Module ctsimu.primitives

Structures for linear algebra and geometry: vectors, matrices, lines and polygons.

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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""Structures for linear algebra and geometry: vectors, matrices, lines and polygons."""

import math
import numpy
import numbers

from .helpers import *

class Matrix:
    """Simple matrix class.

    cols : int
        Number of matrix columns.

    rows : int
        Number of matrix rows.

    n_entries : int
        Number of matrix elements. (Computed internally whenever matrix size is set or changed.)

    value : numpy.ndarray
        NumPy array that contains the matrix values.

    def __init__(self, cols:int=None, rows:int=None, values:list=None, numpy_data=None):
        """Initialize matrix by given size or numpy data array.

        If `cols` and `rows` are not `None`, a matrix of the given size
        will be created with all elements being zero. Otherwise,
        the matrix will be set up from the `numpy_data` array if provided.

        cols : int, optional
            Number of matrix columns.

        rows : int, optional
            Number of matrix rows.

        values : list, optional
            List of lists to initialize matrix.

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
            2-dimensional NumPy array. The number of columns and rows is determined from the array.

        if values is not None:
            npda = numpy.array(values)
        elif numpy_data is not None:
        elif (cols is not None) and (rows is not None):
            self.reset(cols=cols, rows=rows)
            raise Exception("Matrix initialization failed. Number of rows and columns must be provided, or an array of values.")

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.value}"

    def __add__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __sub__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __mul__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # We need to return a vector
            return Vector(numpy_data=result.value)
        return result

    def __truediv__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __floordiv__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __radd__(self, x):
        return self.__add__(x)

    def __rsub__(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            result = self.get_copy()
            return result

    def __rmul__(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            return self.__mul__(x)

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of matrix elements.

        n_entries : int
            Number of matrix elements.
        return self.n_entries

    def same_size(self, M:'Matrix') -> bool:
        """Check if this matrix has the same size as the given matrix `M`.

        M : Matrix

        same_size : bool
            `True` if `M` has the same number of rows and columns as this matrix, otherwise `False`.
        if (self.cols == M.cols) and (self.rows == M.rows):
            return True

        return False

    def reset(self, cols:int, rows:int):
        """Set matrix size to given number of columns and rows, and set all matrix elements to zero.

        cols : int
            Number of matrix columns.

        rows : int
            Number of matrix rows.
        self.cols = cols
        self.rows = rows
        self.n_entries = cols*rows
        self.value = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=numpy.float64)

    def make_identity(self):
        """Make this an identity matrix."""
        self.value = numpy.zeros((self.rows, self.cols), dtype=numpy.float64)
        for i in range(min(self.cols, self.rows)):
            self.value[i][i] = float(1)

    def set(self, col:int, row:int, value:float):
        """Set a matrix element's value.

        col : int
            The element's column position.

        row : int
            The element's row position.

        value : float
            The new value of the matrix element.
        self.value[row][col] = value

    def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data:'numpy.ndarray'):
        """Set up the matrix from a given NumPy array.

        Gets the number of columns and rows from the array and
        uses the array for its values.

        Warning: the array content is not copied, only referenced.
        If you change the array afterwards, the matrix content will
        change as well. Use `numpy.copy()` if you want to pass
        a copy of your array.

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
            NumPy array of the new matrix values.
        self.rows = len(numpy_data)
        self.cols = len(numpy_data[0])
        self.n_entries = self.cols * self.rows
        self.value = numpy_data.astype(float)

    def update_rows_cols(self):
        """Update the numbers of rows and columns based on the current shape of `self.value`."""

        # Update number of rows and columns
        sh = self.value.shape
        self.rows = sh[0]
        if len(sh) > 1:
            self.cols = sh[1]
            # Created a vector
            self.cols = 1

    def copy(self, x:'Matrix'):
        """Make this matrix a copy of the given matrix `x`.

        x : Matrix
            The matrix whose contents shall be copied.

    def get(self, col:int, row:int) -> float:
        """Get a matrix element's value.

        col : int
            Element's column position.

        row : int
            Element's row position.

        value : float
            Value of the requested matrix element.
        if len(self.value) > row:
            if len(self.value[row]) > col:
                return self.value[row][col]

        raise Exception(f"Matrix.get(col={col}, row={row}): requested index does not exist.")

    def get_copy(self) -> 'Matrix':
        """Get a copy of this matrix object.

        copy : Matrix
            Copy of this matrix object.
        new_values = numpy.copy(self.value)
        return Matrix(numpy_data=new_values)

    def add(self, x):
        """Add a scalar to all matrix elements, or add another compatible matrix of the same size.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix to be added to this matrix, or scalar to be added to all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only add matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix addition failed: M+A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def subtract(self, x):
        """Subtract a scalar from all matrix elements, or subtract another compatible matrix.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix to be subtracted from this matrix, or scalar to be subtracted from all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only subtract matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix subtraction failed: M-A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def multiply(self, x):
        """Multiply a scalar to all matrix elements, or perform matrix multiplication with a compatible matrix.

        x : Matrix or float
            Compatible matrix to be multiplied with this matrix, or scalar to be multiplied to all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix) or isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another matrix or a vector:
            self.value = numpy.matmul(self.value, x.value)
            self.n_entries = self.value.size


        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix multiplication failed: M*A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def divide(self, x):
        """Divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix of same size for element-wise division with this matrix, or scalar to divide all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x.value)
                self.n_entries = self.value.size
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def floor_divide(self, x):
        """Floor-divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix of same size for element-wise floor-division with this matrix, or scalar to floor-divide all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only run an element-wise floor-division for matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix floor-division failed: M//A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def scale(self, factor:float):
        """Scale matrix by a scalar factor.

        factor : float
            Factor that scales all matrix elements.
        self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, factor)

class Vector:
    """A vector in space, arbitrary number of dimensions.

    n_entries : int
        Number of vector elements.

    value : numpy.ndarray
        NumPy array that contains the vector elements.

    def __init__(self, x:float=None, y:float=None, z:float=None, w:float=None, n:int=None, numpy_data=None):
        """Initialize vector by providing elements `x`, (`y`, `z`, `w`) and possibly the number of elements `n`, or a NumPy data array.

        x : float, optional
            Value for first vector element.

        y : float, optional
            Value for second vector element.

        z : float, optional
            Value for third vector element.

        w : float, optional
            Value for fourth vector element.

        n : int, optional
            Number of vector elements. Must be provided if no NumPy data array
            is given and if the number of vector elements cannot be automatically
            determined from the given parameters `x`, `y`, `z` and `w`
            (those which are set to `None` are not considered in the
            determination of the dimension).

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
            One-dimensional NumPy data array. Must be provided if number of vector elements `n` is not given.

        # The following member variables are private and should not
        # be accessed from outside. They are invalidated whenever the
        # vector changes.
        self._unit_vector = None  # the unit vector that corresponds to this vector
        self._length = None  # vector's length

        self.n_entries = 3 # default: three-component vector

        if numpy_data is not None:
            # Initialize from given numpy data array:
            # Or from regular value arguments:
            if n is not None:
                # If the number of vector components is specified:
                self.n_entries = n
                # Determine number of vector components from given values:
                if x is not None:
                    self.n_entries = 1
                    if y is not None:
                        self.n_entries = 2
                        if z is not None:
                            self.n_entries = 3
                            if w is not None:
                                self.n_entries = 4

            self.set(x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w)


    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.value}"

    def __add__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __sub__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __mul__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __truediv__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __floordiv__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __radd__(self, x:'Vector'):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            return self.__add__(x)

    def __rsub__(self, x:'Vector'):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            result = self.get_copy()
            return result

    def __rmul__(self, x:'Vector'):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            return self.__mul__(x)

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of vector elements.

        n_entries : int
            Number of vector elements.
        return self.n_entries

    def reset(self, n:int):
        """Set vector to given size and initialize all values to zero.

        n : int
            Number of vector elements.
        self.n_entries = n
        self.value = numpy.zeros(n, dtype=numpy.float64)

    def same_size(self, x:'Vector') -> bool:
        """Check if this vector has the same size (i.e., number of vector elements, not length!) as the given vector `x`.

        same_dim : bool
            `True` if number of vector elements matches, `False` otherwise.

        if self.n_entries == x.n_entries:
            return True

        return False

    def update(self):
        """Called when vector is changed.

        Invalidates private member variables for length and unit vector,
        so they will be re-calculated the next time their public getter
        functions are called.
        self._unit_vector = None
        self._length = None

    def x(self) -> float:
        """Get first vector element.

        x : float
            First vector element.
        return self.value[0]

    def y(self) -> float:
        """Get second vector element.

        y : float
            Second vector element.
        return self.value[1]

    def z(self) -> float:
        """Get third vector element.

        z : float

            Third vector element.
        return self.value[2]

    def w(self) -> float:
        """Get fourth vector element.

        w : float

            Fourth vector element.
        return self.value[3]

    def get(self, i:int) -> float:
        """Get value at vector index `i`. Indices start at `0`.

        i : int
            Element index of value.

        value : float
            Element value at index position `i`.
        return self.value[i]

    def get_copy(self) -> 'Vector':
        """Get a copy of this `Vector` object.

        v : Vector
            Copy of this vector object.
        new_values = numpy.copy(self.value)
        return Vector(numpy_data=new_values)

    def set_x(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's x value (i.e., value of first vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the first vector element.
        self.value[0] = float(value)

    def set_y(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's y value (i.e., value of second vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the second vector element.
        self.value[1] = float(value)

    def set_z(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's z value (i.e., value of third vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the third vector element.
        self.value[2] = float(value)

    def set_w(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's w value (i.e., value of fourth vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the fourth vector element.
        self.value[3] = float(value)

    def set_x_y(self, x:float=0, y:float=0):
        """Set x and y component (relevant for 2D computations).

        x : float
            Value for the first vector element.

        y : float
            Value for the second vector element.
        self.value[0] = float(x)
        self.value[1] = float(y)

    def set(self, x:float=0, y:float=0, z:float=0, w:float=None):
        """ Set all vector components.

        Non-existing vector components (such as `w` for a 3D vector) should be set to `None`.

        x : float
            Value for the first vector element.

        y : float, optional
            Value for the second vector element.

        z : float, optional
            Value for the third vector element.

        w : float, optional
            Value for the fourth vector element.
        if self.n_entries > 0 and x is not None:
            self.value[0] = float(x)

        if self.n_entries > 1 and y is not None:
            self.value[1] = float(y)

        if self.n_entries > 2 and z is not None:
            self.value[2] = float(z)

        if self.n_entries > 3 and w is not None:
            self.value[3] = float(w)


    def set_value_for_index(self, i:int, value:float):
        """Set value for element at vector index `i`.

        i : int
            Index of the vector element.

        value : float
            New value for the vector element.
        self.value[i] = float(value)

    def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data):
        """Provide a one-dimensional NumPy array for the vector data.
        The new vector size will be the same as the size of the NumPy array.

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
            NumPy array for the new vector values.
        self.n_entries = len(numpy_data)
        self.value = numpy_data.astype(float)

    def min(self) -> float:
        """Minimum value of all vector components."""
        return self.value.min()

    def max(self) -> float:
        """Maximum value of all vector components."""
        return self.value.min()

    def absmin(self) -> float:
        """Minimum value of absolute of all vector components."""
        return numpy.absolute(self.value).min()

    def absmax(self) -> float:
        """Maximum value of absolute of all vector components."""
        return numpy.absolute(self.value).max()

    def absmin_nonzero(self) -> float:
        """Minimum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components."""
        nonzeros = self.value[numpy.nonzero(self.value)]
        if len(nonzeros) > 0:
            return numpy.absolute(nonzeros).min()
            return None

    def absmax_nonzero(self) -> float:
        """Maximum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components."""
        nonzeros = self.value[numpy.nonzero(self.value)]
        if len(nonzeros) > 0:
            return numpy.absolute(nonzeros).max()
            return None

    def make_crystal_vector(self):
        """Scale this vector into a crystal direction vector,
        using Miller indices."""
        absmin_number = self.absmin_nonzero()
        if absmin_number is not None:
            if absmin_number > 0:
                self.scale(1.0 / absmin_number)

    def crystal_direction(self) -> 'Vector':
        """Create a vector using Miller indices."""
        miller = self.get_copy()

        return miller

    def length(self) -> float:
        """Get the length of the vector.

        length : float
            Length of the vector.
        if self._length is None:
            self._length = numpy.linalg.norm(self.value)

        return self._length

    def angle(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
        """Calculate angle between this vector and the given vector `x`.

        x : Vector
            Second vector for angle calculation.

        angle : float
            Angle (in radians) between this vector and given vector `x`.
        dotProd =
        l1 = self.length()
        l2 = x.length()
        lp = l1 * l2

        if lp > 0:
            cs = dotProd / lp
            alpha = 0

            # Avoid out-of-domain due to rounding errors:
            if cs >= 1.0:
                alpha = 0
            elif cs <= -1.0:
                alpha = math.pi
                alpha = math.acos(cs)

            return alpha
            return 0

    def make_unit_vector(self):
        """ Normalize vector length to 1. """
        vector_length = self.length()
        if vector_length != 0:
            if vector_length != 1.0:
                self.value /= vector_length
            raise Exception("Unit vector: a zero length vector cannot be converted into a unit vector.")

    def unit_vector(self) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a unit vector that points in the same direction as this vector.

        unit_vector : Vector
            Unit vector for this vector.

        If this vector changes, the returned unit vector object will be invalidated. To store the unit vector permanently, get a copy of the unit vector (using `get_copy()`) so it won't change:

        unitv = v.unit_vector().get_copy()
        if self._unit_vector is None:
            self._unit_vector = self.get_copy()

        return self._unit_vector

    def add(self, x):
        """Add a scalar to all vector elements, or add another compatible vector.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to be added (element-wise) or scalar to be added to all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception(f"Incompatible vector sizes. Can only add vectors of same size. Vectors: {self} ({self.n_entries}) and {x} ({x.n_entries})")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector addition failed: M+A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def subtract(self, x):
        """Subtract a scalar from all vector elements, or subtract another compatible vector.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to be subtracted (element-wise) or scalar to be subtracted from all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only subtract vectors of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector subtraction failed: M-A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def multiply(self, x):
        """Multiply a scalar to all vector elements, or perform vector multiplication with a compatible vector.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to be multiplied (element-wise) or scalar to be multiplied to all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector:
            self.value = numpy.matmul(self.value, x.value)
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector multiplication failed: M*A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def divide(self, x):
        """Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to divide all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for vectors of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def floor_divide(self, x):
        """Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to floor-divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to floor-divide all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for vectors of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def scale(self, factor:float):
        """Scale vector by a scalar factor.

        factor : float
            Factor that scales all vector elements.
        self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, factor)

    def scaled(self, factor:float) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a copy of this vector, scaled by the given `factor`.

        factor : float
            Factor that scales all vector elements.

        result : Vector
            Scaled copy of this vector.
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def square(self):
        """ Square all elements of this vector. """
        self.value = numpy.square(self.value)

    def squared(self) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a squared copy of this vector.

        result : Vector
            Squared copy of this vector.
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def sqrt(self):
        """ Set all elements of this vector to their square roots. """
        self.value = numpy.sqrt(self.value)

    def distance(self, p:'Vector') -> float:
        """ Distance between target points of this and another vector.

        p : Vector
            Second vector.

        distance : float
            Distance between the target point of this vector and the target point of the second vector `p`.
        return (self-p).length()

    def dot(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
        """ Calculate vector dot product.

        x : Vector
            Another vector to calculate the dot product with this vector.

        dotp : float
            Dot product of this vector with the vector `x`.
        return, x.value)

    def cross_z(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
        """ Calculate the z component of the 3D cross product.

        x : Vector
            The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.

        crossz : float
            z component of 3D cross product of this vector with the second vector `x`.
        return self.x()*x.y() - self.y()*x.x()

    def cross(self, x:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
        """ Calculate 3D vector cross product.

        x : Vector
            The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.

        crossp : Vector
            3D cross product of this vector with the second vector `x`.
        cp = numpy.cross(self.value, x.value)
        return Vector(numpy_data=cp)

    def sum(self) -> float:
        """ Get the sum of all vector elements.

        sum : float
            Sum of all vector elements.
        return numpy.sum(self.value)

    def invert(self):
        """ Invert this vector: v to -v. """
        self.value = -self.value

    def inverse(self) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get the inverse of this vector: -v.

        inv : Vector
            Inverse of this vector, i.e. vector of same length pointing in the opposite direction.
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def rotate_2D_xy(self, angle:float):
        """ Rotate vector in xy plane.

        angle : float
            Rotation angle (in rad).
        cs = math.cos(angle)
        sn = math.sin(angle)

        self.set_x(self.x()*cs - self.y()*sn)
        self.set_y(self.x()*sn + self.y()*cs)

    def rotate(self, axis:'Vector', angle:float):
        """ Rotate vector around given axis by given angle (in rad).

        axis : Vector
            Rotation axis.

        angle : float
            Rotation angle (in rad).

        # Implementing a general rotation matrix.
        cs = math.cos(angle)
        sn = math.sin(angle)

        vx = self.x()
        vy = self.y()
        vz = self.z()

        nx = axis.unit_vector().x()
        ny = axis.unit_vector().y()
        nz = axis.unit_vector().z()

        rx = vx*(nx*nx*(1.0-cs) + cs)    + vy*(nx*ny*(1.0-cs) - nz*sn) + vz*(nx*nz*(1.0-cs) + ny*sn)
        ry = vx*(ny*nx*(1.0-cs) + nz*sn) + vy*(ny*ny*(1.0-cs) + cs)    + vz*(ny*nz*(1.0-cs) - nx*sn)
        rz = vx*(nz*nx*(1.0-cs) - ny*sn) + vy*(nz*ny*(1.0-cs) + nx*sn) + vz*(nz*nz*(1.0-cs) + cs)

        self.set(x=rx, y=ry, z=rz)

    def transform(self, M:'Matrix'):
        """Apply the transformation given by matrix `M` to this vector.

        M : Matrix
            Transformation matrix.
        result = M*self
        self.n_entries = result.n_entries
        self.value     = result.value

    def to(self, x:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a vector that points from this location to the given location `x`.

        x : Vector
            Second location vector.

        pointer : Vector
            Vector that points from this vector's target point to the target point of the given vector `x`.
        return self.connection(self, x)

    def connection(p0:'Vector', p1:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
        """ Connection vector between two points (represented by vectors).

        p0 : Vector
            Origin point of the connection.

        p1 : Vector
            Target point of the connection.

        connecting_vector : Vector
            Vector pointing from the origin `p0` to the target point `p1`.
        return p1 - p0

class Line2D:
    """A mathematical line in 2D space, with a slope and an offset.

    `y = m*x + n`

    m : float

    n : float
        Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)

    def __init__(self, m:float=None, n:float=None):
        """Initialize with specified slope and offset (both optional).

        m : float, optional

        n : float, optional
            Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)

        self.m = m
        self.n = n

    def __str__(self):
        return "m={}, n={}".format(self.m, self.n)

    def set(self, m:float, n:float):
        """Set line parameters.

        m : float

        n : float
            Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)
        self.m = m
        self.n = n

    def set_from_points(self, p0:'Vector', p1:'Vector'):
        """Set line slope `m` and offset `n` from two given points `p0` and `p1`.
        Both points are assumed to be on the line.

        p0 : Vector
            First point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.

        p1 : Vector
            Second point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.

        # points are defined by 2D vectors
        x0 = p0.x()
        y0 = p0.y()
        x1 = p1.x()
        y1 = p1.y()

        if x0 != x1:
            self.m = (y1-y0) / (x1-x0)
            self.n = y0 - self.m*x0
            # Vertical line
            self.m = math.inf
            self.n = x0  # Store x intersection in n if line is vertical

    def intersection(self, v:'Line2D') -> 'Vector':
        """Intersection point with another line.

        v : Line2D
            Another line that intersects this line.

        intersection : Vector
            2D vector that contains the coordinates of the intersection point.

        Exception : "Lines are parallel."
            If the lines don't intersect.
        m0 = self.m
        n0 = self.n

        m1 = v.m
        n1 = v.n

        if m0 == m1:
            # Lines are parallel
            raise Exception("Lines are parallel.")

        if m0 != math.inf and m1 != math.inf:
            xs = (n1-n0)/(m0-m1)
            ys = m0*xs + n0
            return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
        elif m0 == math.inf and m1 != math.inf:
            xs = n0
            ys = m1*xs + n1
            return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
        elif m0 != math.inf and m1 == math.inf:
            xs = n1
            ys = m0*xs + n0
            return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)

class Polygon:
    """ A general 2D polygon with N points in space.

    points : list
        List of points that make up the polygon, each point represented by a `Vector`.

    vertex_order_CCW : bool
        `True` if the vertex order is counter-clockwise (standard) or `False` if clockwise.

    def __init__(self, *points:'Vector'):
        """ Initialize with a series of points.
        They should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class `Vector`.

        If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter `vertex_order_CCW` should be set to `False` manually.

        *points : Vector
            An arbitrary number of points given.
        self.points = []
        self._area = None

        # Vertices defined in counter-clockwise order (True) or clockwise order (False).
        self.vertex_order_CCW = True


    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
            s += "P{i}: ({x}, {y})\n".format(i=i, x=p.x(), y=p.y())

        return s

    def make_3D(self, z_component:float):
        """Convert all points in xy-plane from 2D vectors to 3D vectors,
        using the provided z_component.

        z_component : float
            The new z component for each point's 3D vector.

        for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
            newPoint = Vector(x=p.x(), y=p.y(), z=z_component, n=3)
            self.points[i] = newPoint

    def set(self, *points:'Vector'):
        """ Set polygon from an arbitrary number of points.
        The points should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class `Vector`.

        If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter `vertex_order_CCW` should be set to `False` manually.

        *points : Vector
            An arbitrary number of points.

        self.points = []

        self._area = None

    def area(self) -> float:
        """Get the area enclosed by the polygon.

        area : float
            Area enclosed by the polygon.

        if self._area is None:

        return self._area

    def _calculate_area(self):
        """Calculate the area enclosed by the polygon.

        The area will be stored as an internal parameter. The function `area()` can be used to get this value.

        self._area = 0

        # Split polygon into triangles and calculate area of each
        # triangle using the trapezoid method.
        if len(self.points) >= 3:
            # Start at first point
            p1 = self.points[0]
            x1 = p1.x()
            y1 = p1.y()

            for i in range(1, len(self.points)-1):
                p2 = self.points[i]
                p3 = self.points[i+1]
                x2 = p2.x()
                y2 = p2.y()
                x3 = p3.x()
                y3 = p3.y()
                self._area += 0.5 * ( (y1+y3)*(x3-x1) + (y2+y3)*(x2-x3) - (y1+y2)*(x2-x1) )

    def get_bounding_box(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Get the polygon's bounding box values.

        leftmost : float
            Leftmost coordinate.

        upmost : float
            Upmost coordinate.

        rightmost : float
            Rightmost coordinate.

        downmost : float
            Downmost coordinate.

        leftmost  = self.points[0].x()
        rightmost = -1
        upmost    = self.points[0].y()
        downmost  = -1

        for p in self.points:
            if p.x() < leftmost:
                leftmost = math.floor(p.x())
            if p.x() > rightmost:
                rightmost = math.ceil(p.x())

            if p.y() < upmost:
                upmost = math.floor(p.y())
            if p.y() > downmost:
                downmost = math.ceil(p.y())

        return int(leftmost), int(upmost), int(rightmost), int(downmost)

    def is_inside_2D(self, point:'Vector') -> bool:
        """ Check if the given point is inside the polygon or on an edge.
        Only the xy plane is considered (2D projection).

        point : Vector
            Point coordinates to check if they are inside the polygon.

        inside : bool
            `True` if inside, `False` otherwise.
        x = point.x()
        y = point.y()

        if len(self.points) >= 3:
            p1 = self.points[0]
            x1 = p1.x()
            y1 = p1.y()

            # Set up sub-triangles and check if point is in any of those:
            for i in range(1, len(self.points)-1):
                p2 = self.points[i]
                p3 = self.points[i+1]
                x2 = p2.x()
                y2 = p2.y()
                x3 = p3.x()
                y3 = p3.y()

                # Calculate the barycentric coordinates of the point with respect to the triangle:
                D = (y2-y3)*(x1-x3) + (x3-x2)*(y1-y3)

                lambda1 = ((y2-y3)*(x-x3) + (x3-x2)*(y-y3)) / D
                lambda2 = ((y3-y1)*(x-x3) + (x1-x3)*(y-y3)) / D
                lambda3 = 1 - lambda1 - lambda2

                #print("Is {} inside triangle?   D: {}, l1: {}, l2: {}, l3: {}".format(point, D, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3))

                if (lambda1>=0 and lambda2>=0 and lambda3>=0):
                    return True

        return False

    def _inside_edge(self, edgePoint0:'Vector', edgePoint1:'Vector', vertexToTest:'Vector') -> bool:
        """ Helper function for clip():
            decide if vertex point is on the "inside" of the clipping edge.
            Inside means "to the left" if vertices are in counter-clockwise direction,
            otherwise "to the right". """

        edge  = Vector(edgePoint1.x() - edgePoint0.x(), edgePoint1.y() - edgePoint0.y())
        point = Vector(vertexToTest.x() - edgePoint0.x(), vertexToTest.y() - edgePoint0.y())

        cpz = edge.cross_z(point)

        if cpz >= 0:  # on the edge
            return True

        return False

    def clip(self, clipping_polygon:'Polygon') -> 'Polygon':
        """ Clips the polygon using the given clipping polygon.

        Implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm.

        The given `clipping_polygon` must be convex.

        clipping_polygon : Polygon
            Clipping polygon. The result will be a polygon that only exists within the boundaries of this clipping polygon.

        clipped : Polygon
            Clipped polygon.

        # Make a list of edges (lines) of the clipping polygon:
        outputVertices = self.points # copy.deepcopy(self.points)

        nPoints = len(clipping_polygon.points)
        for i in range(nPoints):
            edgePoint0 = clipping_polygon.points[i]
            edgePoint1 = clipping_polygon.points[int((i+1)%nPoints)]

            edgeLine = Line2D()
            edgeLine.set_from_points(p0=edgePoint0, p1=edgePoint1)

            inputVertices = outputVertices
            outputVertices = []

            #print("## Clip line: {}".format(edgeLine))

            for i in range(len(inputVertices)):
                currentPoint  = inputVertices[i]
                previousPoint = inputVertices[(i+len(inputVertices)-1)%len(inputVertices)]

                #print("  Current Point:  {}".format(currentPoint))
                #print("  Previous Point: {}".format(previousPoint))

                currentLine = Line2D()
                currentLine.set_from_points(p0=currentPoint, p1=previousPoint)

                #print("  -> current Line: {}".format(currentLine))

                if self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, currentPoint):
                    #print("  Current point is inside clipping polygon.")
                    if not self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, previousPoint):
                            intersectionPoint = currentLine.intersection(edgeLine)
                            #print("  Added intersection to output list.")
                            #print("  -> intersection: {}".format(intersectionPoint))
                        except:  # Parallel lines -> no intersection

                    #print("  Added currentPoint to output list.")
                elif self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, previousPoint):
                    #print("  Current point is not inside clipping polygon, but previous point is.")
                        intersectionPoint = currentLine.intersection(edgeLine)
                        #print("  Only added intersection point to output list.")
                        #print("  -> intersection: {}".format(intersectionPoint))
                    #print("Neither current nor previous point is inside clipping polygon.")


        result = Polygon(*outputVertices)
        return result

def rotation_matrix(axis:'Vector', angle:float) -> 'Matrix':
    """A matrix that performs a 3D vector rotation around the
    given `axis` vector by the given `angle` (in rad).

    Note that this is only a rotation matrix; translations
    are not taken into account. This means that the pivot point
    will always be the origin of the object that you rotate, i.e.,
    the rotation axis vector is attached to the object's origin.

    axis : Vector
        Rotation axis. Must not be a unit vector.

    angle : float
        Rotation angle.

    R : Matrix
        Rotation matrix.
    R = Matrix(3, 3)
    cs = math.cos(angle)
    sn = math.sin(angle)

    nx = axis.unit_vector().x()
    ny = axis.unit_vector().y()
    nz = axis.unit_vector().z()

    # Row 1:
    R.value[0][0] = nx*nx*(1.0-cs) + cs
    R.value[0][1] = nx*ny*(1.0-cs) - nz*sn
    R.value[0][2] = nx*nz*(1.0-cs) + ny*sn

    # Row 2:
    R.value[1][0] = ny*nx*(1.0-cs) + nz*sn
    R.value[1][1] = ny*ny*(1.0-cs) + cs
    R.value[1][2] = ny*nz*(1.0-cs) - nx*sn

    # Row 3:
    R.value[2][0] = nz*nx*(1.0-cs) - ny*sn
    R.value[2][1] = nz*ny*(1.0-cs) + nx*sn
    R.value[2][2] = nz*nz*(1.0-cs) + cs

    return R


def rotation_matrix(axis: Vector, angle: float) ‑> Matrix

A matrix that performs a 3D vector rotation around the given axis vector by the given angle (in rad).

Note that this is only a rotation matrix; translations are not taken into account. This means that the pivot point will always be the origin of the object that you rotate, i.e., the rotation axis vector is attached to the object's origin.


axis : Vector
Rotation axis. Must not be a unit vector.
angle : float
Rotation angle.


R : Matrix
Rotation matrix.
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def rotation_matrix(axis:'Vector', angle:float) -> 'Matrix':
    """A matrix that performs a 3D vector rotation around the
    given `axis` vector by the given `angle` (in rad).

    Note that this is only a rotation matrix; translations
    are not taken into account. This means that the pivot point
    will always be the origin of the object that you rotate, i.e.,
    the rotation axis vector is attached to the object's origin.

    axis : Vector
        Rotation axis. Must not be a unit vector.

    angle : float
        Rotation angle.

    R : Matrix
        Rotation matrix.
    R = Matrix(3, 3)
    cs = math.cos(angle)
    sn = math.sin(angle)

    nx = axis.unit_vector().x()
    ny = axis.unit_vector().y()
    nz = axis.unit_vector().z()

    # Row 1:
    R.value[0][0] = nx*nx*(1.0-cs) + cs
    R.value[0][1] = nx*ny*(1.0-cs) - nz*sn
    R.value[0][2] = nx*nz*(1.0-cs) + ny*sn

    # Row 2:
    R.value[1][0] = ny*nx*(1.0-cs) + nz*sn
    R.value[1][1] = ny*ny*(1.0-cs) + cs
    R.value[1][2] = ny*nz*(1.0-cs) - nx*sn

    # Row 3:
    R.value[2][0] = nz*nx*(1.0-cs) - ny*sn
    R.value[2][1] = nz*ny*(1.0-cs) + nx*sn
    R.value[2][2] = nz*nz*(1.0-cs) + cs

    return R


class Line2D (m: float = None, n: float = None)

A mathematical line in 2D space, with a slope and an offset.

y = m*x + n


m : float
n : float
Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)

Initialize with specified slope and offset (both optional).


m : float, optional
n : float, optional
Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)
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class Line2D:
    """A mathematical line in 2D space, with a slope and an offset.

    `y = m*x + n`

    m : float

    n : float
        Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)

    def __init__(self, m:float=None, n:float=None):
        """Initialize with specified slope and offset (both optional).

        m : float, optional

        n : float, optional
            Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)

        self.m = m
        self.n = n

    def __str__(self):
        return "m={}, n={}".format(self.m, self.n)

    def set(self, m:float, n:float):
        """Set line parameters.

        m : float

        n : float
            Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)
        self.m = m
        self.n = n

    def set_from_points(self, p0:'Vector', p1:'Vector'):
        """Set line slope `m` and offset `n` from two given points `p0` and `p1`.
        Both points are assumed to be on the line.

        p0 : Vector
            First point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.

        p1 : Vector
            Second point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.

        # points are defined by 2D vectors
        x0 = p0.x()
        y0 = p0.y()
        x1 = p1.x()
        y1 = p1.y()

        if x0 != x1:
            self.m = (y1-y0) / (x1-x0)
            self.n = y0 - self.m*x0
            # Vertical line
            self.m = math.inf
            self.n = x0  # Store x intersection in n if line is vertical

    def intersection(self, v:'Line2D') -> 'Vector':
        """Intersection point with another line.

        v : Line2D
            Another line that intersects this line.

        intersection : Vector
            2D vector that contains the coordinates of the intersection point.

        Exception : "Lines are parallel."
            If the lines don't intersect.
        m0 = self.m
        n0 = self.n

        m1 = v.m
        n1 = v.n

        if m0 == m1:
            # Lines are parallel
            raise Exception("Lines are parallel.")

        if m0 != math.inf and m1 != math.inf:
            xs = (n1-n0)/(m0-m1)
            ys = m0*xs + n0
            return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
        elif m0 == math.inf and m1 != math.inf:
            xs = n0
            ys = m1*xs + n1
            return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
        elif m0 != math.inf and m1 == math.inf:
            xs = n1
            ys = m0*xs + n0
            return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)


def intersection(self, v: Line2D) ‑> Vector

Intersection point with another line.


v : Line2D
Another line that intersects this line.


intersection : Vector
2D vector that contains the coordinates of the intersection point.


Exception : "Lines are parallel."
If the lines don't intersect.
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def intersection(self, v:'Line2D') -> 'Vector':
    """Intersection point with another line.

    v : Line2D
        Another line that intersects this line.

    intersection : Vector
        2D vector that contains the coordinates of the intersection point.

    Exception : "Lines are parallel."
        If the lines don't intersect.
    m0 = self.m
    n0 = self.n

    m1 = v.m
    n1 = v.n

    if m0 == m1:
        # Lines are parallel
        raise Exception("Lines are parallel.")

    if m0 != math.inf and m1 != math.inf:
        xs = (n1-n0)/(m0-m1)
        ys = m0*xs + n0
        return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
    elif m0 == math.inf and m1 != math.inf:
        xs = n0
        ys = m1*xs + n1
        return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
    elif m0 != math.inf and m1 == math.inf:
        xs = n1
        ys = m0*xs + n0
        return Vector(x=xs, y=ys)
def set(self, m: float, n: float)

Set line parameters.


m : float
n : float
Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)
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def set(self, m:float, n:float):
    """Set line parameters.

    m : float

    n : float
        Vertical offset (i.e., intersection with y axis)
    self.m = m
    self.n = n
def set_from_points(self, p0: Vector, p1: Vector)

Set line slope m and offset n from two given points p0 and p1. Both points are assumed to be on the line.


p0 : Vector
First point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.
p1 : Vector
Second point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.
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def set_from_points(self, p0:'Vector', p1:'Vector'):
    """Set line slope `m` and offset `n` from two given points `p0` and `p1`.
    Both points are assumed to be on the line.

    p0 : Vector
        First point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.

    p1 : Vector
        Second point, given by 2D vector. For higher-dimensional vectors, only the first two coordinates are considered.

    # points are defined by 2D vectors
    x0 = p0.x()
    y0 = p0.y()
    x1 = p1.x()
    y1 = p1.y()

    if x0 != x1:
        self.m = (y1-y0) / (x1-x0)
        self.n = y0 - self.m*x0
        # Vertical line
        self.m = math.inf
        self.n = x0  # Store x intersection in n if line is vertical
class Matrix (cols: int = None, rows: int = None, values: list = None, numpy_data=None)

Simple matrix class.


cols : int
Number of matrix columns.
rows : int
Number of matrix rows.
n_entries : int
Number of matrix elements. (Computed internally whenever matrix size is set or changed.)
value : numpy.ndarray
NumPy array that contains the matrix values.

Initialize matrix by given size or numpy data array.

If cols and rows are not None, a matrix of the given size will be created with all elements being zero. Otherwise, the matrix will be set up from the numpy_data array if provided.


cols : int, optional
Number of matrix columns.
rows : int, optional
Number of matrix rows.
values : list, optional
List of lists to initialize matrix.
numpy_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
2-dimensional NumPy array. The number of columns and rows is determined from the array.
Expand source code
class Matrix:
    """Simple matrix class.

    cols : int
        Number of matrix columns.

    rows : int
        Number of matrix rows.

    n_entries : int
        Number of matrix elements. (Computed internally whenever matrix size is set or changed.)

    value : numpy.ndarray
        NumPy array that contains the matrix values.

    def __init__(self, cols:int=None, rows:int=None, values:list=None, numpy_data=None):
        """Initialize matrix by given size or numpy data array.

        If `cols` and `rows` are not `None`, a matrix of the given size
        will be created with all elements being zero. Otherwise,
        the matrix will be set up from the `numpy_data` array if provided.

        cols : int, optional
            Number of matrix columns.

        rows : int, optional
            Number of matrix rows.

        values : list, optional
            List of lists to initialize matrix.

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
            2-dimensional NumPy array. The number of columns and rows is determined from the array.

        if values is not None:
            npda = numpy.array(values)
        elif numpy_data is not None:
        elif (cols is not None) and (rows is not None):
            self.reset(cols=cols, rows=rows)
            raise Exception("Matrix initialization failed. Number of rows and columns must be provided, or an array of values.")

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.value}"

    def __add__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __sub__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __mul__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # We need to return a vector
            return Vector(numpy_data=result.value)
        return result

    def __truediv__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __floordiv__(self, x):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __radd__(self, x):
        return self.__add__(x)

    def __rsub__(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            result = self.get_copy()
            return result

    def __rmul__(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            return self.__mul__(x)

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of matrix elements.

        n_entries : int
            Number of matrix elements.
        return self.n_entries

    def same_size(self, M:'Matrix') -> bool:
        """Check if this matrix has the same size as the given matrix `M`.

        M : Matrix

        same_size : bool
            `True` if `M` has the same number of rows and columns as this matrix, otherwise `False`.
        if (self.cols == M.cols) and (self.rows == M.rows):
            return True

        return False

    def reset(self, cols:int, rows:int):
        """Set matrix size to given number of columns and rows, and set all matrix elements to zero.

        cols : int
            Number of matrix columns.

        rows : int
            Number of matrix rows.
        self.cols = cols
        self.rows = rows
        self.n_entries = cols*rows
        self.value = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=numpy.float64)

    def make_identity(self):
        """Make this an identity matrix."""
        self.value = numpy.zeros((self.rows, self.cols), dtype=numpy.float64)
        for i in range(min(self.cols, self.rows)):
            self.value[i][i] = float(1)

    def set(self, col:int, row:int, value:float):
        """Set a matrix element's value.

        col : int
            The element's column position.

        row : int
            The element's row position.

        value : float
            The new value of the matrix element.
        self.value[row][col] = value

    def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data:'numpy.ndarray'):
        """Set up the matrix from a given NumPy array.

        Gets the number of columns and rows from the array and
        uses the array for its values.

        Warning: the array content is not copied, only referenced.
        If you change the array afterwards, the matrix content will
        change as well. Use `numpy.copy()` if you want to pass
        a copy of your array.

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
            NumPy array of the new matrix values.
        self.rows = len(numpy_data)
        self.cols = len(numpy_data[0])
        self.n_entries = self.cols * self.rows
        self.value = numpy_data.astype(float)

    def update_rows_cols(self):
        """Update the numbers of rows and columns based on the current shape of `self.value`."""

        # Update number of rows and columns
        sh = self.value.shape
        self.rows = sh[0]
        if len(sh) > 1:
            self.cols = sh[1]
            # Created a vector
            self.cols = 1

    def copy(self, x:'Matrix'):
        """Make this matrix a copy of the given matrix `x`.

        x : Matrix
            The matrix whose contents shall be copied.

    def get(self, col:int, row:int) -> float:
        """Get a matrix element's value.

        col : int
            Element's column position.

        row : int
            Element's row position.

        value : float
            Value of the requested matrix element.
        if len(self.value) > row:
            if len(self.value[row]) > col:
                return self.value[row][col]

        raise Exception(f"Matrix.get(col={col}, row={row}): requested index does not exist.")

    def get_copy(self) -> 'Matrix':
        """Get a copy of this matrix object.

        copy : Matrix
            Copy of this matrix object.
        new_values = numpy.copy(self.value)
        return Matrix(numpy_data=new_values)

    def add(self, x):
        """Add a scalar to all matrix elements, or add another compatible matrix of the same size.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix to be added to this matrix, or scalar to be added to all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only add matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix addition failed: M+A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def subtract(self, x):
        """Subtract a scalar from all matrix elements, or subtract another compatible matrix.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix to be subtracted from this matrix, or scalar to be subtracted from all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only subtract matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix subtraction failed: M-A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def multiply(self, x):
        """Multiply a scalar to all matrix elements, or perform matrix multiplication with a compatible matrix.

        x : Matrix or float
            Compatible matrix to be multiplied with this matrix, or scalar to be multiplied to all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix) or isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another matrix or a vector:
            self.value = numpy.matmul(self.value, x.value)
            self.n_entries = self.value.size


        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix multiplication failed: M*A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def divide(self, x):
        """Divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix of same size for element-wise division with this matrix, or scalar to divide all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x.value)
                self.n_entries = self.value.size
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def floor_divide(self, x):
        """Floor-divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.

        x : Matrix or float
            Matrix of same size for element-wise floor-division with this matrix, or scalar to floor-divide all matrix elements.
        if isinstance(x, Matrix):
            # 'x' is another matrix... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only run an element-wise floor-division for matrices of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Matrix floor-division failed: M//A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def scale(self, factor:float):
        """Scale matrix by a scalar factor.

        factor : float
            Factor that scales all matrix elements.
        self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, factor)


def add(self, x)

Add a scalar to all matrix elements, or add another compatible matrix of the same size.


x : Matrix or float
Matrix to be added to this matrix, or scalar to be added to all matrix elements.
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def add(self, x):
    """Add a scalar to all matrix elements, or add another compatible matrix of the same size.

    x : Matrix or float
        Matrix to be added to this matrix, or scalar to be added to all matrix elements.
    if isinstance(x, Matrix):
        # 'x' is another matrix:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only add matrices of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Matrix addition failed: M+A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def copy(self, x: Matrix)

Make this matrix a copy of the given matrix x.


x : Matrix
The matrix whose contents shall be copied.
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def copy(self, x:'Matrix'):
    """Make this matrix a copy of the given matrix `x`.

    x : Matrix
        The matrix whose contents shall be copied.
def divide(self, x)

Divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.


x : Matrix or float
Matrix of same size for element-wise division with this matrix, or scalar to divide all matrix elements.
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def divide(self, x):
    """Divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.

    x : Matrix or float
        Matrix of same size for element-wise division with this matrix, or scalar to divide all matrix elements.
    if isinstance(x, Matrix):
        # 'x' is another matrix... element-wise division:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x.value)
            self.n_entries = self.value.size
            raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for matrices of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Matrix division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def floor_divide(self, x)

Floor-divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.


x : Matrix or float
Matrix of same size for element-wise floor-division with this matrix, or scalar to floor-divide all matrix elements.
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def floor_divide(self, x):
    """Floor-divide all matrix elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a matrix of the same size.

    x : Matrix or float
        Matrix of same size for element-wise floor-division with this matrix, or scalar to floor-divide all matrix elements.
    if isinstance(x, Matrix):
        # 'x' is another matrix... element-wise division:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only run an element-wise floor-division for matrices of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Matrix floor-division failed: M//A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def get(self, col: int, row: int) ‑> float

Get a matrix element's value.


col : int
Element's column position.
row : int
Element's row position.


value : float
Value of the requested matrix element.
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def get(self, col:int, row:int) -> float:
    """Get a matrix element's value.

    col : int
        Element's column position.

    row : int
        Element's row position.

    value : float
        Value of the requested matrix element.
    if len(self.value) > row:
        if len(self.value[row]) > col:
            return self.value[row][col]

    raise Exception(f"Matrix.get(col={col}, row={row}): requested index does not exist.")
def get_copy(self) ‑> Matrix

Get a copy of this matrix object.


copy : Matrix
Copy of this matrix object.
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def get_copy(self) -> 'Matrix':
    """Get a copy of this matrix object.

    copy : Matrix
        Copy of this matrix object.
    new_values = numpy.copy(self.value)
    return Matrix(numpy_data=new_values)
def make_identity(self)

Make this an identity matrix.

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def make_identity(self):
    """Make this an identity matrix."""
    self.value = numpy.zeros((self.rows, self.cols), dtype=numpy.float64)
    for i in range(min(self.cols, self.rows)):
        self.value[i][i] = float(1)
def multiply(self, x)

Multiply a scalar to all matrix elements, or perform matrix multiplication with a compatible matrix.


x : Matrix or float
Compatible matrix to be multiplied with this matrix, or scalar to be multiplied to all matrix elements.
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def multiply(self, x):
    """Multiply a scalar to all matrix elements, or perform matrix multiplication with a compatible matrix.

    x : Matrix or float
        Compatible matrix to be multiplied with this matrix, or scalar to be multiplied to all matrix elements.
    if isinstance(x, Matrix) or isinstance(x, Vector):
        # 'x' is another matrix or a vector:
        self.value = numpy.matmul(self.value, x.value)
        self.n_entries = self.value.size


    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Matrix multiplication failed: M*A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def reset(self, cols: int, rows: int)

Set matrix size to given number of columns and rows, and set all matrix elements to zero.


cols : int
Number of matrix columns.
rows : int
Number of matrix rows.
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def reset(self, cols:int, rows:int):
    """Set matrix size to given number of columns and rows, and set all matrix elements to zero.

    cols : int
        Number of matrix columns.

    rows : int
        Number of matrix rows.
    self.cols = cols
    self.rows = rows
    self.n_entries = cols*rows
    self.value = numpy.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=numpy.float64)
def same_size(self, M: Matrix) ‑> bool

Check if this matrix has the same size as the given matrix M.


M : Matrix


same_size : bool
True if M has the same number of rows and columns as this matrix, otherwise False.
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def same_size(self, M:'Matrix') -> bool:
    """Check if this matrix has the same size as the given matrix `M`.

    M : Matrix

    same_size : bool
        `True` if `M` has the same number of rows and columns as this matrix, otherwise `False`.
    if (self.cols == M.cols) and (self.rows == M.rows):
        return True

    return False
def scale(self, factor: float)

Scale matrix by a scalar factor.


factor : float
Factor that scales all matrix elements.
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def scale(self, factor:float):
    """Scale matrix by a scalar factor.

    factor : float
        Factor that scales all matrix elements.
    self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, factor)
def set(self, col: int, row: int, value: float)

Set a matrix element's value.


col : int
The element's column position.
row : int
The element's row position.
value : float
The new value of the matrix element.
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def set(self, col:int, row:int, value:float):
    """Set a matrix element's value.

    col : int
        The element's column position.

    row : int
        The element's row position.

    value : float
        The new value of the matrix element.
    self.value[row][col] = value
def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data: numpy.ndarray)

Set up the matrix from a given NumPy array.

Gets the number of columns and rows from the array and uses the array for its values.

Warning: the array content is not copied, only referenced. If you change the array afterwards, the matrix content will change as well. Use numpy.copy() if you want to pass a copy of your array.


numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
NumPy array of the new matrix values.
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def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data:'numpy.ndarray'):
    """Set up the matrix from a given NumPy array.

    Gets the number of columns and rows from the array and
    uses the array for its values.

    Warning: the array content is not copied, only referenced.
    If you change the array afterwards, the matrix content will
    change as well. Use `numpy.copy()` if you want to pass
    a copy of your array.

    numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
        NumPy array of the new matrix values.
    self.rows = len(numpy_data)
    self.cols = len(numpy_data[0])
    self.n_entries = self.cols * self.rows
    self.value = numpy_data.astype(float)
def size(self) ‑> int

Get the number of matrix elements.


n_entries : int
Number of matrix elements.
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def size(self) -> int:
    """Get the number of matrix elements.

    n_entries : int
        Number of matrix elements.
    return self.n_entries
def subtract(self, x)

Subtract a scalar from all matrix elements, or subtract another compatible matrix.


x : Matrix or float
Matrix to be subtracted from this matrix, or scalar to be subtracted from all matrix elements.
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def subtract(self, x):
    """Subtract a scalar from all matrix elements, or subtract another compatible matrix.

    x : Matrix or float
        Matrix to be subtracted from this matrix, or scalar to be subtracted from all matrix elements.
    if isinstance(x, Matrix):
        # 'x' is another matrix:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception("Incompatible matrix sizes. Can only subtract matrices of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Matrix subtraction failed: M-A is only supported when A is of type 'Matrix' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def update_rows_cols(self)

Update the numbers of rows and columns based on the current shape of self.value.

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def update_rows_cols(self):
    """Update the numbers of rows and columns based on the current shape of `self.value`."""

    # Update number of rows and columns
    sh = self.value.shape
    self.rows = sh[0]
    if len(sh) > 1:
        self.cols = sh[1]
        # Created a vector
        self.cols = 1
class Polygon (*points: Vector)

A general 2D polygon with N points in space.


points : list
List of points that make up the polygon, each point represented by a Vector.
vertex_order_CCW : bool
True if the vertex order is counter-clockwise (standard) or False if clockwise.

Initialize with a series of points. They should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class Vector.

If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter vertex_order_CCW should be set to False manually.


*points : Vector
An arbitrary number of points given.
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class Polygon:
    """ A general 2D polygon with N points in space.

    points : list
        List of points that make up the polygon, each point represented by a `Vector`.

    vertex_order_CCW : bool
        `True` if the vertex order is counter-clockwise (standard) or `False` if clockwise.

    def __init__(self, *points:'Vector'):
        """ Initialize with a series of points.
        They should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class `Vector`.

        If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter `vertex_order_CCW` should be set to `False` manually.

        *points : Vector
            An arbitrary number of points given.
        self.points = []
        self._area = None

        # Vertices defined in counter-clockwise order (True) or clockwise order (False).
        self.vertex_order_CCW = True


    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
            s += "P{i}: ({x}, {y})\n".format(i=i, x=p.x(), y=p.y())

        return s

    def make_3D(self, z_component:float):
        """Convert all points in xy-plane from 2D vectors to 3D vectors,
        using the provided z_component.

        z_component : float
            The new z component for each point's 3D vector.

        for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
            newPoint = Vector(x=p.x(), y=p.y(), z=z_component, n=3)
            self.points[i] = newPoint

    def set(self, *points:'Vector'):
        """ Set polygon from an arbitrary number of points.
        The points should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class `Vector`.

        If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter `vertex_order_CCW` should be set to `False` manually.

        *points : Vector
            An arbitrary number of points.

        self.points = []

        self._area = None

    def area(self) -> float:
        """Get the area enclosed by the polygon.

        area : float
            Area enclosed by the polygon.

        if self._area is None:

        return self._area

    def _calculate_area(self):
        """Calculate the area enclosed by the polygon.

        The area will be stored as an internal parameter. The function `area()` can be used to get this value.

        self._area = 0

        # Split polygon into triangles and calculate area of each
        # triangle using the trapezoid method.
        if len(self.points) >= 3:
            # Start at first point
            p1 = self.points[0]
            x1 = p1.x()
            y1 = p1.y()

            for i in range(1, len(self.points)-1):
                p2 = self.points[i]
                p3 = self.points[i+1]
                x2 = p2.x()
                y2 = p2.y()
                x3 = p3.x()
                y3 = p3.y()
                self._area += 0.5 * ( (y1+y3)*(x3-x1) + (y2+y3)*(x2-x3) - (y1+y2)*(x2-x1) )

    def get_bounding_box(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Get the polygon's bounding box values.

        leftmost : float
            Leftmost coordinate.

        upmost : float
            Upmost coordinate.

        rightmost : float
            Rightmost coordinate.

        downmost : float
            Downmost coordinate.

        leftmost  = self.points[0].x()
        rightmost = -1
        upmost    = self.points[0].y()
        downmost  = -1

        for p in self.points:
            if p.x() < leftmost:
                leftmost = math.floor(p.x())
            if p.x() > rightmost:
                rightmost = math.ceil(p.x())

            if p.y() < upmost:
                upmost = math.floor(p.y())
            if p.y() > downmost:
                downmost = math.ceil(p.y())

        return int(leftmost), int(upmost), int(rightmost), int(downmost)

    def is_inside_2D(self, point:'Vector') -> bool:
        """ Check if the given point is inside the polygon or on an edge.
        Only the xy plane is considered (2D projection).

        point : Vector
            Point coordinates to check if they are inside the polygon.

        inside : bool
            `True` if inside, `False` otherwise.
        x = point.x()
        y = point.y()

        if len(self.points) >= 3:
            p1 = self.points[0]
            x1 = p1.x()
            y1 = p1.y()

            # Set up sub-triangles and check if point is in any of those:
            for i in range(1, len(self.points)-1):
                p2 = self.points[i]
                p3 = self.points[i+1]
                x2 = p2.x()
                y2 = p2.y()
                x3 = p3.x()
                y3 = p3.y()

                # Calculate the barycentric coordinates of the point with respect to the triangle:
                D = (y2-y3)*(x1-x3) + (x3-x2)*(y1-y3)

                lambda1 = ((y2-y3)*(x-x3) + (x3-x2)*(y-y3)) / D
                lambda2 = ((y3-y1)*(x-x3) + (x1-x3)*(y-y3)) / D
                lambda3 = 1 - lambda1 - lambda2

                #print("Is {} inside triangle?   D: {}, l1: {}, l2: {}, l3: {}".format(point, D, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3))

                if (lambda1>=0 and lambda2>=0 and lambda3>=0):
                    return True

        return False

    def _inside_edge(self, edgePoint0:'Vector', edgePoint1:'Vector', vertexToTest:'Vector') -> bool:
        """ Helper function for clip():
            decide if vertex point is on the "inside" of the clipping edge.
            Inside means "to the left" if vertices are in counter-clockwise direction,
            otherwise "to the right". """

        edge  = Vector(edgePoint1.x() - edgePoint0.x(), edgePoint1.y() - edgePoint0.y())
        point = Vector(vertexToTest.x() - edgePoint0.x(), vertexToTest.y() - edgePoint0.y())

        cpz = edge.cross_z(point)

        if cpz >= 0:  # on the edge
            return True

        return False

    def clip(self, clipping_polygon:'Polygon') -> 'Polygon':
        """ Clips the polygon using the given clipping polygon.

        Implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm.

        The given `clipping_polygon` must be convex.

        clipping_polygon : Polygon
            Clipping polygon. The result will be a polygon that only exists within the boundaries of this clipping polygon.

        clipped : Polygon
            Clipped polygon.

        # Make a list of edges (lines) of the clipping polygon:
        outputVertices = self.points # copy.deepcopy(self.points)

        nPoints = len(clipping_polygon.points)
        for i in range(nPoints):
            edgePoint0 = clipping_polygon.points[i]
            edgePoint1 = clipping_polygon.points[int((i+1)%nPoints)]

            edgeLine = Line2D()
            edgeLine.set_from_points(p0=edgePoint0, p1=edgePoint1)

            inputVertices = outputVertices
            outputVertices = []

            #print("## Clip line: {}".format(edgeLine))

            for i in range(len(inputVertices)):
                currentPoint  = inputVertices[i]
                previousPoint = inputVertices[(i+len(inputVertices)-1)%len(inputVertices)]

                #print("  Current Point:  {}".format(currentPoint))
                #print("  Previous Point: {}".format(previousPoint))

                currentLine = Line2D()
                currentLine.set_from_points(p0=currentPoint, p1=previousPoint)

                #print("  -> current Line: {}".format(currentLine))

                if self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, currentPoint):
                    #print("  Current point is inside clipping polygon.")
                    if not self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, previousPoint):
                            intersectionPoint = currentLine.intersection(edgeLine)
                            #print("  Added intersection to output list.")
                            #print("  -> intersection: {}".format(intersectionPoint))
                        except:  # Parallel lines -> no intersection

                    #print("  Added currentPoint to output list.")
                elif self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, previousPoint):
                    #print("  Current point is not inside clipping polygon, but previous point is.")
                        intersectionPoint = currentLine.intersection(edgeLine)
                        #print("  Only added intersection point to output list.")
                        #print("  -> intersection: {}".format(intersectionPoint))
                    #print("Neither current nor previous point is inside clipping polygon.")


        result = Polygon(*outputVertices)
        return result


def area(self) ‑> float

Get the area enclosed by the polygon.


area : float
Area enclosed by the polygon.
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def area(self) -> float:
    """Get the area enclosed by the polygon.

    area : float
        Area enclosed by the polygon.

    if self._area is None:

    return self._area
def clip(self, clipping_polygon: Polygon) ‑> Polygon

Clips the polygon using the given clipping polygon.

Implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm.

The given clipping_polygon must be convex.


clipping_polygon : Polygon
Clipping polygon. The result will be a polygon that only exists within the boundaries of this clipping polygon.


clipped : Polygon
Clipped polygon.
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def clip(self, clipping_polygon:'Polygon') -> 'Polygon':
    """ Clips the polygon using the given clipping polygon.

    Implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm.

    The given `clipping_polygon` must be convex.

    clipping_polygon : Polygon
        Clipping polygon. The result will be a polygon that only exists within the boundaries of this clipping polygon.

    clipped : Polygon
        Clipped polygon.

    # Make a list of edges (lines) of the clipping polygon:
    outputVertices = self.points # copy.deepcopy(self.points)

    nPoints = len(clipping_polygon.points)
    for i in range(nPoints):
        edgePoint0 = clipping_polygon.points[i]
        edgePoint1 = clipping_polygon.points[int((i+1)%nPoints)]

        edgeLine = Line2D()
        edgeLine.set_from_points(p0=edgePoint0, p1=edgePoint1)

        inputVertices = outputVertices
        outputVertices = []

        #print("## Clip line: {}".format(edgeLine))

        for i in range(len(inputVertices)):
            currentPoint  = inputVertices[i]
            previousPoint = inputVertices[(i+len(inputVertices)-1)%len(inputVertices)]

            #print("  Current Point:  {}".format(currentPoint))
            #print("  Previous Point: {}".format(previousPoint))

            currentLine = Line2D()
            currentLine.set_from_points(p0=currentPoint, p1=previousPoint)

            #print("  -> current Line: {}".format(currentLine))

            if self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, currentPoint):
                #print("  Current point is inside clipping polygon.")
                if not self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, previousPoint):
                        intersectionPoint = currentLine.intersection(edgeLine)
                        #print("  Added intersection to output list.")
                        #print("  -> intersection: {}".format(intersectionPoint))
                    except:  # Parallel lines -> no intersection

                #print("  Added currentPoint to output list.")
            elif self._inside_edge(edgePoint0, edgePoint1, previousPoint):
                #print("  Current point is not inside clipping polygon, but previous point is.")
                    intersectionPoint = currentLine.intersection(edgeLine)
                    #print("  Only added intersection point to output list.")
                    #print("  -> intersection: {}".format(intersectionPoint))
                #print("Neither current nor previous point is inside clipping polygon.")


    result = Polygon(*outputVertices)
    return result
def get_bounding_box(self) ‑> tuple[int, int, int, int]

Get the polygon's bounding box values.


leftmost : float
Leftmost coordinate.
upmost : float
Upmost coordinate.
rightmost : float
Rightmost coordinate.
downmost : float
Downmost coordinate.
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def get_bounding_box(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
    """Get the polygon's bounding box values.

    leftmost : float
        Leftmost coordinate.

    upmost : float
        Upmost coordinate.

    rightmost : float
        Rightmost coordinate.

    downmost : float
        Downmost coordinate.

    leftmost  = self.points[0].x()
    rightmost = -1
    upmost    = self.points[0].y()
    downmost  = -1

    for p in self.points:
        if p.x() < leftmost:
            leftmost = math.floor(p.x())
        if p.x() > rightmost:
            rightmost = math.ceil(p.x())

        if p.y() < upmost:
            upmost = math.floor(p.y())
        if p.y() > downmost:
            downmost = math.ceil(p.y())

    return int(leftmost), int(upmost), int(rightmost), int(downmost)
def is_inside_2D(self, point: Vector) ‑> bool

Check if the given point is inside the polygon or on an edge. Only the xy plane is considered (2D projection).


point : Vector
Point coordinates to check if they are inside the polygon.


inside : bool
True if inside, False otherwise.
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def is_inside_2D(self, point:'Vector') -> bool:
    """ Check if the given point is inside the polygon or on an edge.
    Only the xy plane is considered (2D projection).

    point : Vector
        Point coordinates to check if they are inside the polygon.

    inside : bool
        `True` if inside, `False` otherwise.
    x = point.x()
    y = point.y()

    if len(self.points) >= 3:
        p1 = self.points[0]
        x1 = p1.x()
        y1 = p1.y()

        # Set up sub-triangles and check if point is in any of those:
        for i in range(1, len(self.points)-1):
            p2 = self.points[i]
            p3 = self.points[i+1]
            x2 = p2.x()
            y2 = p2.y()
            x3 = p3.x()
            y3 = p3.y()

            # Calculate the barycentric coordinates of the point with respect to the triangle:
            D = (y2-y3)*(x1-x3) + (x3-x2)*(y1-y3)

            lambda1 = ((y2-y3)*(x-x3) + (x3-x2)*(y-y3)) / D
            lambda2 = ((y3-y1)*(x-x3) + (x1-x3)*(y-y3)) / D
            lambda3 = 1 - lambda1 - lambda2

            #print("Is {} inside triangle?   D: {}, l1: {}, l2: {}, l3: {}".format(point, D, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3))

            if (lambda1>=0 and lambda2>=0 and lambda3>=0):
                return True

    return False
def make_3D(self, z_component: float)

Convert all points in xy-plane from 2D vectors to 3D vectors, using the provided z_component.


z_component : float
The new z component for each point's 3D vector.
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def make_3D(self, z_component:float):
    """Convert all points in xy-plane from 2D vectors to 3D vectors,
    using the provided z_component.

    z_component : float
        The new z component for each point's 3D vector.

    for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
        newPoint = Vector(x=p.x(), y=p.y(), z=z_component, n=3)
        self.points[i] = newPoint
def set(self, *points: Vector)

Set polygon from an arbitrary number of points. The points should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class Vector.

If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter vertex_order_CCW should be set to False manually.


*points : Vector
An arbitrary number of points.
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def set(self, *points:'Vector'):
    """ Set polygon from an arbitrary number of points.
    The points should be defined in counter-clockwise direction. They are objects of class `Vector`.

    If the points are specified in clockwise direction, the parameter `vertex_order_CCW` should be set to `False` manually.

    *points : Vector
        An arbitrary number of points.

    self.points = []

    self._area = None
class Vector (x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, w: float = None, n: int = None, numpy_data=None)

A vector in space, arbitrary number of dimensions.


n_entries : int
Number of vector elements.
value : numpy.ndarray
NumPy array that contains the vector elements.

Initialize vector by providing elements x, (y, z, w) and possibly the number of elements n, or a NumPy data array.


x : float, optional
Value for first vector element.
y : float, optional
Value for second vector element.
z : float, optional
Value for third vector element.
w : float, optional
Value for fourth vector element.
n : int, optional
Number of vector elements. Must be provided if no NumPy data array is given and if the number of vector elements cannot be automatically determined from the given parameters x, y, z and w (those which are set to None are not considered in the determination of the dimension).
numpy_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
One-dimensional NumPy data array. Must be provided if number of vector elements n is not given.
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class Vector:
    """A vector in space, arbitrary number of dimensions.

    n_entries : int
        Number of vector elements.

    value : numpy.ndarray
        NumPy array that contains the vector elements.

    def __init__(self, x:float=None, y:float=None, z:float=None, w:float=None, n:int=None, numpy_data=None):
        """Initialize vector by providing elements `x`, (`y`, `z`, `w`) and possibly the number of elements `n`, or a NumPy data array.

        x : float, optional
            Value for first vector element.

        y : float, optional
            Value for second vector element.

        z : float, optional
            Value for third vector element.

        w : float, optional
            Value for fourth vector element.

        n : int, optional
            Number of vector elements. Must be provided if no NumPy data array
            is given and if the number of vector elements cannot be automatically
            determined from the given parameters `x`, `y`, `z` and `w`
            (those which are set to `None` are not considered in the
            determination of the dimension).

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray, optional
            One-dimensional NumPy data array. Must be provided if number of vector elements `n` is not given.

        # The following member variables are private and should not
        # be accessed from outside. They are invalidated whenever the
        # vector changes.
        self._unit_vector = None  # the unit vector that corresponds to this vector
        self._length = None  # vector's length

        self.n_entries = 3 # default: three-component vector

        if numpy_data is not None:
            # Initialize from given numpy data array:
            # Or from regular value arguments:
            if n is not None:
                # If the number of vector components is specified:
                self.n_entries = n
                # Determine number of vector components from given values:
                if x is not None:
                    self.n_entries = 1
                    if y is not None:
                        self.n_entries = 2
                        if z is not None:
                            self.n_entries = 3
                            if w is not None:
                                self.n_entries = 4

            self.set(x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w)


    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.value}"

    def __add__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __sub__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __mul__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __truediv__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __floordiv__(self, x:'Vector'):
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def __radd__(self, x:'Vector'):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            return self.__add__(x)

    def __rsub__(self, x:'Vector'):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            result = self.get_copy()
            return result

    def __rmul__(self, x:'Vector'):
        if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            return self.__mul__(x)

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Get the number of vector elements.

        n_entries : int
            Number of vector elements.
        return self.n_entries

    def reset(self, n:int):
        """Set vector to given size and initialize all values to zero.

        n : int
            Number of vector elements.
        self.n_entries = n
        self.value = numpy.zeros(n, dtype=numpy.float64)

    def same_size(self, x:'Vector') -> bool:
        """Check if this vector has the same size (i.e., number of vector elements, not length!) as the given vector `x`.

        same_dim : bool
            `True` if number of vector elements matches, `False` otherwise.

        if self.n_entries == x.n_entries:
            return True

        return False

    def update(self):
        """Called when vector is changed.

        Invalidates private member variables for length and unit vector,
        so they will be re-calculated the next time their public getter
        functions are called.
        self._unit_vector = None
        self._length = None

    def x(self) -> float:
        """Get first vector element.

        x : float
            First vector element.
        return self.value[0]

    def y(self) -> float:
        """Get second vector element.

        y : float
            Second vector element.
        return self.value[1]

    def z(self) -> float:
        """Get third vector element.

        z : float

            Third vector element.
        return self.value[2]

    def w(self) -> float:
        """Get fourth vector element.

        w : float

            Fourth vector element.
        return self.value[3]

    def get(self, i:int) -> float:
        """Get value at vector index `i`. Indices start at `0`.

        i : int
            Element index of value.

        value : float
            Element value at index position `i`.
        return self.value[i]

    def get_copy(self) -> 'Vector':
        """Get a copy of this `Vector` object.

        v : Vector
            Copy of this vector object.
        new_values = numpy.copy(self.value)
        return Vector(numpy_data=new_values)

    def set_x(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's x value (i.e., value of first vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the first vector element.
        self.value[0] = float(value)

    def set_y(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's y value (i.e., value of second vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the second vector element.
        self.value[1] = float(value)

    def set_z(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's z value (i.e., value of third vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the third vector element.
        self.value[2] = float(value)

    def set_w(self, value:float):
        """Set vector's w value (i.e., value of fourth vector element).

        value : float
            Value for the fourth vector element.
        self.value[3] = float(value)

    def set_x_y(self, x:float=0, y:float=0):
        """Set x and y component (relevant for 2D computations).

        x : float
            Value for the first vector element.

        y : float
            Value for the second vector element.
        self.value[0] = float(x)
        self.value[1] = float(y)

    def set(self, x:float=0, y:float=0, z:float=0, w:float=None):
        """ Set all vector components.

        Non-existing vector components (such as `w` for a 3D vector) should be set to `None`.

        x : float
            Value for the first vector element.

        y : float, optional
            Value for the second vector element.

        z : float, optional
            Value for the third vector element.

        w : float, optional
            Value for the fourth vector element.
        if self.n_entries > 0 and x is not None:
            self.value[0] = float(x)

        if self.n_entries > 1 and y is not None:
            self.value[1] = float(y)

        if self.n_entries > 2 and z is not None:
            self.value[2] = float(z)

        if self.n_entries > 3 and w is not None:
            self.value[3] = float(w)


    def set_value_for_index(self, i:int, value:float):
        """Set value for element at vector index `i`.

        i : int
            Index of the vector element.

        value : float
            New value for the vector element.
        self.value[i] = float(value)

    def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data):
        """Provide a one-dimensional NumPy array for the vector data.
        The new vector size will be the same as the size of the NumPy array.

        numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
            NumPy array for the new vector values.
        self.n_entries = len(numpy_data)
        self.value = numpy_data.astype(float)

    def min(self) -> float:
        """Minimum value of all vector components."""
        return self.value.min()

    def max(self) -> float:
        """Maximum value of all vector components."""
        return self.value.min()

    def absmin(self) -> float:
        """Minimum value of absolute of all vector components."""
        return numpy.absolute(self.value).min()

    def absmax(self) -> float:
        """Maximum value of absolute of all vector components."""
        return numpy.absolute(self.value).max()

    def absmin_nonzero(self) -> float:
        """Minimum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components."""
        nonzeros = self.value[numpy.nonzero(self.value)]
        if len(nonzeros) > 0:
            return numpy.absolute(nonzeros).min()
            return None

    def absmax_nonzero(self) -> float:
        """Maximum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components."""
        nonzeros = self.value[numpy.nonzero(self.value)]
        if len(nonzeros) > 0:
            return numpy.absolute(nonzeros).max()
            return None

    def make_crystal_vector(self):
        """Scale this vector into a crystal direction vector,
        using Miller indices."""
        absmin_number = self.absmin_nonzero()
        if absmin_number is not None:
            if absmin_number > 0:
                self.scale(1.0 / absmin_number)

    def crystal_direction(self) -> 'Vector':
        """Create a vector using Miller indices."""
        miller = self.get_copy()

        return miller

    def length(self) -> float:
        """Get the length of the vector.

        length : float
            Length of the vector.
        if self._length is None:
            self._length = numpy.linalg.norm(self.value)

        return self._length

    def angle(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
        """Calculate angle between this vector and the given vector `x`.

        x : Vector
            Second vector for angle calculation.

        angle : float
            Angle (in radians) between this vector and given vector `x`.
        dotProd =
        l1 = self.length()
        l2 = x.length()
        lp = l1 * l2

        if lp > 0:
            cs = dotProd / lp
            alpha = 0

            # Avoid out-of-domain due to rounding errors:
            if cs >= 1.0:
                alpha = 0
            elif cs <= -1.0:
                alpha = math.pi
                alpha = math.acos(cs)

            return alpha
            return 0

    def make_unit_vector(self):
        """ Normalize vector length to 1. """
        vector_length = self.length()
        if vector_length != 0:
            if vector_length != 1.0:
                self.value /= vector_length
            raise Exception("Unit vector: a zero length vector cannot be converted into a unit vector.")

    def unit_vector(self) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a unit vector that points in the same direction as this vector.

        unit_vector : Vector
            Unit vector for this vector.

        If this vector changes, the returned unit vector object will be invalidated. To store the unit vector permanently, get a copy of the unit vector (using `get_copy()`) so it won't change:

        unitv = v.unit_vector().get_copy()
        if self._unit_vector is None:
            self._unit_vector = self.get_copy()

        return self._unit_vector

    def add(self, x):
        """Add a scalar to all vector elements, or add another compatible vector.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to be added (element-wise) or scalar to be added to all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception(f"Incompatible vector sizes. Can only add vectors of same size. Vectors: {self} ({self.n_entries}) and {x} ({x.n_entries})")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector addition failed: M+A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def subtract(self, x):
        """Subtract a scalar from all vector elements, or subtract another compatible vector.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to be subtracted (element-wise) or scalar to be subtracted from all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only subtract vectors of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector subtraction failed: M-A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def multiply(self, x):
        """Multiply a scalar to all vector elements, or perform vector multiplication with a compatible vector.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to be multiplied (element-wise) or scalar to be multiplied to all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector:
            self.value = numpy.matmul(self.value, x.value)
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector multiplication failed: M*A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def divide(self, x):
        """Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to divide all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for vectors of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def floor_divide(self, x):
        """Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.

        x : Vector or float
            Vector of same size to floor-divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to floor-divide all vector elements.
        if isinstance(x, Vector):
            # 'x' is another vector... element-wise division:
            if self.same_size(x):
                self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x.value)
                raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for vectors of same size.")
        elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
            # 'x' is a scalar:
            self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x)
            raise Exception(f"Vector division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")

    def scale(self, factor:float):
        """Scale vector by a scalar factor.

        factor : float
            Factor that scales all vector elements.
        self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, factor)

    def scaled(self, factor:float) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a copy of this vector, scaled by the given `factor`.

        factor : float
            Factor that scales all vector elements.

        result : Vector
            Scaled copy of this vector.
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def square(self):
        """ Square all elements of this vector. """
        self.value = numpy.square(self.value)

    def squared(self) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a squared copy of this vector.

        result : Vector
            Squared copy of this vector.
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def sqrt(self):
        """ Set all elements of this vector to their square roots. """
        self.value = numpy.sqrt(self.value)

    def distance(self, p:'Vector') -> float:
        """ Distance between target points of this and another vector.

        p : Vector
            Second vector.

        distance : float
            Distance between the target point of this vector and the target point of the second vector `p`.
        return (self-p).length()

    def dot(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
        """ Calculate vector dot product.

        x : Vector
            Another vector to calculate the dot product with this vector.

        dotp : float
            Dot product of this vector with the vector `x`.
        return, x.value)

    def cross_z(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
        """ Calculate the z component of the 3D cross product.

        x : Vector
            The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.

        crossz : float
            z component of 3D cross product of this vector with the second vector `x`.
        return self.x()*x.y() - self.y()*x.x()

    def cross(self, x:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
        """ Calculate 3D vector cross product.

        x : Vector
            The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.

        crossp : Vector
            3D cross product of this vector with the second vector `x`.
        cp = numpy.cross(self.value, x.value)
        return Vector(numpy_data=cp)

    def sum(self) -> float:
        """ Get the sum of all vector elements.

        sum : float
            Sum of all vector elements.
        return numpy.sum(self.value)

    def invert(self):
        """ Invert this vector: v to -v. """
        self.value = -self.value

    def inverse(self) -> 'Vector':
        """ Get the inverse of this vector: -v.

        inv : Vector
            Inverse of this vector, i.e. vector of same length pointing in the opposite direction.
        result = self.get_copy()
        return result

    def rotate_2D_xy(self, angle:float):
        """ Rotate vector in xy plane.

        angle : float
            Rotation angle (in rad).
        cs = math.cos(angle)
        sn = math.sin(angle)

        self.set_x(self.x()*cs - self.y()*sn)
        self.set_y(self.x()*sn + self.y()*cs)

    def rotate(self, axis:'Vector', angle:float):
        """ Rotate vector around given axis by given angle (in rad).

        axis : Vector
            Rotation axis.

        angle : float
            Rotation angle (in rad).

        # Implementing a general rotation matrix.
        cs = math.cos(angle)
        sn = math.sin(angle)

        vx = self.x()
        vy = self.y()
        vz = self.z()

        nx = axis.unit_vector().x()
        ny = axis.unit_vector().y()
        nz = axis.unit_vector().z()

        rx = vx*(nx*nx*(1.0-cs) + cs)    + vy*(nx*ny*(1.0-cs) - nz*sn) + vz*(nx*nz*(1.0-cs) + ny*sn)
        ry = vx*(ny*nx*(1.0-cs) + nz*sn) + vy*(ny*ny*(1.0-cs) + cs)    + vz*(ny*nz*(1.0-cs) - nx*sn)
        rz = vx*(nz*nx*(1.0-cs) - ny*sn) + vy*(nz*ny*(1.0-cs) + nx*sn) + vz*(nz*nz*(1.0-cs) + cs)

        self.set(x=rx, y=ry, z=rz)

    def transform(self, M:'Matrix'):
        """Apply the transformation given by matrix `M` to this vector.

        M : Matrix
            Transformation matrix.
        result = M*self
        self.n_entries = result.n_entries
        self.value     = result.value

    def to(self, x:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
        """ Get a vector that points from this location to the given location `x`.

        x : Vector
            Second location vector.

        pointer : Vector
            Vector that points from this vector's target point to the target point of the given vector `x`.
        return self.connection(self, x)

    def connection(p0:'Vector', p1:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
        """ Connection vector between two points (represented by vectors).

        p0 : Vector
            Origin point of the connection.

        p1 : Vector
            Target point of the connection.

        connecting_vector : Vector
            Vector pointing from the origin `p0` to the target point `p1`.
        return p1 - p0

Static methods

def connection(p0: Vector, p1: Vector) ‑> Vector

Connection vector between two points (represented by vectors).


p0 : Vector
Origin point of the connection.
p1 : Vector
Target point of the connection.


connecting_vector : Vector
Vector pointing from the origin p0 to the target point p1.
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def connection(p0:'Vector', p1:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
    """ Connection vector between two points (represented by vectors).

    p0 : Vector
        Origin point of the connection.

    p1 : Vector
        Target point of the connection.

    connecting_vector : Vector
        Vector pointing from the origin `p0` to the target point `p1`.
    return p1 - p0


def absmax(self) ‑> float

Maximum value of absolute of all vector components.

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def absmax(self) -> float:
    """Maximum value of absolute of all vector components."""
    return numpy.absolute(self.value).max()
def absmax_nonzero(self) ‑> float

Maximum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components.

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def absmax_nonzero(self) -> float:
    """Maximum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components."""
    nonzeros = self.value[numpy.nonzero(self.value)]
    if len(nonzeros) > 0:
        return numpy.absolute(nonzeros).max()
        return None
def absmin(self) ‑> float

Minimum value of absolute of all vector components.

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def absmin(self) -> float:
    """Minimum value of absolute of all vector components."""
    return numpy.absolute(self.value).min()
def absmin_nonzero(self) ‑> float

Minimum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components.

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def absmin_nonzero(self) -> float:
    """Minimum non-zero value of absolute of all vector components."""
    nonzeros = self.value[numpy.nonzero(self.value)]
    if len(nonzeros) > 0:
        return numpy.absolute(nonzeros).min()
        return None
def add(self, x)

Add a scalar to all vector elements, or add another compatible vector.


x : Vector or float
Vector of same size to be added (element-wise) or scalar to be added to all vector elements.
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def add(self, x):
    """Add a scalar to all vector elements, or add another compatible vector.

    x : Vector or float
        Vector of same size to be added (element-wise) or scalar to be added to all vector elements.
    if isinstance(x, Vector):
        # 'x' is another vector:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception(f"Incompatible vector sizes. Can only add vectors of same size. Vectors: {self} ({self.n_entries}) and {x} ({x.n_entries})")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.add(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Vector addition failed: M+A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def angle(self, x: Vector) ‑> float

Calculate angle between this vector and the given vector x.


x : Vector
Second vector for angle calculation.


angle : float
Angle (in radians) between this vector and given vector x.
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def angle(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
    """Calculate angle between this vector and the given vector `x`.

    x : Vector
        Second vector for angle calculation.

    angle : float
        Angle (in radians) between this vector and given vector `x`.
    dotProd =
    l1 = self.length()
    l2 = x.length()
    lp = l1 * l2

    if lp > 0:
        cs = dotProd / lp
        alpha = 0

        # Avoid out-of-domain due to rounding errors:
        if cs >= 1.0:
            alpha = 0
        elif cs <= -1.0:
            alpha = math.pi
            alpha = math.acos(cs)

        return alpha
        return 0
def cross(self, x: Vector) ‑> Vector

Calculate 3D vector cross product.


x : Vector
The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.


crossp : Vector
3D cross product of this vector with the second vector x.
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def cross(self, x:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
    """ Calculate 3D vector cross product.

    x : Vector
        The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.

    crossp : Vector
        3D cross product of this vector with the second vector `x`.
    cp = numpy.cross(self.value, x.value)
    return Vector(numpy_data=cp)
def cross_z(self, x: Vector) ‑> float

Calculate the z component of the 3D cross product.


x : Vector
The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.


crossz : float
z component of 3D cross product of this vector with the second vector x.
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def cross_z(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
    """ Calculate the z component of the 3D cross product.

    x : Vector
        The second vector to calculate the cross product. Must contain three elements.

    crossz : float
        z component of 3D cross product of this vector with the second vector `x`.
    return self.x()*x.y() - self.y()*x.x()
def crystal_direction(self) ‑> Vector

Create a vector using Miller indices.

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def crystal_direction(self) -> 'Vector':
    """Create a vector using Miller indices."""
    miller = self.get_copy()

    return miller
def distance(self, p: Vector) ‑> float

Distance between target points of this and another vector.


p : Vector
Second vector.


distance : float
Distance between the target point of this vector and the target point of the second vector p.
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def distance(self, p:'Vector') -> float:
    """ Distance between target points of this and another vector.

    p : Vector
        Second vector.

    distance : float
        Distance between the target point of this vector and the target point of the second vector `p`.
    return (self-p).length()
def divide(self, x)

Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.


x : Vector or float
Vector of same size to divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to divide all vector elements.
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def divide(self, x):
    """Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.

    x : Vector or float
        Vector of same size to divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to divide all vector elements.
    if isinstance(x, Vector):
        # 'x' is another vector... element-wise division:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for vectors of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.divide(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Vector division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def dot(self, x: Vector) ‑> float

Calculate vector dot product.


x : Vector
Another vector to calculate the dot product with this vector.


dotp : float
Dot product of this vector with the vector x.
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def dot(self, x:'Vector') -> float:
    """ Calculate vector dot product.

    x : Vector
        Another vector to calculate the dot product with this vector.

    dotp : float
        Dot product of this vector with the vector `x`.
    return, x.value)
def floor_divide(self, x)

Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.


x : Vector or float
Vector of same size to floor-divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to floor-divide all vector elements.
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def floor_divide(self, x):
    """Divide all vector elements by a scalar, or perform element-wise division with a vector of the same size.

    x : Vector or float
        Vector of same size to floor-divide this vector (element-wise) or scalar to floor-divide all vector elements.
    if isinstance(x, Vector):
        # 'x' is another vector... element-wise division:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only run an element-wise division for vectors of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.floor_divide(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Vector division failed: M/A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def get(self, i: int) ‑> float

Get value at vector index i. Indices start at 0.


i : int
Element index of value.


value : float
Element value at index position i.
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def get(self, i:int) -> float:
    """Get value at vector index `i`. Indices start at `0`.

    i : int
        Element index of value.

    value : float
        Element value at index position `i`.
    return self.value[i]
def get_copy(self) ‑> Vector

Get a copy of this Vector object.


v : Vector
Copy of this vector object.
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def get_copy(self) -> 'Vector':
    """Get a copy of this `Vector` object.

    v : Vector
        Copy of this vector object.
    new_values = numpy.copy(self.value)
    return Vector(numpy_data=new_values)
def inverse(self) ‑> Vector

Get the inverse of this vector: -v.


inv : Vector
Inverse of this vector, i.e. vector of same length pointing in the opposite direction.
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def inverse(self) -> 'Vector':
    """ Get the inverse of this vector: -v.

    inv : Vector
        Inverse of this vector, i.e. vector of same length pointing in the opposite direction.
    result = self.get_copy()
    return result
def invert(self)

Invert this vector: v to -v.

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def invert(self):
    """ Invert this vector: v to -v. """
    self.value = -self.value
def length(self) ‑> float

Get the length of the vector.


length : float
Length of the vector.
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def length(self) -> float:
    """Get the length of the vector.

    length : float
        Length of the vector.
    if self._length is None:
        self._length = numpy.linalg.norm(self.value)

    return self._length
def make_crystal_vector(self)

Scale this vector into a crystal direction vector, using Miller indices.

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def make_crystal_vector(self):
    """Scale this vector into a crystal direction vector,
    using Miller indices."""
    absmin_number = self.absmin_nonzero()
    if absmin_number is not None:
        if absmin_number > 0:
            self.scale(1.0 / absmin_number)
def make_unit_vector(self)

Normalize vector length to 1.

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def make_unit_vector(self):
    """ Normalize vector length to 1. """
    vector_length = self.length()
    if vector_length != 0:
        if vector_length != 1.0:
            self.value /= vector_length
        raise Exception("Unit vector: a zero length vector cannot be converted into a unit vector.")
def max(self) ‑> float

Maximum value of all vector components.

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def max(self) -> float:
    """Maximum value of all vector components."""
    return self.value.min()
def min(self) ‑> float

Minimum value of all vector components.

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def min(self) -> float:
    """Minimum value of all vector components."""
    return self.value.min()
def multiply(self, x)

Multiply a scalar to all vector elements, or perform vector multiplication with a compatible vector.


x : Vector or float
Vector of same size to be multiplied (element-wise) or scalar to be multiplied to all vector elements.
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def multiply(self, x):
    """Multiply a scalar to all vector elements, or perform vector multiplication with a compatible vector.

    x : Vector or float
        Vector of same size to be multiplied (element-wise) or scalar to be multiplied to all vector elements.
    if isinstance(x, Vector):
        # 'x' is another vector:
        self.value = numpy.matmul(self.value, x.value)
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Vector multiplication failed: M*A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def reset(self, n: int)

Set vector to given size and initialize all values to zero.


n : int
Number of vector elements.
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def reset(self, n:int):
    """Set vector to given size and initialize all values to zero.

    n : int
        Number of vector elements.
    self.n_entries = n
    self.value = numpy.zeros(n, dtype=numpy.float64)
def rotate(self, axis: Vector, angle: float)

Rotate vector around given axis by given angle (in rad).


axis : Vector
Rotation axis.
angle : float
Rotation angle (in rad).
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def rotate(self, axis:'Vector', angle:float):
    """ Rotate vector around given axis by given angle (in rad).

    axis : Vector
        Rotation axis.

    angle : float
        Rotation angle (in rad).

    # Implementing a general rotation matrix.
    cs = math.cos(angle)
    sn = math.sin(angle)

    vx = self.x()
    vy = self.y()
    vz = self.z()

    nx = axis.unit_vector().x()
    ny = axis.unit_vector().y()
    nz = axis.unit_vector().z()

    rx = vx*(nx*nx*(1.0-cs) + cs)    + vy*(nx*ny*(1.0-cs) - nz*sn) + vz*(nx*nz*(1.0-cs) + ny*sn)
    ry = vx*(ny*nx*(1.0-cs) + nz*sn) + vy*(ny*ny*(1.0-cs) + cs)    + vz*(ny*nz*(1.0-cs) - nx*sn)
    rz = vx*(nz*nx*(1.0-cs) - ny*sn) + vy*(nz*ny*(1.0-cs) + nx*sn) + vz*(nz*nz*(1.0-cs) + cs)

    self.set(x=rx, y=ry, z=rz)
def rotate_2D_xy(self, angle: float)

Rotate vector in xy plane.


angle : float
Rotation angle (in rad).
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def rotate_2D_xy(self, angle:float):
    """ Rotate vector in xy plane.

    angle : float
        Rotation angle (in rad).
    cs = math.cos(angle)
    sn = math.sin(angle)

    self.set_x(self.x()*cs - self.y()*sn)
    self.set_y(self.x()*sn + self.y()*cs)
def same_size(self, x: Vector) ‑> bool

Check if this vector has the same size (i.e., number of vector elements, not length!) as the given vector x.


same_dim : bool
True if number of vector elements matches, False otherwise.
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def same_size(self, x:'Vector') -> bool:
    """Check if this vector has the same size (i.e., number of vector elements, not length!) as the given vector `x`.

    same_dim : bool
        `True` if number of vector elements matches, `False` otherwise.

    if self.n_entries == x.n_entries:
        return True

    return False
def scale(self, factor: float)

Scale vector by a scalar factor.


factor : float
Factor that scales all vector elements.
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def scale(self, factor:float):
    """Scale vector by a scalar factor.

    factor : float
        Factor that scales all vector elements.
    self.value = numpy.multiply(self.value, factor)
def scaled(self, factor: float) ‑> Vector

Get a copy of this vector, scaled by the given factor.


factor : float
Factor that scales all vector elements.


result : Vector
Scaled copy of this vector.
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def scaled(self, factor:float) -> 'Vector':
    """ Get a copy of this vector, scaled by the given `factor`.

    factor : float
        Factor that scales all vector elements.

    result : Vector
        Scaled copy of this vector.
    result = self.get_copy()
    return result
def set(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0, z: float = 0, w: float = None)

Set all vector components.

Non-existing vector components (such as w for a 3D vector) should be set to None.


x : float
Value for the first vector element.
y : float, optional
Value for the second vector element.
z : float, optional
Value for the third vector element.
w : float, optional
Value for the fourth vector element.
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def set(self, x:float=0, y:float=0, z:float=0, w:float=None):
    """ Set all vector components.

    Non-existing vector components (such as `w` for a 3D vector) should be set to `None`.

    x : float
        Value for the first vector element.

    y : float, optional
        Value for the second vector element.

    z : float, optional
        Value for the third vector element.

    w : float, optional
        Value for the fourth vector element.
    if self.n_entries > 0 and x is not None:
        self.value[0] = float(x)

    if self.n_entries > 1 and y is not None:
        self.value[1] = float(y)

    if self.n_entries > 2 and z is not None:
        self.value[2] = float(z)

    if self.n_entries > 3 and w is not None:
        self.value[3] = float(w)

def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data)

Provide a one-dimensional NumPy array for the vector data. The new vector size will be the same as the size of the NumPy array.


numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
NumPy array for the new vector values.
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def set_numpy_data_array(self, numpy_data):
    """Provide a one-dimensional NumPy array for the vector data.
    The new vector size will be the same as the size of the NumPy array.

    numpy_data : numpy.ndarray
        NumPy array for the new vector values.
    self.n_entries = len(numpy_data)
    self.value = numpy_data.astype(float)
def set_value_for_index(self, i: int, value: float)

Set value for element at vector index i.


i : int
Index of the vector element.
value : float
New value for the vector element.
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def set_value_for_index(self, i:int, value:float):
    """Set value for element at vector index `i`.

    i : int
        Index of the vector element.

    value : float
        New value for the vector element.
    self.value[i] = float(value)
def set_w(self, value: float)

Set vector's w value (i.e., value of fourth vector element).


value : float
Value for the fourth vector element.
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def set_w(self, value:float):
    """Set vector's w value (i.e., value of fourth vector element).

    value : float
        Value for the fourth vector element.
    self.value[3] = float(value)
def set_x(self, value: float)

Set vector's x value (i.e., value of first vector element).


value : float
Value for the first vector element.
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def set_x(self, value:float):
    """Set vector's x value (i.e., value of first vector element).

    value : float
        Value for the first vector element.
    self.value[0] = float(value)
def set_x_y(self, x: float = 0, y: float = 0)

Set x and y component (relevant for 2D computations).


x : float
Value for the first vector element.
y : float
Value for the second vector element.
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def set_x_y(self, x:float=0, y:float=0):
    """Set x and y component (relevant for 2D computations).

    x : float
        Value for the first vector element.

    y : float
        Value for the second vector element.
    self.value[0] = float(x)
    self.value[1] = float(y)
def set_y(self, value: float)

Set vector's y value (i.e., value of second vector element).


value : float
Value for the second vector element.
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def set_y(self, value:float):
    """Set vector's y value (i.e., value of second vector element).

    value : float
        Value for the second vector element.
    self.value[1] = float(value)
def set_z(self, value: float)

Set vector's z value (i.e., value of third vector element).


value : float
Value for the third vector element.
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def set_z(self, value:float):
    """Set vector's z value (i.e., value of third vector element).

    value : float
        Value for the third vector element.
    self.value[2] = float(value)
def size(self) ‑> int

Get the number of vector elements.


n_entries : int
Number of vector elements.
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def size(self) -> int:
    """Get the number of vector elements.

    n_entries : int
        Number of vector elements.
    return self.n_entries
def sqrt(self)

Set all elements of this vector to their square roots.

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def sqrt(self):
    """ Set all elements of this vector to their square roots. """
    self.value = numpy.sqrt(self.value)
def square(self)

Square all elements of this vector.

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def square(self):
    """ Square all elements of this vector. """
    self.value = numpy.square(self.value)
def squared(self) ‑> Vector

Get a squared copy of this vector.


result : Vector
Squared copy of this vector.
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def squared(self) -> 'Vector':
    """ Get a squared copy of this vector.

    result : Vector
        Squared copy of this vector.
    result = self.get_copy()
    return result
def subtract(self, x)

Subtract a scalar from all vector elements, or subtract another compatible vector.


x : Vector or float
Vector of same size to be subtracted (element-wise) or scalar to be subtracted from all vector elements.
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def subtract(self, x):
    """Subtract a scalar from all vector elements, or subtract another compatible vector.

    x : Vector or float
        Vector of same size to be subtracted (element-wise) or scalar to be subtracted from all vector elements.
    if isinstance(x, Vector):
        # 'x' is another vector:
        if self.same_size(x):
            self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x.value)
            raise Exception("Incompatible vector sizes. Can only subtract vectors of same size.")
    elif isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        # 'x' is a scalar:
        self.value = numpy.subtract(self.value, x)
        raise Exception(f"Vector subtraction failed: M-A is only supported when A is of type 'Vector' or a scalar. The given type is not supported: {type(x)}.")
def sum(self) ‑> float

Get the sum of all vector elements.


sum : float
Sum of all vector elements.
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def sum(self) -> float:
    """ Get the sum of all vector elements.

    sum : float
        Sum of all vector elements.
    return numpy.sum(self.value)
def to(self, x: Vector) ‑> Vector

Get a vector that points from this location to the given location x.


x : Vector
Second location vector.


pointer : Vector
Vector that points from this vector's target point to the target point of the given vector x.
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def to(self, x:'Vector') -> 'Vector':
    """ Get a vector that points from this location to the given location `x`.

    x : Vector
        Second location vector.

    pointer : Vector
        Vector that points from this vector's target point to the target point of the given vector `x`.
    return self.connection(self, x)
def transform(self, M: Matrix)

Apply the transformation given by matrix M to this vector.


M : Matrix
Transformation matrix.
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def transform(self, M:'Matrix'):
    """Apply the transformation given by matrix `M` to this vector.

    M : Matrix
        Transformation matrix.
    result = M*self
    self.n_entries = result.n_entries
    self.value     = result.value
def unit_vector(self) ‑> Vector

Get a unit vector that points in the same direction as this vector.


unit_vector : Vector
Unit vector for this vector.


If this vector changes, the returned unit vector object will be invalidated. To store the unit vector permanently, get a copy of the unit vector (using get_copy()) so it won't change:

unitv = v.unit_vector().get_copy()
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def unit_vector(self) -> 'Vector':
    """ Get a unit vector that points in the same direction as this vector.

    unit_vector : Vector
        Unit vector for this vector.

    If this vector changes, the returned unit vector object will be invalidated. To store the unit vector permanently, get a copy of the unit vector (using `get_copy()`) so it won't change:

    unitv = v.unit_vector().get_copy()
    if self._unit_vector is None:
        self._unit_vector = self.get_copy()

    return self._unit_vector
def update(self)

Called when vector is changed.

Invalidates private member variables for length and unit vector, so they will be re-calculated the next time their public getter functions are called.

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def update(self):
    """Called when vector is changed.

    Invalidates private member variables for length and unit vector,
    so they will be re-calculated the next time their public getter
    functions are called.
    self._unit_vector = None
    self._length = None
def w(self) ‑> float

Get fourth vector element.


w : float
Fourth vector element.
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def w(self) -> float:
    """Get fourth vector element.

    w : float

        Fourth vector element.
    return self.value[3]
def x(self) ‑> float

Get first vector element.


x : float
First vector element.
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def x(self) -> float:
    """Get first vector element.

    x : float
        First vector element.
    return self.value[0]
def y(self) ‑> float

Get second vector element.


y : float
Second vector element.
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def y(self) -> float:
    """Get second vector element.

    y : float
        Second vector element.
    return self.value[1]
def z(self) ‑> float

Get third vector element.


z : float
Third vector element.
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def z(self) -> float:
    """Get third vector element.

    z : float

        Third vector element.
    return self.value[2]