return jd

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_name(self, name:str):
        self._name = name

    def add_alternative_name(self, alternative_name:str):
        if isinstance(alternative_name, str):
            raise TypeError("add_alternative_name: given alternative is not a string.")

    def new_subgroup(self, subgroup_name:str, array=False) -> 'Group':
        if isinstance(subgroup_name, str):
            if subgroup_name == "":
                raise Exception("new_subgroup: empty subgroup_name. Please give a name for the subgroup.")

            if subgroup_name.startswith("_"):
                raise Exception("new_subgroup: subgroup_name cannot start with an underscore: _.")

            if not array:
                subgroup = Group(name=subgroup_name, _root=self._root)
                subgroup = Array(name=subgroup_name, _root=self._root)

            self.__setattr__(subgroup_name, subgroup)

            return subgroup
            raise TypeError("new_subgroup: given subgroup_name is not a string.")

    def parameter(self, key:str) -> 'Parameter':
        """The parameter object behind a given property `key`.

        key : str
            Identifier for the requested property.

        p : ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter
            Parameter for the requested property.
        if key in self._properties:
            return self._properties[key]
            raise Exception(f"Part '{self._name}' does not have a property called '{key}'.")

    def get(self, key:str) -> float | str | bool:
        """The current value for a given property `key`.

        key : str or list
            If key is a string: identifier for the local requested property.
            If key is a list of strings: key sequence to identify an
            item in a subgroup.

        current_value : float or str or bool
            Current value of the requested property.
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return self.parameter(key).current_value
        elif isinstance(key, list):
            if len(key) == 1:
                # Only one item in the list: return parameter value.
                return self.parameter(key[0]).current_value
            elif len(key) == 0:
                raise Exception("Get: empty list does not identify a valid key.")
                next_in_line = key[0]
                # Identify the subgroup that is meant by the next keyword in line:
                for s in self._subgroups:
                    if s._name == next_in_line:
                        # Get the key element from the subgroup, remove
                        # this 'next_in_line' from the front of the list:
                        return s.get(key[1:])

        raise Exception("Get: please give a valid key string or list of strings")

    def standard_value(self, key:str) -> float | str | bool:
        """The standard value for a given property `key`
        (i.e., the value unaffected by drifts).

        key : str
            Identifier for the requested property.

        standard_value : float or str or bool
            Standard value of the requested property.
        return self.parameter(key).standard_value

    def changed(self, key:str) -> bool:
        """Has the property changed its value since the last acknowledgment?
        The method `acknowledge_change` should be used to acknowledge
        a change of the value.

        key : str
            Identifier for the requested property.

        changed : bool
            `True` if the requested property has changed since the
            last acknowledgment, `False` if not.
        return self.parameter(key).changed()

    def set(self, key:str, value, native_unit:str="undefined", simple:bool=False, valid_values:list=None):
        """Set a property value in the group's properties dictionary.
        This function sets the respective parameter's standard value.
        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
        the parameter is reset (i.e., all its drifts are deleted) before the new
        standard value is set.

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        value : float or str or bool
            New standard value for the property.

        native_unit : str, optional
            The native unit of the property.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        simple : bool
            Set to `True` if the parameter is represented
            as a single value in the JSON file instead of a
            parameter object.

        valid_values : list
            A list of acceptable standard values for the parameter.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key in self._properties:
            # Already exists in dict.
            # Reset parameter and set its standard value:
            if native_unit != "undefined":

            # Property does not yet exist.
            if native_unit == "undefined":
                # If no native unit is specified, set it to `None`.
                native_unit = None

            # Create new parameter:
            new_parameter = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=value, simple=simple, valid_values=valid_values, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_parameter

            # Make the new parameter an attribute of self:
            self.__setattr__(key, new_parameter)

    def check(self):
        # Virtual function for consistency checks.
        # Needs specific implementations in children.
        return True

    def acknowledge_change(self, key:str, new_change_state:bool=False):
        """Acknowledge a change of a property value due to a drift.
        After the acknowledgment, the method `changed`
        will return the `new_change_state` value (standard: `False`).

        new_change_state : bool, optional
            The new state to be returned by the method `changed`.
            Standard value: `False`.

    def set_parameter(self, key:str, parameter:'Parameter'):
        """Set the internal property that is identified by the
        given property `key` to the given `parameter`.

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        parameter : ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter
            Parameter object for the given property `key`.

        self._properties[key] = parameter

    def set_parameter_value(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequence:list, native_unit:str=None, fail_value=None) -> bool:
        """Set the value for the parameter that is identified
        by the property `key` in the internal properties dictionary.
        The new value is taken from the given JSON `dictionary`
        and located by the given `key_sequence`.

        If no value can be found at the given `key_sequence`,
        the `fail_value` is used instead.

        A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
        not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
        In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
        is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
        it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        dictionary : dict
            CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

        key_sequence : list
            List of strings that identify the key sequence where the
            value is found in the given JSON structure.

        native_unit : str
            Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
            for the given `key` does not yet exist.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
            Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
            at the given `key_sequences`.

        success : bool
            `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
            from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
            found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key not in self._properties:
            # If not, create a new parameter object
            # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
            new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=None, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_param

        # Extract the value and set it as standard value:
        value = get_value(dictionary, key_sequence, fail_value="undefined")
        if value != "undefined":
            # Getting the value succeeded.
            self.set(key, value)
            return True
            # Getting the value failed or it is
            # not defined in the JSON file. Use
            # the fail_value instead and return `False`.
            self.set(key, fail_value)
            return False

        return False

    def set_parameter_from_key(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequence:list, fail_value="undefined", native_unit:str=None) -> bool:
        """Set up a parameter object for the given
        property `key` from the `key_sequence` in the given `dictionary`.
        The object located at the key sequence must at least
        have a `value` property.

        If no value can be found at the given `key_sequence`,
        the `fail_value` is used instead.

        A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
        not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
        In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
        is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
        it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        dictionary : dict
            CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

        key_sequence : list
            List of strings that identify the key sequence where the
            parameter is found in the given JSON structure.

        fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
            Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
            at the given `key_sequences`.

        native_unit : str
            Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
            for the given `key` does not yet exist.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        success : bool
            `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
            from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
            found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key not in self._properties:
            # If not, create a new parameter object
            # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
            new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=fail_value, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_param

        # Try to set up the parameter:
        if not self._properties[key].set_parameter_from_key(dictionary, key_sequence):
            # Use fail value if this failed:
            if fail_value != "undefined":
                self.set(key, fail_value)

            return False

        return True

    def set_parameter_from_possible_keys(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequences:list, native_unit:str=None, fail_value="undefined") -> bool:
        """Set up a parameter object for the given
        property `key` from the first matching key sequence in
        the `key_sequences` list. The object located at a
        key sequence must at least have a `value` property.

        If no value can be found at the given `key_sequences`,
        or no key sequence matches, the `fail_value` is used instead.

        A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
        not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
        In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
        is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties
        dictionary, it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        dictionary : dict
            CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

        key_sequences : list
            List of lists of strings that identify the key sequences
            where the parameter may be found in the given JSON structure.

        native_unit : str
            Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
            for the given `key` does not yet exist.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
            Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
            at the given `key_sequences`.

        success : bool
            `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
            from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
            found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key not in self._properties:
            # If not, create a new parameter object
            # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
            new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=fail_value, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_param

        if not self._properties[key].set_parameter_from_possible_keys(dictionary, key_sequences):
            # Use fail value if this failed:
            if fail_value != "undefined":
                self.set(key, fail_value)

            return False

        return True

    def set_from_json(self, json_obj:dict):
        """Set all properties of this group from the
        properties in the given `json_obj`. The group's
        property keys must match the keys in the `json_obj`.

        Very simple implementation that only works for
        trivial, linear (i.e., non-nested) parameter groups.
        Usually, this function is meant to be replaced by
        the child which inherits from the `Group` class.

        json_obj : dict
            A group of properties from a CTSimU JSON scenario
            that matches this group's properties.

        if json_obj is None:

        for key in self._properties:
                self.set_parameter_from_key(key, json_obj, [key], fail_value=self.parameter(key).fail_value)
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(f"Error setting key '{key}' of '{self._name}': {e}")

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:
            json_subobj = None

            # Check if subgroup's name is in json_obj,
            # extract if found:
            if subgroup.get_name() in json_obj:
                json_subobj = json_extract(json_obj, [subgroup.get_name()])
                # If subgroup is not found, try alternative names:
                for alternative_name in subgroup._alternative_names:
                    if alternative_name in json_obj:
                        json_subobj = json_extract(json_obj, [alternative_name])


    def set_frame(self, frame:float, n_frames:int, reconstruction:bool=False):
        Set up the group for the given `frame` number, obeying all drifts.

        frame : float
            Current frame number.

        n_frames : int
            Total number of frames in scan.

        reconstruction : bool
            If `True`, set frame as seen by reconstruction software.
            Default: `False`.

        # Set the frame for all elements of the properties dictionary:
        for key in self._properties:

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:
            subgroup.set_frame(frame, n_frames, reconstruction)

class Array(Group):
    """Array of objects that are all of the same kind, such as
    the CTSimU materials list."""
    def __init__(self, name:str="", _root=None):
        self._root = _root  # root scenario object

        Group.__init__(self, name, _root)
        self._elements = []

    def reset(self):
        for element in self._elements:

        # Clear array:
        self._elements = []

    def json_dict(self) -> list:
        jd = list()
        for element in self._elements:

        return jd

    def get(self, i:int):
        if isinstance(i, int):
            if i < len(self._elements):
                return self._elements[i]
        elif isinstance(i, list):
            pos = i[0]
            if isinstance(pos, int):
                return self._elements[pos].get(i[1:])
                raise Exception(f"'{pos}' does not identify a position in the array '{self._name}'. Please provide an integer.")

        raise Exception(f"Array '{self._name}': cannot get element at key sequence {i}.")

    def n_elements(self):
        return len(self._elements)

    def add_element(self, json_obj:dict):
        # Create new group:
        new_group = Group()
        new_group._properties = copy.deepcopy(self._properties)
        new_group._subgroups  = copy.deepcopy(self._subgroups)


    def set_from_json(self, json_obj:list):
        if json_obj is None:
            self._elements = list()

        if isinstance(json_obj, list):
            for element in json_obj:
            # Given object is not a list. Try to interpret as single object.
            if isinstance(json_obj, dict):
                raise TypeError("Array: set_from_json: given object is neither a list nor a single JSON dictionary.")

    def set_frame(self, frame:float, n_frames:int, reconstruction:bool=False):
        Set up the group for the given `frame` number.

        frame : float
            Current frame number.

        n_frames : int
            Total number of frames in scan.

        reconstruction : bool
            If `True`, set frame as seen by reconstruction software.
            Default: `False`.

        for element in self._elements:
            element.set_frame(frame, n_frames, reconstruction)


class Array (name: str = '')

Array of objects that are all of the same kind, such as the CTSimU materials list.

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class Array(Group):
    """Array of objects that are all of the same kind, such as
    the CTSimU materials list."""
    def __init__(self, name:str="", _root=None):
        self._root = _root  # root scenario object

        Group.__init__(self, name, _root)
        self._elements = []

    def reset(self):
        for element in self._elements:

        # Clear array:
        self._elements = []

    def json_dict(self) -> list:
        jd = list()
        for element in self._elements:

        return jd

    def get(self, i:int):
        if isinstance(i, int):
            if i < len(self._elements):
                return self._elements[i]
        elif isinstance(i, list):
            pos = i[0]
            if isinstance(pos, int):
                return self._elements[pos].get(i[1:])
                raise Exception(f"'{pos}' does not identify a position in the array '{self._name}'. Please provide an integer.")

        raise Exception(f"Array '{self._name}': cannot get element at key sequence {i}.")

    def n_elements(self):
        return len(self._elements)

    def add_element(self, json_obj:dict):
        # Create new group:
        new_group = Group()
        new_group._properties = copy.deepcopy(self._properties)
        new_group._subgroups  = copy.deepcopy(self._subgroups)


    def set_from_json(self, json_obj:list):
        if json_obj is None:
            self._elements = list()

        if isinstance(json_obj, list):
            for element in json_obj:
            # Given object is not a list. Try to interpret as single object.
            if isinstance(json_obj, dict):
                raise TypeError("Array: set_from_json: given object is neither a list nor a single JSON dictionary.")

    def set_frame(self, frame:float, n_frames:int, reconstruction:bool=False):
        Set up the group for the given `frame` number.

        frame : float
            Current frame number.

        n_frames : int
            Total number of frames in scan.

        reconstruction : bool
            If `True`, set frame as seen by reconstruction software.
            Default: `False`.

        for element in self._elements:
            element.set_frame(frame, n_frames, reconstruction)



def add_element(self, json_obj: dict)
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def add_element(self, json_obj:dict):
    # Create new group:
    new_group = Group()
    new_group._properties = copy.deepcopy(self._properties)
    new_group._subgroups  = copy.deepcopy(self._subgroups)

def n_elements(self)
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def n_elements(self):
    return len(self._elements)
def set_frame(self, frame: float, n_frames: int, reconstruction: bool = False)

Set up the group for the given frame number.


frame : float
Current frame number.
n_frames : int
Total number of frames in scan.
reconstruction : bool
If True, set frame as seen by reconstruction software. Default: False.
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def set_frame(self, frame:float, n_frames:int, reconstruction:bool=False):
    Set up the group for the given `frame` number.

    frame : float
        Current frame number.

    n_frames : int
        Total number of frames in scan.

    reconstruction : bool
        If `True`, set frame as seen by reconstruction software.
        Default: `False`.

    for element in self._elements:
        element.set_frame(frame, n_frames, reconstruction)

Inherited members

class Group (name: str = '')

A collection of parameters.

A group is used to manage a collection of parameters (i.e., the group's properties) and set the frame number for all of those parameters at once.


properties : dict
A dictionary of part-specific properties. The dictionary elements are usually Parameter objects.
Expand source code
class Group:
    """A collection of parameters.

    A group is used to manage a collection of parameters (i.e., the group's
    properties) and set the frame number for all of those parameters at once.

    properties : dict
        A dictionary of part-specific properties.
        The dictionary elements are usually
        `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter` objects.
    def __init__(self, name:str="", _root=None):
        self._root = _root  # root scenario object

        self._name = name
        self._properties = dict() # Properties of class Parameter.
        self._subgroups = list()
        self._alternative_names = list()

    def reset(self):
        """Reset all parameters in this group to their standard values."""
        for key in self._properties:

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:

    def json_dict(self) -> dict:
        """Create a CTSimU JSON dictionary for this group and its subgroups.

        json_dict : dict
        jd = dict()
        for key in self._properties:
            jd[key] = self.parameter(key).json_dict()

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:
            jd[subgroup.get_name()] = subgroup.json_dict()

        return jd

    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_name(self, name:str):
        self._name = name

    def add_alternative_name(self, alternative_name:str):
        if isinstance(alternative_name, str):
            raise TypeError("add_alternative_name: given alternative is not a string.")

    def new_subgroup(self, subgroup_name:str, array=False) -> 'Group':
        if isinstance(subgroup_name, str):
            if subgroup_name == "":
                raise Exception("new_subgroup: empty subgroup_name. Please give a name for the subgroup.")

            if subgroup_name.startswith("_"):
                raise Exception("new_subgroup: subgroup_name cannot start with an underscore: _.")

            if not array:
                subgroup = Group(name=subgroup_name, _root=self._root)
                subgroup = Array(name=subgroup_name, _root=self._root)

            self.__setattr__(subgroup_name, subgroup)

            return subgroup
            raise TypeError("new_subgroup: given subgroup_name is not a string.")

    def parameter(self, key:str) -> 'Parameter':
        """The parameter object behind a given property `key`.

        key : str
            Identifier for the requested property.

        p : ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter
            Parameter for the requested property.
        if key in self._properties:
            return self._properties[key]
            raise Exception(f"Part '{self._name}' does not have a property called '{key}'.")

    def get(self, key:str) -> float | str | bool:
        """The current value for a given property `key`.

        key : str or list
            If key is a string: identifier for the local requested property.
            If key is a list of strings: key sequence to identify an
            item in a subgroup.

        current_value : float or str or bool
            Current value of the requested property.
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return self.parameter(key).current_value
        elif isinstance(key, list):
            if len(key) == 1:
                # Only one item in the list: return parameter value.
                return self.parameter(key[0]).current_value
            elif len(key) == 0:
                raise Exception("Get: empty list does not identify a valid key.")
                next_in_line = key[0]
                # Identify the subgroup that is meant by the next keyword in line:
                for s in self._subgroups:
                    if s._name == next_in_line:
                        # Get the key element from the subgroup, remove
                        # this 'next_in_line' from the front of the list:
                        return s.get(key[1:])

        raise Exception("Get: please give a valid key string or list of strings")

    def standard_value(self, key:str) -> float | str | bool:
        """The standard value for a given property `key`
        (i.e., the value unaffected by drifts).

        key : str
            Identifier for the requested property.

        standard_value : float or str or bool
            Standard value of the requested property.
        return self.parameter(key).standard_value

    def changed(self, key:str) -> bool:
        """Has the property changed its value since the last acknowledgment?
        The method `acknowledge_change` should be used to acknowledge
        a change of the value.

        key : str
            Identifier for the requested property.

        changed : bool
            `True` if the requested property has changed since the
            last acknowledgment, `False` if not.
        return self.parameter(key).changed()

    def set(self, key:str, value, native_unit:str="undefined", simple:bool=False, valid_values:list=None):
        """Set a property value in the group's properties dictionary.
        This function sets the respective parameter's standard value.
        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
        the parameter is reset (i.e., all its drifts are deleted) before the new
        standard value is set.

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        value : float or str or bool
            New standard value for the property.

        native_unit : str, optional
            The native unit of the property.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        simple : bool
            Set to `True` if the parameter is represented
            as a single value in the JSON file instead of a
            parameter object.

        valid_values : list
            A list of acceptable standard values for the parameter.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key in self._properties:
            # Already exists in dict.
            # Reset parameter and set its standard value:
            if native_unit != "undefined":

            # Property does not yet exist.
            if native_unit == "undefined":
                # If no native unit is specified, set it to `None`.
                native_unit = None

            # Create new parameter:
            new_parameter = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=value, simple=simple, valid_values=valid_values, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_parameter

            # Make the new parameter an attribute of self:
            self.__setattr__(key, new_parameter)

    def check(self):
        # Virtual function for consistency checks.
        # Needs specific implementations in children.
        return True

    def acknowledge_change(self, key:str, new_change_state:bool=False):
        """Acknowledge a change of a property value due to a drift.
        After the acknowledgment, the method `changed`
        will return the `new_change_state` value (standard: `False`).

        new_change_state : bool, optional
            The new state to be returned by the method `changed`.
            Standard value: `False`.

    def set_parameter(self, key:str, parameter:'Parameter'):
        """Set the internal property that is identified by the
        given property `key` to the given `parameter`.

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        parameter : ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter
            Parameter object for the given property `key`.

        self._properties[key] = parameter

    def set_parameter_value(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequence:list, native_unit:str=None, fail_value=None) -> bool:
        """Set the value for the parameter that is identified
        by the property `key` in the internal properties dictionary.
        The new value is taken from the given JSON `dictionary`
        and located by the given `key_sequence`.

        If no value can be found at the given `key_sequence`,
        the `fail_value` is used instead.

        A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
        not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
        In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
        is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
        it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        dictionary : dict
            CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

        key_sequence : list
            List of strings that identify the key sequence where the
            value is found in the given JSON structure.

        native_unit : str
            Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
            for the given `key` does not yet exist.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
            Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
            at the given `key_sequences`.

        success : bool
            `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
            from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
            found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key not in self._properties:
            # If not, create a new parameter object
            # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
            new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=None, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_param

        # Extract the value and set it as standard value:
        value = get_value(dictionary, key_sequence, fail_value="undefined")
        if value != "undefined":
            # Getting the value succeeded.
            self.set(key, value)
            return True
            # Getting the value failed or it is
            # not defined in the JSON file. Use
            # the fail_value instead and return `False`.
            self.set(key, fail_value)
            return False

        return False

    def set_parameter_from_key(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequence:list, fail_value="undefined", native_unit:str=None) -> bool:
        """Set up a parameter object for the given
        property `key` from the `key_sequence` in the given `dictionary`.
        The object located at the key sequence must at least
        have a `value` property.

        If no value can be found at the given `key_sequence`,
        the `fail_value` is used instead.

        A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
        not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
        In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
        is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
        it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        dictionary : dict
            CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

        key_sequence : list
            List of strings that identify the key sequence where the
            parameter is found in the given JSON structure.

        fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
            Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
            at the given `key_sequences`.

        native_unit : str
            Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
            for the given `key` does not yet exist.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        success : bool
            `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
            from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
            found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key not in self._properties:
            # If not, create a new parameter object
            # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
            new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=fail_value, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_param

        # Try to set up the parameter:
        if not self._properties[key].set_parameter_from_key(dictionary, key_sequence):
            # Use fail value if this failed:
            if fail_value != "undefined":
                self.set(key, fail_value)

            return False

        return True

    def set_parameter_from_possible_keys(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequences:list, native_unit:str=None, fail_value="undefined") -> bool:
        """Set up a parameter object for the given
        property `key` from the first matching key sequence in
        the `key_sequences` list. The object located at a
        key sequence must at least have a `value` property.

        If no value can be found at the given `key_sequences`,
        or no key sequence matches, the `fail_value` is used instead.

        A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
        not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
        In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
        is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

        If the parameter already exists in the internal properties
        dictionary, it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

        key : str
            Identifier for the property to be set.

        dictionary : dict
            CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

        key_sequences : list
            List of lists of strings that identify the key sequences
            where the parameter may be found in the given JSON structure.

        native_unit : str
            Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
            for the given `key` does not yet exist.
            Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

        fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
            Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
            at the given `key_sequences`.

        success : bool
            `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
            from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
            found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

        # Check if the property already exists:
        if key not in self._properties:
            # If not, create a new parameter object
            # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
            new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=fail_value, _root=self._root)
            self._properties[key] = new_param

        if not self._properties[key].set_parameter_from_possible_keys(dictionary, key_sequences):
            # Use fail value if this failed:
            if fail_value != "undefined":
                self.set(key, fail_value)

            return False

        return True

    def set_from_json(self, json_obj:dict):
        """Set all properties of this group from the
        properties in the given `json_obj`. The group's
        property keys must match the keys in the `json_obj`.

        Very simple implementation that only works for
        trivial, linear (i.e., non-nested) parameter groups.
        Usually, this function is meant to be replaced by
        the child which inherits from the `Group` class.

        json_obj : dict
            A group of properties from a CTSimU JSON scenario
            that matches this group's properties.

        if json_obj is None:

        for key in self._properties:
                self.set_parameter_from_key(key, json_obj, [key], fail_value=self.parameter(key).fail_value)
            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception(f"Error setting key '{key}' of '{self._name}': {e}")

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:
            json_subobj = None

            # Check if subgroup's name is in json_obj,
            # extract if found:
            if subgroup.get_name() in json_obj:
                json_subobj = json_extract(json_obj, [subgroup.get_name()])
                # If subgroup is not found, try alternative names:
                for alternative_name in subgroup._alternative_names:
                    if alternative_name in json_obj:
                        json_subobj = json_extract(json_obj, [alternative_name])


    def set_frame(self, frame:float, n_frames:int, reconstruction:bool=False):
        Set up the group for the given `frame` number, obeying all drifts.

        frame : float
            Current frame number.

        n_frames : int
            Total number of frames in scan.

        reconstruction : bool
            If `True`, set frame as seen by reconstruction software.
            Default: `False`.

        # Set the frame for all elements of the properties dictionary:
        for key in self._properties:

        for subgroup in self._subgroups:
            subgroup.set_frame(frame, n_frames, reconstruction)



def acknowledge_change(self, key: str, new_change_state: bool = False)

Acknowledge a change of a property value due to a drift. After the acknowledgment, the method changed will return the new_change_state value (standard: False).


new_change_state : bool, optional
The new state to be returned by the method changed. Standard value: False.
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def acknowledge_change(self, key:str, new_change_state:bool=False):
    """Acknowledge a change of a property value due to a drift.
    After the acknowledgment, the method `changed`
    will return the `new_change_state` value (standard: `False`).

    new_change_state : bool, optional
        The new state to be returned by the method `changed`.
        Standard value: `False`.
def add_alternative_name(self, alternative_name: str)
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def add_alternative_name(self, alternative_name:str):
    if isinstance(alternative_name, str):
        raise TypeError("add_alternative_name: given alternative is not a string.")
def changed(self, key: str) ‑> bool

Has the property changed its value since the last acknowledgment? The method acknowledge_change should be used to acknowledge a change of the value.


key : str
Identifier for the requested property.


changed : bool
True if the requested property has changed since the last acknowledgment, False if not.
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def changed(self, key:str) -> bool:
    """Has the property changed its value since the last acknowledgment?
    The method `acknowledge_change` should be used to acknowledge
    a change of the value.

    key : str
        Identifier for the requested property.

    changed : bool
        `True` if the requested property has changed since the
        last acknowledgment, `False` if not.
    return self.parameter(key).changed()
def check(self)
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def check(self):
    # Virtual function for consistency checks.
    # Needs specific implementations in children.
    return True
def get(self, key: str) ‑> float | str | bool

The current value for a given property key.


key : str or list
If key is a string: identifier for the local requested property. If key is a list of strings: key sequence to identify an item in a subgroup.


current_value : float or str or bool
Current value of the requested property.
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def get(self, key:str) -> float | str | bool:
    """The current value for a given property `key`.

    key : str or list
        If key is a string: identifier for the local requested property.
        If key is a list of strings: key sequence to identify an
        item in a subgroup.

    current_value : float or str or bool
        Current value of the requested property.
    if isinstance(key, str):
        return self.parameter(key).current_value
    elif isinstance(key, list):
        if len(key) == 1:
            # Only one item in the list: return parameter value.
            return self.parameter(key[0]).current_value
        elif len(key) == 0:
            raise Exception("Get: empty list does not identify a valid key.")
            next_in_line = key[0]
            # Identify the subgroup that is meant by the next keyword in line:
            for s in self._subgroups:
                if s._name == next_in_line:
                    # Get the key element from the subgroup, remove
                    # this 'next_in_line' from the front of the list:
                    return s.get(key[1:])

    raise Exception("Get: please give a valid key string or list of strings")
def get_name(self)
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def get_name(self):
    return self._name
def json_dict(self) ‑> dict

Create a CTSimU JSON dictionary for this group and its subgroups.


json_dict : dict
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def json_dict(self) -> dict:
    """Create a CTSimU JSON dictionary for this group and its subgroups.

    json_dict : dict
    jd = dict()
    for key in self._properties:
        jd[key] = self.parameter(key).json_dict()

    for subgroup in self._subgroups:
        jd[subgroup.get_name()] = subgroup.json_dict()

    return jd
def new_subgroup(self, subgroup_name: str, array=False) ‑> Group
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def new_subgroup(self, subgroup_name:str, array=False) -> 'Group':
    if isinstance(subgroup_name, str):
        if subgroup_name == "":
            raise Exception("new_subgroup: empty subgroup_name. Please give a name for the subgroup.")

        if subgroup_name.startswith("_"):
            raise Exception("new_subgroup: subgroup_name cannot start with an underscore: _.")

        if not array:
            subgroup = Group(name=subgroup_name, _root=self._root)
            subgroup = Array(name=subgroup_name, _root=self._root)

        self.__setattr__(subgroup_name, subgroup)

        return subgroup
        raise TypeError("new_subgroup: given subgroup_name is not a string.")
def parameter(self, key: str) ‑> Parameter

The parameter object behind a given property key.


key : str
Identifier for the requested property.


p : Parameter
Parameter for the requested property.
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def parameter(self, key:str) -> 'Parameter':
    """The parameter object behind a given property `key`.

    key : str
        Identifier for the requested property.

    p : ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter
        Parameter for the requested property.
    if key in self._properties:
        return self._properties[key]
        raise Exception(f"Part '{self._name}' does not have a property called '{key}'.")
def reset(self)

Reset all parameters in this group to their standard values.

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def reset(self):
    """Reset all parameters in this group to their standard values."""
    for key in self._properties:

    for subgroup in self._subgroups:
def set(self, key: str, value, native_unit: str = 'undefined', simple: bool = False, valid_values: list = None)

Set a property value in the group's properties dictionary. This function sets the respective parameter's standard value. If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary, the parameter is reset (i.e., all its drifts are deleted) before the new standard value is set.


key : str
Identifier for the property to be set.
value : float or str or bool
New standard value for the property.
native_unit : str, optional
The native unit of the property. Possible values: None, "mm", "rad", "deg", "s", "mA", "kV", "g/cm^3", "lp/mm", "deg/s", "C", "bool", "string".
simple : bool
Set to True if the parameter is represented as a single value in the JSON file instead of a parameter object.
valid_values : list
A list of acceptable standard values for the parameter.
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def set(self, key:str, value, native_unit:str="undefined", simple:bool=False, valid_values:list=None):
    """Set a property value in the group's properties dictionary.
    This function sets the respective parameter's standard value.
    If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
    the parameter is reset (i.e., all its drifts are deleted) before the new
    standard value is set.

    key : str
        Identifier for the property to be set.

    value : float or str or bool
        New standard value for the property.

    native_unit : str, optional
        The native unit of the property.
        Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

    simple : bool
        Set to `True` if the parameter is represented
        as a single value in the JSON file instead of a
        parameter object.

    valid_values : list
        A list of acceptable standard values for the parameter.

    # Check if the property already exists:
    if key in self._properties:
        # Already exists in dict.
        # Reset parameter and set its standard value:
        if native_unit != "undefined":

        # Property does not yet exist.
        if native_unit == "undefined":
            # If no native unit is specified, set it to `None`.
            native_unit = None

        # Create new parameter:
        new_parameter = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=value, simple=simple, valid_values=valid_values, _root=self._root)
        self._properties[key] = new_parameter

        # Make the new parameter an attribute of self:
        self.__setattr__(key, new_parameter)
def set_frame(self, frame: float, n_frames: int, reconstruction: bool = False)

Set up the group for the given frame number, obeying all drifts.


frame : float
Current frame number.
n_frames : int
Total number of frames in scan.
reconstruction : bool
If True, set frame as seen by reconstruction software. Default: False.
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def set_frame(self, frame:float, n_frames:int, reconstruction:bool=False):
    Set up the group for the given `frame` number, obeying all drifts.

    frame : float
        Current frame number.

    n_frames : int
        Total number of frames in scan.

    reconstruction : bool
        If `True`, set frame as seen by reconstruction software.
        Default: `False`.

    # Set the frame for all elements of the properties dictionary:
    for key in self._properties:

    for subgroup in self._subgroups:
        subgroup.set_frame(frame, n_frames, reconstruction)
def set_from_json(self, json_obj: dict)

Set all properties of this group from the properties in the given json_obj. The group's property keys must match the keys in the json_obj.

Very simple implementation that only works for trivial, linear (i.e., non-nested) parameter groups. Usually, this function is meant to be replaced by the child which inherits from the Group class.


json_obj : dict
A group of properties from a CTSimU JSON scenario that matches this group's properties.
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def set_from_json(self, json_obj:dict):
    """Set all properties of this group from the
    properties in the given `json_obj`. The group's
    property keys must match the keys in the `json_obj`.

    Very simple implementation that only works for
    trivial, linear (i.e., non-nested) parameter groups.
    Usually, this function is meant to be replaced by
    the child which inherits from the `Group` class.

    json_obj : dict
        A group of properties from a CTSimU JSON scenario
        that matches this group's properties.

    if json_obj is None:

    for key in self._properties:
            self.set_parameter_from_key(key, json_obj, [key], fail_value=self.parameter(key).fail_value)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(f"Error setting key '{key}' of '{self._name}': {e}")

    for subgroup in self._subgroups:
        json_subobj = None

        # Check if subgroup's name is in json_obj,
        # extract if found:
        if subgroup.get_name() in json_obj:
            json_subobj = json_extract(json_obj, [subgroup.get_name()])
            # If subgroup is not found, try alternative names:
            for alternative_name in subgroup._alternative_names:
                if alternative_name in json_obj:
                    json_subobj = json_extract(json_obj, [alternative_name])

def set_name(self, name: str)
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def set_name(self, name:str):
    self._name = name
def set_parameter(self, key: str, parameter: Parameter)

Set the internal property that is identified by the given property key to the given parameter.


key : str
Identifier for the property to be set.
parameter : Parameter
Parameter object for the given property key.
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def set_parameter(self, key:str, parameter:'Parameter'):
    """Set the internal property that is identified by the
    given property `key` to the given `parameter`.

    key : str
        Identifier for the property to be set.

    parameter : ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter
        Parameter object for the given property `key`.

    self._properties[key] = parameter
def set_parameter_from_key(self, key: str, dictionary: dict, key_sequence: list, fail_value='undefined', native_unit: str = None) ‑> bool

Set up a parameter object for the given property key from the key_sequence in the given dictionary. The object located at the key sequence must at least have a value property.

If no value can be found at the given key_sequence, the fail_value is used instead.

A native_unit can be provided in case the property does not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary. In this case, a new Parameter is created for the property and given the native_unit.

If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary, it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).


key : str
Identifier for the property to be set.
dictionary : dict
CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.
key_sequence : list
List of strings that identify the key sequence where the parameter is found in the given JSON structure.
fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
Value to be used if no value can be found in the given dictionary at the given key_sequences.
native_unit : str
Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter for the given key does not yet exist. Possible values: None, "mm", "rad", "deg", "s", "mA", "kV", "g/cm^3", "lp/mm", "deg/s", "C", "bool", "string".


success : bool
True if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter from the dictionary. False if no valid value has been found and possibly the fail_value had to be used instead.
Expand source code
def set_parameter_from_key(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequence:list, fail_value="undefined", native_unit:str=None) -> bool:
    """Set up a parameter object for the given
    property `key` from the `key_sequence` in the given `dictionary`.
    The object located at the key sequence must at least
    have a `value` property.

    If no value can be found at the given `key_sequence`,
    the `fail_value` is used instead.

    A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
    not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
    In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
    is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

    If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
    it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

    key : str
        Identifier for the property to be set.

    dictionary : dict
        CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

    key_sequence : list
        List of strings that identify the key sequence where the
        parameter is found in the given JSON structure.

    fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
        Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
        at the given `key_sequences`.

    native_unit : str
        Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
        for the given `key` does not yet exist.
        Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

    success : bool
        `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
        from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
        found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

    # Check if the property already exists:
    if key not in self._properties:
        # If not, create a new parameter object
        # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
        new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=fail_value, _root=self._root)
        self._properties[key] = new_param

    # Try to set up the parameter:
    if not self._properties[key].set_parameter_from_key(dictionary, key_sequence):
        # Use fail value if this failed:
        if fail_value != "undefined":
            self.set(key, fail_value)

        return False

    return True
def set_parameter_from_possible_keys(self, key: str, dictionary: dict, key_sequences: list, native_unit: str = None, fail_value='undefined') ‑> bool

Set up a parameter object for the given property key from the first matching key sequence in the key_sequences list. The object located at a key sequence must at least have a value property.

If no value can be found at the given key_sequences, or no key sequence matches, the fail_value is used instead.

A native_unit can be provided in case the property does not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary. In this case, a new Parameter is created for the property and given the native_unit.

If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary, it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).


key : str
Identifier for the property to be set.
dictionary : dict
CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.
key_sequences : list
List of lists of strings that identify the key sequences where the parameter may be found in the given JSON structure.
native_unit : str
Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter for the given key does not yet exist. Possible values: None, "mm", "rad", "deg", "s", "mA", "kV", "g/cm^3", "lp/mm", "deg/s", "C", "bool", "string".
fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
Value to be used if no value can be found in the given dictionary at the given key_sequences.


success : bool
True if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter from the dictionary. False if no valid value has been found and possibly the fail_value had to be used instead.
Expand source code
def set_parameter_from_possible_keys(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequences:list, native_unit:str=None, fail_value="undefined") -> bool:
    """Set up a parameter object for the given
    property `key` from the first matching key sequence in
    the `key_sequences` list. The object located at a
    key sequence must at least have a `value` property.

    If no value can be found at the given `key_sequences`,
    or no key sequence matches, the `fail_value` is used instead.

    A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
    not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
    In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
    is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

    If the parameter already exists in the internal properties
    dictionary, it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

    key : str
        Identifier for the property to be set.

    dictionary : dict
        CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

    key_sequences : list
        List of lists of strings that identify the key sequences
        where the parameter may be found in the given JSON structure.

    native_unit : str
        Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
        for the given `key` does not yet exist.
        Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

    fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
        Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
        at the given `key_sequences`.

    success : bool
        `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
        from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
        found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

    # Check if the property already exists:
    if key not in self._properties:
        # If not, create a new parameter object
        # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
        new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=fail_value, _root=self._root)
        self._properties[key] = new_param

    if not self._properties[key].set_parameter_from_possible_keys(dictionary, key_sequences):
        # Use fail value if this failed:
        if fail_value != "undefined":
            self.set(key, fail_value)

        return False

    return True
def set_parameter_value(self, key: str, dictionary: dict, key_sequence: list, native_unit: str = None, fail_value=None) ‑> bool

Set the value for the parameter that is identified by the property key in the internal properties dictionary. The new value is taken from the given JSON dictionary and located by the given key_sequence.

If no value can be found at the given key_sequence, the fail_value is used instead.

A native_unit can be provided in case the property does not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary. In this case, a new Parameter is created for the property and given the native_unit.

If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary, it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).


key : str
Identifier for the property to be set.
dictionary : dict
CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.
key_sequence : list
List of strings that identify the key sequence where the value is found in the given JSON structure.
native_unit : str
Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter for the given key does not yet exist. Possible values: None, "mm", "rad", "deg", "s", "mA", "kV", "g/cm^3", "lp/mm", "deg/s", "C", "bool", "string".
fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
Value to be used if no value can be found in the given dictionary at the given key_sequences.


success : bool
True if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter from the dictionary. False if no valid value has been found and possibly the fail_value had to be used instead.
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def set_parameter_value(self, key:str, dictionary:dict, key_sequence:list, native_unit:str=None, fail_value=None) -> bool:
    """Set the value for the parameter that is identified
    by the property `key` in the internal properties dictionary.
    The new value is taken from the given JSON `dictionary`
    and located by the given `key_sequence`.

    If no value can be found at the given `key_sequence`,
    the `fail_value` is used instead.

    A `native_unit` can be provided in case the `property` does
    not yet exist in the internal properties dictionary.
    In this case, a new `ctsimu.scenario.parameter.Parameter`
    is created for the property and given the `native_unit`.

    If the parameter already exists in the internal properties dictionary,
    it is reset (i.e., all drifts are deleted).

    key : str
        Identifier for the property to be set.

    dictionary : dict
        CTSimU JSON structure for value, unit, drifts and uncertainty.

    key_sequence : list
        List of strings that identify the key sequence where the
        value is found in the given JSON structure.

    native_unit : str
        Native unit for the new parameter. Only necessary if the parameter
        for the given `key` does not yet exist.
        Possible values: `None`, `"mm"`, `"rad"`, `"deg"`, `"s"`, `"mA"`, `"kV"`, `"g/cm^3"`, `"lp/mm"`, `"deg/s"`, `"C"`, `"bool"`, `"string"`.

    fail_value : float or str or bool, optional
        Value to be used if no value can be found in the given `dictionary`
        at the given `key_sequences`.

    success : bool
        `True` if a valid value has been found to set up the parameter
        from the dictionary. `False` if no valid value has been
        found and possibly the `fail_value` had to be used instead.

    # Check if the property already exists:
    if key not in self._properties:
        # If not, create a new parameter object
        # and insert it into the properties dictionary:
        new_param = Parameter(native_unit=native_unit, standard_value=None, _root=self._root)
        self._properties[key] = new_param

    # Extract the value and set it as standard value:
    value = get_value(dictionary, key_sequence, fail_value="undefined")
    if value != "undefined":
        # Getting the value succeeded.
        self.set(key, value)
        return True
        # Getting the value failed or it is
        # not defined in the JSON file. Use
        # the fail_value instead and return `False`.
        self.set(key, fail_value)
        return False

    return False
def standard_value(self, key: str) ‑> float | str | bool

The standard value for a given property key (i.e., the value unaffected by drifts).


key : str
Identifier for the requested property.


standard_value : float or str or bool
Standard value of the requested property.
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def standard_value(self, key:str) -> float | str | bool:
    """The standard value for a given property `key`
    (i.e., the value unaffected by drifts).

    key : str
        Identifier for the requested property.

    standard_value : float or str or bool
        Standard value of the requested property.
    return self.parameter(key).standard_value