Module ctsimu.evaluation.test2D_SW_2

Test 2D-SW-2: Spectral filtering

In this test scenario, spectral filtering is tested. Two spherical wedges with 9 steps of different thicknesses are simulated: one made of aluminum, the other one made of iron. For both wedges, we define two scenarios each: one at an X-ray spectrum of 200 kV without any additional filters (apart from the tube window), the other one with an additional copper filter (2 mm) by which the spectrum shall be filtered. This will result in grey value ratios between the wedge steps which are characteristic to each scenario. Those ratios are compared to the ratios obtained from particle-transport Monte-Carlo simulations of the corresponding scenarios.

When running the test evaluation, please take care to use the correct keywords for each sub-test, as shown in the code example below. It is not necessary to run all tests at once, but possible.

from ctsimu.toolbox import Toolbox
  Al   = "2D-SW-2_Al_200kV_noFilter_metadata.json",
  AlCu = "2D-SW-2_Al_200kV_Filter2mmCu_metadata.json",
  Fe   = "2D-SW-2_Fe_200kV_noFilter_metadata.json",
  FeCu = "2D-SW-2_Fe_200kV_Filter2mmCu_metadata.json"

The regions of interest (ROI) where the gray values are measured are the same as shown for scenario ctsimu.evaluation.test2D_SW_1. The errors of the gray value ratios between the steps of the wedges in the Monte-Carlo simulations are obtained by Gaussian error propagation in analogy to the procedure shown for 2D-SW-1.

The result files list the measured grey values and their corresponding ROIs, as well as the measured grey value ratios between subsequent steps. For the ratios, it also lists the Monte-Carlo reference values and their uncertainties. Just like for scenario 2D-SW-1, values are given for simulations considering only primary radiation (without scatter radiation), and simulations which consider both (labelled scatter in the result files). Plots such as the example shown below are produced for each sub-test.

2D-SW-2 example evaluation result

The example evaluation result displays the gray value ratios between each pair of neighboring steps of the iron wedge. Small crosses represent the grey value ratios calculated from the Monte-Carlo simulations. Their error bars cover the ratio's uncertainty u in both directions. Solid circles without error bars show the measured ratios from the projections of the simulation software.

Expand source code
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""# Test 2D-SW-2: Spectral filtering

.. include:: ./

from ..test import *
from ..helpers import *

import pkgutil
import io

class Test2D_SW_2_results:
    """ Results for one sub test of the filtering scenario. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.longName = ""

        # Grey value means and ratios (per wedge step):
        self.means             = []     # Mean value for each step
        self.ratios            = None   # Grey value ratios between the steps

        # Grey values from Monte-Carlo simuation:
        self.means_rosi_total    = None   # accounting for scatter radiation
        self.means_rosi_primary  = None   # accounting only for primary radiation
        self.means_mcray_total    = None   # accounting for scatter radiation
        self.means_mcray_primary  = None   # accounting only for primary radiation

        # Reference values for Monte-Carlo simulation (calculated in loadReference())
        self.means_mc_total    = None   # accounting for scatter radiation
        self.means_mc_primary  = None   # accounting only for primary radiation
        self.error_mc_total_upper   = None
        self.error_mc_total_lower   = None
        self.error_mc_primary_upper = None
        self.error_mc_primary_lower = None

        # reference grey value ratios
        self.ratios_mc_total = None
        self.ratios_mc_primary = None
        self.error_ratios_mc_total_upper = []
        self.error_ratios_mc_total_lower = []
        self.error_ratios_mc_primary_upper = []
        self.error_ratios_mc_primary_lower = []

    def loadReference(self, name):
        dataText = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/2D-SW-2_scenario{name}.txt".format(name=name)).decode()
        dataIO = io.StringIO(dataText)
        allData = numpy.loadtxt(dataIO, delimiter='\t')  # ignore free beam

        # --- total radiation
        means_rosi_total  = allData[:,1]
        means_mcray_total = allData[:,4]
        means_total = (means_rosi_total + means_mcray_total) * 0.5
        delta_total = numpy.absolute(means_rosi_total - means_mcray_total)

        stddev_rosi_total  = allData[:,2]
        stddev_mcray_total = allData[:,5]

        #err_total = 0.5*(delta_total + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(stddev_rosi_total) + numpy.square(stddev_mcray_total)))
        err_total_rosi  = numpy.fmax(stddev_rosi_total,  stddev_mcray_total-delta_total) + 0.5*delta_total
        err_total_mcray = numpy.fmax(stddev_mcray_total, stddev_rosi_total-delta_total)  + 0.5*delta_total
        err_total_upper = numpy.zeros_like(err_total_rosi)
        err_total_lower = numpy.zeros_like(err_total_rosi)
        for i in range(len(err_total_upper)):
            if means_rosi_total[i] > means_total[i]:  # ROSI is upper bound
                err_total_upper[i] = err_total_rosi[i]
                err_total_lower[i] = err_total_mcray[i]
            else:   # McRay is upper bound
                err_total_upper[i] = err_total_mcray[i]
                err_total_lower[i] = err_total_rosi[i]

        # --- primary radiation
        means_rosi_primary  = allData[:,9]
        means_mcray_primary = allData[:,12]
        means_primary = (means_rosi_primary + means_mcray_primary) * 0.5
        delta_primary = numpy.absolute(means_rosi_primary - means_mcray_primary)

        stddev_rosi_primary  = allData[:,10]
        stddev_mcray_primary = allData[:,13]

        #err_primary = 0.5*(delta_primary + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(stddev_rosi_primary) + numpy.square(stddev_mcray_primary)))
        err_primary_rosi  = numpy.fmax(stddev_rosi_primary,  stddev_mcray_primary-delta_primary) + 0.5*delta_primary
        err_primary_mcray = numpy.fmax(stddev_mcray_primary, stddev_rosi_primary-delta_primary)  + 0.5*delta_primary
        err_primary_upper = numpy.zeros_like(err_primary_rosi)
        err_primary_lower = numpy.zeros_like(err_primary_rosi)
        for i in range(len(err_primary_upper)):
            if means_rosi_primary[i] > means_primary[i]:  # ROSI is upper bound
                err_primary_upper[i] = err_primary_rosi[i]
                err_primary_lower[i] = err_primary_mcray[i]
            else:   # McRay is upper bound
                err_primary_upper[i] = err_primary_mcray[i]
                err_primary_lower[i] = err_primary_rosi[i]

        self.means_rosi_total    = means_rosi_total
        self.means_rosi_primary  = means_rosi_primary
        self.means_mcray_total    = means_mcray_total
        self.means_mcray_primary  = means_mcray_primary

        self.means_mc_total         = means_total
        self.means_mc_primary       = means_primary
        self.error_mc_total_upper   = err_total_upper
        self.error_mc_total_lower   = err_total_lower
        self.error_mc_primary_upper = err_primary_upper
        self.error_mc_primary_lower = err_primary_lower


        self.ratios_mc_total   = ratios(self.means_mc_total)
        self.ratios_mc_primary = ratios(self.means_mc_primary)

        # calculate maximum uncertainties of MC ratios:
        for v in range(1, len(self.ratios_mc_primary)+1):
            c, uncertainty_total_upper = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_total[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_total[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_total_upper[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_total_upper[v-1]
            c, uncertainty_primary_upper = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_primary[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_primary[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_primary_upper[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_primary_upper[v-1]

            c, uncertainty_total_lower = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_total[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_total[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_total_lower[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_total_lower[v-1]
            c, uncertainty_primary_lower = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_primary[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_primary[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_primary_lower[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_primary_lower[v-1]


class Test2D_SW_2(generalTest):
    """ CTSimU test 2D-SW-1: detector models / scintillators.
        CTSimU test 2D-SW-2: spectral filtering. """

    def __init__(self, resultFileDirectory=".", name=None, rawOutput=False):

        self.results = []

        self.shrink = 35
        self.leftOffset = 510 - self.shrink
        self.nPixels = 20 + 2*self.shrink

        # Absolute step definitions. Will be shrunk to accept tolerance border,
        # but these absolute definitions are needed for grey value rescaling and clipping.
        self.steps = [
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 819, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 910),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 728, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 819),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 637, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 728),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 546, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 637),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 455, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 546),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 364, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 455),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 273, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 364),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 182, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 273),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset,  91, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 182),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset,   0, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels,  91)  # free beam

    def prepare(self):
        """ Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline. """
        self.prepared = True

    def prepareRun(self, i):
        if i < len(self.subtests):
            results = Test2D_SW_2_results()

            if self.subtests[i] == "Al":
                results.longName = "Al wedge, no filter"
            elif self.subtests[i] == "AlCu":
                results.longName = "Al wedge, 2 mm Cu filter"
            elif self.subtests[i] == "Fe":
                results.longName = "Fe wedge, no filter"
            elif self.subtests[i] == "FeCu":
                results.longName = "Fe wedge, 2 mm Cu filter"
                raise Exception("{key} is not a valid subtest identifier for test scenario {test}".format(key=self.subtests[i], test=self.testName))

   = self.testName
            if len(self.subtests) == 0:
                raise Exception("Please provide keywords that identify which metadata file belongs to which subtest. Test {testname} accepts the following keywords: 'Al', 'AlCu', 'Fe' and 'FeCu'.".format(testname=self.testName))
                raise Exception("Number of provided image metadata files exceeds number of test runs ({expected}).".format(expected=len(self.subtests)))

    def run(self, image):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]

        # Grey value summary
        statsText = "# Evaluation of Test {name}, {subname}:\n".format(, subname=subtestName)
        statsText += "# {longDesc}\n".format(longDesc=self.results[i].longName)
        statsText += "# \n"
        statsText += "# ROI mean grey value per step\n"
        statsText += "# step\tx0\ty0\tx1\ty1\twidth [px]\theight [px]\tarea [px]\tmean [GV]\n"

        step = 0
        for roi in self.steps:
            step += 1
            smallerROI = copy.deepcopy(roi)
            stats = image.stats(smallerROI)

            statsText += "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\n".format(step, smallerROI.x0, smallerROI.y0, smallerROI.x1, smallerROI.y1, stats["width"], stats["height"], stats["area"], stats["mean"])


        self.results[i].ratios = ratios(self.results[i].means)

        statsFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_grey_values.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName)
        with open(statsFileName, 'w') as statsFile:

        # Ratio summary
        ratioText = "# Evaluation of Test {name}, {subname}:\n".format(, subname=subtestName)
        ratioText += "# {longDesc}\n".format(longDesc=self.results[i].longName)
        ratioText += "# \n"

        ratioText += "# Grey value ratios\n"
        ratioText += "# step A\tstep B\tratio (A/B)\treference ratio (primary)\terror_lower (ref. primary)\terror_upper (ref. primary)\trel. deviation (primary)\treference ratio (total)\terror_lower (ref. total)\terror_upper (ref. total)\trel. deviation (total)\n"

        for r in range(len(self.results[i].ratios)):
            ratioText += "{A}\t{B}\t{ratio:.5f}\t{refPrimary:.5f}\t{errorPrimaryLower:.5f}\t{errorPrimaryUpper:.5f}\t{devFacPrimary:.5f}\t{reftotal:.5f}\t{errorTotalLower:.5f}\t{errorTotalUpper:.5f}\t{devFacTotal:.5f}\n".format(
                    A = (r+2),
                    B = (r+1),
                    ratio = self.results[i].ratios[r],
                    refPrimary = self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary[r],
                    errorPrimaryLower = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_lower[r],
                    errorPrimaryUpper = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_upper[r],
                    devFacPrimary = (self.results[i].ratios[r] / self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary[r] - 1),
                    reftotal = self.results[i].ratios_mc_total[r],
                    errorTotalLower = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_lower[r],
                    errorTotalUpper = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_upper[r],
                    devFacTotal = (self.results[i].ratios[r] / self.results[i].ratios_mc_total[r] - 1)

        ratioFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_ratios.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName)
        with open(ratioFileName, 'w') as ratiosFile:


        self.currentRun += 1
        return image

    def followUp(self):

    def plotResults(self):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]
        xValues = numpy.linspace(0, len(self.results[i].ratios)-1, len(self.results[i].ratios), endpoint=True)
        xLabels = ("2 by 1", "3 by 2", "4 by 3", "5 by 4", "6 by 5", "7 by 6", "8 by 7", "9 by 8", "10 by 9")

            import matplotlib
            import matplotlib.pyplot
            from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, AutoMinorLocator)


            for mode in ("primary", "total"):
                fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 5))

                # Grey Value Profile:
                if mode == "primary":
                    modeDescription = "primary radiation"
                    ax.errorbar(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary, xerr=None, yerr=[self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_lower, self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_upper], linewidth=0, elinewidth=2.0, ecolor='#fe6100')
                    ax.plot(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary, '_', markersize=11.0, label="Monte-Carlo reference", color='#fe6100')
                    modeDescription = "total radiation (scatter+primary)"
                    ax.errorbar(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_total, xerr=None, yerr=[self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_lower, self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_upper], linewidth=0, elinewidth=2.0, ecolor='#fe6100')
                    ax.plot(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_total, '_', markersize=11.0, label="Monte-Carlo reference", color='#fe6100')

                ax.plot(xValues, self.results[i].ratios, 'o', markersize=5.0, label="measured", color='#1f77b4')

                ax.set_xlabel("step pair division")
                ax.set_ylabel("grey value ratio")
                ax.set_title("2D-SW-2, {sub}, {details}".format(sub=self.results[i].longName, details=modeDescription), loc="left", fontsize=10)
                ax.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='#d9d9d9', linestyle='dashed')
                ax.grid(visible=True, which='minor', axis='both', color='#e7e7e7', linestyle='dotted')
                ax.legend(loc='lower left')


                plotFilename = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_ratios_{mode}.png".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName, mode=mode)

        except Exception as e:
            log(f"Warning: Error plotting results for test {}, {subtestName} using matplotlib: {e}")


class Test2D_SW_2 (resultFileDirectory='.', name=None, rawOutput=False)

CTSimU test 2D-SW-1: detector models / scintillators. CTSimU test 2D-SW-2: spectral filtering.

Expand source code
class Test2D_SW_2(generalTest):
    """ CTSimU test 2D-SW-1: detector models / scintillators.
        CTSimU test 2D-SW-2: spectral filtering. """

    def __init__(self, resultFileDirectory=".", name=None, rawOutput=False):

        self.results = []

        self.shrink = 35
        self.leftOffset = 510 - self.shrink
        self.nPixels = 20 + 2*self.shrink

        # Absolute step definitions. Will be shrunk to accept tolerance border,
        # but these absolute definitions are needed for grey value rescaling and clipping.
        self.steps = [
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 819, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 910),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 728, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 819),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 637, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 728),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 546, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 637),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 455, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 546),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 364, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 455),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 273, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 364),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset, 182, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 273),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset,  91, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels, 182),
            ImageROI(self.leftOffset,   0, self.leftOffset+self.nPixels,  91)  # free beam

    def prepare(self):
        """ Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline. """
        self.prepared = True

    def prepareRun(self, i):
        if i < len(self.subtests):
            results = Test2D_SW_2_results()

            if self.subtests[i] == "Al":
                results.longName = "Al wedge, no filter"
            elif self.subtests[i] == "AlCu":
                results.longName = "Al wedge, 2 mm Cu filter"
            elif self.subtests[i] == "Fe":
                results.longName = "Fe wedge, no filter"
            elif self.subtests[i] == "FeCu":
                results.longName = "Fe wedge, 2 mm Cu filter"
                raise Exception("{key} is not a valid subtest identifier for test scenario {test}".format(key=self.subtests[i], test=self.testName))

   = self.testName
            if len(self.subtests) == 0:
                raise Exception("Please provide keywords that identify which metadata file belongs to which subtest. Test {testname} accepts the following keywords: 'Al', 'AlCu', 'Fe' and 'FeCu'.".format(testname=self.testName))
                raise Exception("Number of provided image metadata files exceeds number of test runs ({expected}).".format(expected=len(self.subtests)))

    def run(self, image):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]

        # Grey value summary
        statsText = "# Evaluation of Test {name}, {subname}:\n".format(, subname=subtestName)
        statsText += "# {longDesc}\n".format(longDesc=self.results[i].longName)
        statsText += "# \n"
        statsText += "# ROI mean grey value per step\n"
        statsText += "# step\tx0\ty0\tx1\ty1\twidth [px]\theight [px]\tarea [px]\tmean [GV]\n"

        step = 0
        for roi in self.steps:
            step += 1
            smallerROI = copy.deepcopy(roi)
            stats = image.stats(smallerROI)

            statsText += "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\n".format(step, smallerROI.x0, smallerROI.y0, smallerROI.x1, smallerROI.y1, stats["width"], stats["height"], stats["area"], stats["mean"])


        self.results[i].ratios = ratios(self.results[i].means)

        statsFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_grey_values.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName)
        with open(statsFileName, 'w') as statsFile:

        # Ratio summary
        ratioText = "# Evaluation of Test {name}, {subname}:\n".format(, subname=subtestName)
        ratioText += "# {longDesc}\n".format(longDesc=self.results[i].longName)
        ratioText += "# \n"

        ratioText += "# Grey value ratios\n"
        ratioText += "# step A\tstep B\tratio (A/B)\treference ratio (primary)\terror_lower (ref. primary)\terror_upper (ref. primary)\trel. deviation (primary)\treference ratio (total)\terror_lower (ref. total)\terror_upper (ref. total)\trel. deviation (total)\n"

        for r in range(len(self.results[i].ratios)):
            ratioText += "{A}\t{B}\t{ratio:.5f}\t{refPrimary:.5f}\t{errorPrimaryLower:.5f}\t{errorPrimaryUpper:.5f}\t{devFacPrimary:.5f}\t{reftotal:.5f}\t{errorTotalLower:.5f}\t{errorTotalUpper:.5f}\t{devFacTotal:.5f}\n".format(
                    A = (r+2),
                    B = (r+1),
                    ratio = self.results[i].ratios[r],
                    refPrimary = self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary[r],
                    errorPrimaryLower = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_lower[r],
                    errorPrimaryUpper = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_upper[r],
                    devFacPrimary = (self.results[i].ratios[r] / self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary[r] - 1),
                    reftotal = self.results[i].ratios_mc_total[r],
                    errorTotalLower = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_lower[r],
                    errorTotalUpper = self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_upper[r],
                    devFacTotal = (self.results[i].ratios[r] / self.results[i].ratios_mc_total[r] - 1)

        ratioFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_ratios.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName)
        with open(ratioFileName, 'w') as ratiosFile:


        self.currentRun += 1
        return image

    def followUp(self):

    def plotResults(self):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]
        xValues = numpy.linspace(0, len(self.results[i].ratios)-1, len(self.results[i].ratios), endpoint=True)
        xLabels = ("2 by 1", "3 by 2", "4 by 3", "5 by 4", "6 by 5", "7 by 6", "8 by 7", "9 by 8", "10 by 9")

            import matplotlib
            import matplotlib.pyplot
            from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, AutoMinorLocator)


            for mode in ("primary", "total"):
                fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 5))

                # Grey Value Profile:
                if mode == "primary":
                    modeDescription = "primary radiation"
                    ax.errorbar(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary, xerr=None, yerr=[self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_lower, self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_primary_upper], linewidth=0, elinewidth=2.0, ecolor='#fe6100')
                    ax.plot(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_primary, '_', markersize=11.0, label="Monte-Carlo reference", color='#fe6100')
                    modeDescription = "total radiation (scatter+primary)"
                    ax.errorbar(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_total, xerr=None, yerr=[self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_lower, self.results[i].error_ratios_mc_total_upper], linewidth=0, elinewidth=2.0, ecolor='#fe6100')
                    ax.plot(xValues, self.results[i].ratios_mc_total, '_', markersize=11.0, label="Monte-Carlo reference", color='#fe6100')

                ax.plot(xValues, self.results[i].ratios, 'o', markersize=5.0, label="measured", color='#1f77b4')

                ax.set_xlabel("step pair division")
                ax.set_ylabel("grey value ratio")
                ax.set_title("2D-SW-2, {sub}, {details}".format(sub=self.results[i].longName, details=modeDescription), loc="left", fontsize=10)
                ax.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='#d9d9d9', linestyle='dashed')
                ax.grid(visible=True, which='minor', axis='both', color='#e7e7e7', linestyle='dotted')
                ax.legend(loc='lower left')


                plotFilename = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_ratios_{mode}.png".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName, mode=mode)

        except Exception as e:
            log(f"Warning: Error plotting results for test {}, {subtestName} using matplotlib: {e}")



def prepare(self)

Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline.

Expand source code
def prepare(self):
    """ Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline. """
    self.prepared = True
def prepareRun(self, i)
Expand source code
def prepareRun(self, i):
    if i < len(self.subtests):
        results = Test2D_SW_2_results()

        if self.subtests[i] == "Al":
            results.longName = "Al wedge, no filter"
        elif self.subtests[i] == "AlCu":
            results.longName = "Al wedge, 2 mm Cu filter"
        elif self.subtests[i] == "Fe":
            results.longName = "Fe wedge, no filter"
        elif self.subtests[i] == "FeCu":
            results.longName = "Fe wedge, 2 mm Cu filter"
            raise Exception("{key} is not a valid subtest identifier for test scenario {test}".format(key=self.subtests[i], test=self.testName)) = self.testName
        if len(self.subtests) == 0:
            raise Exception("Please provide keywords that identify which metadata file belongs to which subtest. Test {testname} accepts the following keywords: 'Al', 'AlCu', 'Fe' and 'FeCu'.".format(testname=self.testName))
            raise Exception("Number of provided image metadata files exceeds number of test runs ({expected}).".format(expected=len(self.subtests)))

Inherited members

class Test2D_SW_2_results

Results for one sub test of the filtering scenario.

Expand source code
class Test2D_SW_2_results:
    """ Results for one sub test of the filtering scenario. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.longName = ""

        # Grey value means and ratios (per wedge step):
        self.means             = []     # Mean value for each step
        self.ratios            = None   # Grey value ratios between the steps

        # Grey values from Monte-Carlo simuation:
        self.means_rosi_total    = None   # accounting for scatter radiation
        self.means_rosi_primary  = None   # accounting only for primary radiation
        self.means_mcray_total    = None   # accounting for scatter radiation
        self.means_mcray_primary  = None   # accounting only for primary radiation

        # Reference values for Monte-Carlo simulation (calculated in loadReference())
        self.means_mc_total    = None   # accounting for scatter radiation
        self.means_mc_primary  = None   # accounting only for primary radiation
        self.error_mc_total_upper   = None
        self.error_mc_total_lower   = None
        self.error_mc_primary_upper = None
        self.error_mc_primary_lower = None

        # reference grey value ratios
        self.ratios_mc_total = None
        self.ratios_mc_primary = None
        self.error_ratios_mc_total_upper = []
        self.error_ratios_mc_total_lower = []
        self.error_ratios_mc_primary_upper = []
        self.error_ratios_mc_primary_lower = []

    def loadReference(self, name):
        dataText = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/2D-SW-2_scenario{name}.txt".format(name=name)).decode()
        dataIO = io.StringIO(dataText)
        allData = numpy.loadtxt(dataIO, delimiter='\t')  # ignore free beam

        # --- total radiation
        means_rosi_total  = allData[:,1]
        means_mcray_total = allData[:,4]
        means_total = (means_rosi_total + means_mcray_total) * 0.5
        delta_total = numpy.absolute(means_rosi_total - means_mcray_total)

        stddev_rosi_total  = allData[:,2]
        stddev_mcray_total = allData[:,5]

        #err_total = 0.5*(delta_total + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(stddev_rosi_total) + numpy.square(stddev_mcray_total)))
        err_total_rosi  = numpy.fmax(stddev_rosi_total,  stddev_mcray_total-delta_total) + 0.5*delta_total
        err_total_mcray = numpy.fmax(stddev_mcray_total, stddev_rosi_total-delta_total)  + 0.5*delta_total
        err_total_upper = numpy.zeros_like(err_total_rosi)
        err_total_lower = numpy.zeros_like(err_total_rosi)
        for i in range(len(err_total_upper)):
            if means_rosi_total[i] > means_total[i]:  # ROSI is upper bound
                err_total_upper[i] = err_total_rosi[i]
                err_total_lower[i] = err_total_mcray[i]
            else:   # McRay is upper bound
                err_total_upper[i] = err_total_mcray[i]
                err_total_lower[i] = err_total_rosi[i]

        # --- primary radiation
        means_rosi_primary  = allData[:,9]
        means_mcray_primary = allData[:,12]
        means_primary = (means_rosi_primary + means_mcray_primary) * 0.5
        delta_primary = numpy.absolute(means_rosi_primary - means_mcray_primary)

        stddev_rosi_primary  = allData[:,10]
        stddev_mcray_primary = allData[:,13]

        #err_primary = 0.5*(delta_primary + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(stddev_rosi_primary) + numpy.square(stddev_mcray_primary)))
        err_primary_rosi  = numpy.fmax(stddev_rosi_primary,  stddev_mcray_primary-delta_primary) + 0.5*delta_primary
        err_primary_mcray = numpy.fmax(stddev_mcray_primary, stddev_rosi_primary-delta_primary)  + 0.5*delta_primary
        err_primary_upper = numpy.zeros_like(err_primary_rosi)
        err_primary_lower = numpy.zeros_like(err_primary_rosi)
        for i in range(len(err_primary_upper)):
            if means_rosi_primary[i] > means_primary[i]:  # ROSI is upper bound
                err_primary_upper[i] = err_primary_rosi[i]
                err_primary_lower[i] = err_primary_mcray[i]
            else:   # McRay is upper bound
                err_primary_upper[i] = err_primary_mcray[i]
                err_primary_lower[i] = err_primary_rosi[i]

        self.means_rosi_total    = means_rosi_total
        self.means_rosi_primary  = means_rosi_primary
        self.means_mcray_total    = means_mcray_total
        self.means_mcray_primary  = means_mcray_primary

        self.means_mc_total         = means_total
        self.means_mc_primary       = means_primary
        self.error_mc_total_upper   = err_total_upper
        self.error_mc_total_lower   = err_total_lower
        self.error_mc_primary_upper = err_primary_upper
        self.error_mc_primary_lower = err_primary_lower


        self.ratios_mc_total   = ratios(self.means_mc_total)
        self.ratios_mc_primary = ratios(self.means_mc_primary)

        # calculate maximum uncertainties of MC ratios:
        for v in range(1, len(self.ratios_mc_primary)+1):
            c, uncertainty_total_upper = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_total[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_total[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_total_upper[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_total_upper[v-1]
            c, uncertainty_primary_upper = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_primary[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_primary[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_primary_upper[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_primary_upper[v-1]

            c, uncertainty_total_lower = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_total[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_total[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_total_lower[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_total_lower[v-1]
            c, uncertainty_primary_lower = divide_and_error(
                muA = self.means_mc_primary[v-1],
                muB = self.means_mc_primary[v],
                errA = self.error_mc_primary_lower[v],
                errB = self.error_mc_primary_lower[v-1]



def loadReference(self, name)
Expand source code
def loadReference(self, name):
    dataText = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/2D-SW-2_scenario{name}.txt".format(name=name)).decode()
    dataIO = io.StringIO(dataText)
    allData = numpy.loadtxt(dataIO, delimiter='\t')  # ignore free beam

    # --- total radiation
    means_rosi_total  = allData[:,1]
    means_mcray_total = allData[:,4]
    means_total = (means_rosi_total + means_mcray_total) * 0.5
    delta_total = numpy.absolute(means_rosi_total - means_mcray_total)

    stddev_rosi_total  = allData[:,2]
    stddev_mcray_total = allData[:,5]

    #err_total = 0.5*(delta_total + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(stddev_rosi_total) + numpy.square(stddev_mcray_total)))
    err_total_rosi  = numpy.fmax(stddev_rosi_total,  stddev_mcray_total-delta_total) + 0.5*delta_total
    err_total_mcray = numpy.fmax(stddev_mcray_total, stddev_rosi_total-delta_total)  + 0.5*delta_total
    err_total_upper = numpy.zeros_like(err_total_rosi)
    err_total_lower = numpy.zeros_like(err_total_rosi)
    for i in range(len(err_total_upper)):
        if means_rosi_total[i] > means_total[i]:  # ROSI is upper bound
            err_total_upper[i] = err_total_rosi[i]
            err_total_lower[i] = err_total_mcray[i]
        else:   # McRay is upper bound
            err_total_upper[i] = err_total_mcray[i]
            err_total_lower[i] = err_total_rosi[i]

    # --- primary radiation
    means_rosi_primary  = allData[:,9]
    means_mcray_primary = allData[:,12]
    means_primary = (means_rosi_primary + means_mcray_primary) * 0.5
    delta_primary = numpy.absolute(means_rosi_primary - means_mcray_primary)

    stddev_rosi_primary  = allData[:,10]
    stddev_mcray_primary = allData[:,13]

    #err_primary = 0.5*(delta_primary + numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(stddev_rosi_primary) + numpy.square(stddev_mcray_primary)))
    err_primary_rosi  = numpy.fmax(stddev_rosi_primary,  stddev_mcray_primary-delta_primary) + 0.5*delta_primary
    err_primary_mcray = numpy.fmax(stddev_mcray_primary, stddev_rosi_primary-delta_primary)  + 0.5*delta_primary
    err_primary_upper = numpy.zeros_like(err_primary_rosi)
    err_primary_lower = numpy.zeros_like(err_primary_rosi)
    for i in range(len(err_primary_upper)):
        if means_rosi_primary[i] > means_primary[i]:  # ROSI is upper bound
            err_primary_upper[i] = err_primary_rosi[i]
            err_primary_lower[i] = err_primary_mcray[i]
        else:   # McRay is upper bound
            err_primary_upper[i] = err_primary_mcray[i]
            err_primary_lower[i] = err_primary_rosi[i]

    self.means_rosi_total    = means_rosi_total
    self.means_rosi_primary  = means_rosi_primary
    self.means_mcray_total    = means_mcray_total
    self.means_mcray_primary  = means_mcray_primary

    self.means_mc_total         = means_total
    self.means_mc_primary       = means_primary
    self.error_mc_total_upper   = err_total_upper
    self.error_mc_total_lower   = err_total_lower
    self.error_mc_primary_upper = err_primary_upper
    self.error_mc_primary_lower = err_primary_lower


    self.ratios_mc_total   = ratios(self.means_mc_total)
    self.ratios_mc_primary = ratios(self.means_mc_primary)

    # calculate maximum uncertainties of MC ratios:
    for v in range(1, len(self.ratios_mc_primary)+1):
        c, uncertainty_total_upper = divide_and_error(
            muA = self.means_mc_total[v-1],
            muB = self.means_mc_total[v],
            errA = self.error_mc_total_upper[v],
            errB = self.error_mc_total_upper[v-1]
        c, uncertainty_primary_upper = divide_and_error(
            muA = self.means_mc_primary[v-1],
            muB = self.means_mc_primary[v],
            errA = self.error_mc_primary_upper[v],
            errB = self.error_mc_primary_upper[v-1]

        c, uncertainty_total_lower = divide_and_error(
            muA = self.means_mc_total[v-1],
            muB = self.means_mc_total[v],
            errA = self.error_mc_total_lower[v],
            errB = self.error_mc_total_lower[v-1]
        c, uncertainty_primary_lower = divide_and_error(
            muA = self.means_mc_primary[v-1],
            muB = self.means_mc_primary[v],
            errA = self.error_mc_primary_lower[v],
            errB = self.error_mc_primary_lower[v-1]
