Module ctsimu.evaluation.test2D_DW_1

Test 2D-DW-1: Detector unsharpness

This test employs a sample of duplex wires (DIN EN 462-5 or ISO 19232-5) to check if the required basic spatial resolution (SRb) is simulated correctly. It uses the technique presented in ASTM E2002-15 to calculate the interpolated basic spatial resolution (iSRb) using a line profile across the duplex wires sample.

This scenario defines two subtests: one with a basic spatial resolution of SRb,1 = 75 μm, and a second one with SRb,2 = 150 μm. The following code example shows how to identify each sub-test correctly when using the toolbox with metadata files to run the evaluation.

from ctsimu.toolbox import Toolbox
    SR75  = "2D-DW-1_75um_metadata.json",
    SR150 = "2D-DW-1_150um_metadata.json"

A line profile is measured perpendicular to the duplex wires at a tilt angle of 3°, with a line width of w = 20 px and a resolution of r = 0.1 px. The profile has a length of l = 1050 px; its start and end point are given and illustrated in the following picture.

Duplex wire

The evaluation follows the procedure described in ASTM E2002-15 to calculate the interpolated basic spatial resolution (iSRb). The modulation depth is measured for each wire pair, defined as the ratio of the height of its central peak above the two dips to the depth of its dips against the background intensity. For the interpolation, a quadratic function is fit to the last point that has a modulation depth of more than 20% and its neighborhood of nearest and next-nearest neighbors, as long as they have a modulation depth of at least 1.5%.

Example results for 150um

The upper picture shows an example for a line profile across the duplex wire pairs at a simulated basic spatial resolution of SRb,2 = 150 μm for a pixel size of 50 μm.

The lower picture shows the identified modulation depths as a function of the wire spacing. The dotted line shows the quadratic interpolation function, the cross designates the interpolated iSRb = 147 μm at a modulation depth of 20%.

Expand source code
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""# Test 2D-DW-1: Detector unsharpness

.. include:: ./

from ..test import *
from ..helpers import *
from ..primitives import *
from ..image_analysis.isrb import Interpolation, OrderError, ResultError
from ..scenario import Scenario

class Test2D_DW_1_results:
    """ Results for one sub-test. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.lineProfileGV  = None   # Profile positions
        self.lineProfilePos = None   # Profile values

        # For the modulation depth vs. wire spacing diagram:
        self.wireSpacings     = None
        self.modulationDepths = None

        self.interpolation_wireSpacings = None
        self.interpolation_modulationDepths = None

        self.interpolation_a = 0
        self.interpolation_b = 0
        self.interpolation_c = 0

        self.pixelSize   = None
        self.SDD         = None
        self.SOD         = None

        self.criticalIndex = None   # Last wire pair with dip > 20%.
        self.SRb_nominal  = None
        self.SRb_interpolated = None

class Test2D_DW_1(generalTest):
    """ CTSimU test 2D-DW-1: Detector Unsharpness. """

    def __init__(self, resultFileDirectory=".", name=None, rawOutput=False):

        # Results for each sub test:
        self.results = []

        # ROI of imaged duplex wire: (622, 312) -- (1630, 678)

        duplexAngle = 3 * (math.pi/180.0)   # 3 deg duplex wire rotation
        duplexCenter = Vector(1126, 496)    # Center of duplex wire ROI

        self.profileLength = 1050
        self.profileRes    = 0.1
        self.profileWidth  = 20

        duplexDirection = Vector(self.profileLength/2, 0)   # points "right"
        duplexDirection.rotate_2D_xy(duplexAngle)   # Rotate by angle of duplex wire arrangement

        self.p0 = duplexCenter - duplexDirection
        self.p1 = duplexCenter + duplexDirection

        self.currentNominalSRb = 0
        self.currentPixelSize  = 0
        self.currentSDD        = 0
        self.currentSOD        = 0

    def prepare(self):
        """ Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline. """
        self.prepared = True

    def prepareRun(self, i):
        if i < len(self.subtests):
            self.jsonScenarioFile = "2D-DW-1_Detektor1_2021-05-26v01r01dp.json"
            if self.subtests[i] == "SR150":
                self.jsonScenarioFile = "2D-DW-1_Detektor2_2021-05-26v01r01dp.json"

            if self.jsonScenarioFile is not None:
                scenario = Scenario(json_dict=json_from_pkg(pkg_scenario(self.jsonScenarioFile)))

                self.currentNominalSRb = scenario.detector.unsharpness.basic_spatial_resolution.get()

                if self.currentNominalSRb is None:
                    raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot find 'basic_spatial_resolution' value in JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

                self.currentPixelSize = scenario.detector.pixel_pitch.u.get()
                if self.currentPixelSize is None:
                    raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot find 'pixel_pitch/u' value in JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

                geo = scenario.current_geometry()
                self.currentSDD = geo.SDD
                if self.currentSDD is None:
                    raise Exception(f"Test {}: Calculation of SDD failed.")

                self.currentSOD = geo.SOD
                if self.currentSOD is None:
                    raise Exception(f"Test {}: Calculation of SOD failed.")
                raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot open JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

            # Prepare this test run:
            self.results[i].SRb_nominal = self.currentNominalSRb
            self.results[i].pixelSize = self.currentPixelSize
            self.results[i].SDD = self.currentSDD
            self.results[i].SOD = self.currentSOD

            if len(self.subtests) == 0:
                raise Exception("Please provide keywords that identify which metadata file belongs to which subtest. Test {testname} accepts two keywords: 'SR50' for 50um basic spatial resolution and 'SR100' for 100um basic spatial resolution.".format(testname=self.testName))
                raise Exception("Number of provided image metadata files exceeds number of test runs ({expected}).".format(expected=len(self.subtests)))

    def writeResultFile(self, subname, results):
        pos  = results.lineProfilePos
        prof = results.lineProfileGV

        profileText  = "# Profile data\n"
        profileText += "# s [px]\tGV"
        profileText += "\n"

        for j in range(len(pos)):
            profileText += "{pos:.2f}\t{GV}".format(pos=pos[j], GV=prof[j])
            profileText += "\n"

        profileFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_profile.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subname)
        with open(profileFileName, 'w') as profileFile:

        resultText  = "# Results\n"
        resultText += "# \n"
        resultText += "# iSRb: {:.5f} mm\n".format(results.SRb_interpolated)
        resultText += "# \n"
        resultText += "# Interpolation function: f(x) = ax²+bx+c\n"
        resultText += "# a: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_a)
        resultText += "# b: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_b)
        resultText += "# c: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_c)
        resultText += "# \n"
        resultText += "# Wire spacing [mm]\tModulation depth [%]\n"

        for j in range(len(results.wireSpacings)):
            resultText += "{ws:.3f}\t{md:.3f}".format(ws=results.wireSpacings[j], md=results.modulationDepths[j])
            resultText += "\n"

        resultTextFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_results.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subname)
        with open(resultTextFileName, 'w') as resultFile:

    def run(self, image):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]

        self.results[i].lineProfileGV, self.results[i].lineProfilePos, stepsize = image.lineProfile(x0=self.p0.x(), y0=self.p0.y(), x1=self.p1.x(), y1=self.p1.y(), width=self.profileWidth, resolution=self.profileRes)

        print("Pixel Size: {}, SOD: {}, SDD: {}".format(self.currentPixelSize, self.currentSOD, self.currentSDD))

        # Use Bendix' iSRb tool to evaluate the basic spatial resolution
        tool = Interpolation(im=image.px, pixelsize=self.currentPixelSize, SOD=self.currentSOD, SDD=self.currentSDD, wire_length=15, wire_spacing=[0.8, 0.63, 0.5, 0.4, 0.32, 0.25, 0.2, 0.16, 0.13, 0.1, 0.08, 0.063, 0.05])

        # The line profile has already been measured. Provide it to the tool:
        tool.measure = self.results[i].lineProfileGV
        tool.ind     = self.results[i].lineProfilePos

        if tool.dip20 is not None:
            self.results[i].SRb_interpolated = tool.dip20
            self.results[i].SRb_interpolated = 0
        print("iSRb: {:.5f} mm".format(self.results[i].SRb_interpolated))

        self.results[i].criticalIndex = tool.criticalIndex

        self.results[i].wireSpacings = tool.wire_spacing
        self.results[i].modulationDepths = tool.dips[0:len(tool.wire_spacing)]

        self.results[i].interpolation_wireSpacings = tool.inter[0]
        self.results[i].interpolation_modulationDepths = tool.inter[1]
        self.results[i].interpolation_a = tool.a
        self.results[i].interpolation_b = tool.b
        self.results[i].interpolation_c = tool.c

        self.writeResultFile(subtestName, self.results[i])
        self.currentRun += 1

        return image

    def followUp(self):

    def plotResults(self):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]
            import matplotlib
            import matplotlib.pyplot
            from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, AutoMinorLocator)


            fig, (ax1, ax2) = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(9, 7.5))

            # Grey Value Profile:
            ax1.plot(self.results[i].lineProfilePos, self.results[i].lineProfileGV, linewidth=1.5, label="Measured", color='#1f77b4')

            ax1.set_xlabel("Horizontal distance in px")
            ax1.set_ylabel("Grey Value")
            #ax1.set_xlim([-3*self.results[i].nominalGaussianSigmaPX, 3*self.results[i].nominalGaussianSigmaPX])
            ax1.set_title("Grey Value Profile")
            ax1.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='#d9d9d9', linestyle='dashed')
            ax1.grid(visible=True, which='minor', axis='both', color='#e7e7e7', linestyle='dotted')

            # Contrast vs. Wire Spacing
            ax2.plot(self.results[i].interpolation_wireSpacings, self.results[i].interpolation_modulationDepths, linewidth=1.5, label="Interpolation", color='#ffaa00')

            ax2.plot(self.results[i].wireSpacings, self.results[i].modulationDepths, 'o', markersize=4.0, label="Measured modulation depth", color='#1f77b4')
            if self.results[i].criticalIndex is not None:
                ci = self.results[i].criticalIndex
                ax2.plot(self.results[i].wireSpacings[ci], self.results[i].modulationDepths[ci], 'o', markersize=9.0, label="Critical Pair", markerfacecolor='none', markeredgecolor='black')
            ax2.plot(self.results[i].SRb_interpolated, 20, 'x', markersize=7.0, label="iSRb", color='#ff0000')

            ax2.set_xlabel("Wire spacing in mm")
            ax2.set_ylabel("Modulation depth in %")
            ax2.set_xlim([0.9, 0])
            ax2.set_title("SRb Interpolation")
            ax2.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='#d9d9d9', linestyle='dashed')
            ax2.grid(visible=True, which='minor', axis='both', color='#e7e7e7', linestyle='dotted')

            ax22 = ax2.twiny()
            ax22.set_xticks(numpy.array([0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0]))
            ax22.set_xticklabels(["0.56", "0.625", "0.714", "0.83", "1", "1.25", "1.67", "2.5", "5", "10", "∞"])
            ax22.set_xlabel("Spatial resolution in lp/mm")


            plotFilename = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_results.png".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName)
        except Exception as e:
            log(f"Warning: Error plotting results for test {}, {subtestName} using matplotlib: {e}")


class Test2D_DW_1 (resultFileDirectory='.', name=None, rawOutput=False)

CTSimU test 2D-DW-1: Detector Unsharpness.

Expand source code
class Test2D_DW_1(generalTest):
    """ CTSimU test 2D-DW-1: Detector Unsharpness. """

    def __init__(self, resultFileDirectory=".", name=None, rawOutput=False):

        # Results for each sub test:
        self.results = []

        # ROI of imaged duplex wire: (622, 312) -- (1630, 678)

        duplexAngle = 3 * (math.pi/180.0)   # 3 deg duplex wire rotation
        duplexCenter = Vector(1126, 496)    # Center of duplex wire ROI

        self.profileLength = 1050
        self.profileRes    = 0.1
        self.profileWidth  = 20

        duplexDirection = Vector(self.profileLength/2, 0)   # points "right"
        duplexDirection.rotate_2D_xy(duplexAngle)   # Rotate by angle of duplex wire arrangement

        self.p0 = duplexCenter - duplexDirection
        self.p1 = duplexCenter + duplexDirection

        self.currentNominalSRb = 0
        self.currentPixelSize  = 0
        self.currentSDD        = 0
        self.currentSOD        = 0

    def prepare(self):
        """ Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline. """
        self.prepared = True

    def prepareRun(self, i):
        if i < len(self.subtests):
            self.jsonScenarioFile = "2D-DW-1_Detektor1_2021-05-26v01r01dp.json"
            if self.subtests[i] == "SR150":
                self.jsonScenarioFile = "2D-DW-1_Detektor2_2021-05-26v01r01dp.json"

            if self.jsonScenarioFile is not None:
                scenario = Scenario(json_dict=json_from_pkg(pkg_scenario(self.jsonScenarioFile)))

                self.currentNominalSRb = scenario.detector.unsharpness.basic_spatial_resolution.get()

                if self.currentNominalSRb is None:
                    raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot find 'basic_spatial_resolution' value in JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

                self.currentPixelSize = scenario.detector.pixel_pitch.u.get()
                if self.currentPixelSize is None:
                    raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot find 'pixel_pitch/u' value in JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

                geo = scenario.current_geometry()
                self.currentSDD = geo.SDD
                if self.currentSDD is None:
                    raise Exception(f"Test {}: Calculation of SDD failed.")

                self.currentSOD = geo.SOD
                if self.currentSOD is None:
                    raise Exception(f"Test {}: Calculation of SOD failed.")
                raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot open JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

            # Prepare this test run:
            self.results[i].SRb_nominal = self.currentNominalSRb
            self.results[i].pixelSize = self.currentPixelSize
            self.results[i].SDD = self.currentSDD
            self.results[i].SOD = self.currentSOD

            if len(self.subtests) == 0:
                raise Exception("Please provide keywords that identify which metadata file belongs to which subtest. Test {testname} accepts two keywords: 'SR50' for 50um basic spatial resolution and 'SR100' for 100um basic spatial resolution.".format(testname=self.testName))
                raise Exception("Number of provided image metadata files exceeds number of test runs ({expected}).".format(expected=len(self.subtests)))

    def writeResultFile(self, subname, results):
        pos  = results.lineProfilePos
        prof = results.lineProfileGV

        profileText  = "# Profile data\n"
        profileText += "# s [px]\tGV"
        profileText += "\n"

        for j in range(len(pos)):
            profileText += "{pos:.2f}\t{GV}".format(pos=pos[j], GV=prof[j])
            profileText += "\n"

        profileFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_profile.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subname)
        with open(profileFileName, 'w') as profileFile:

        resultText  = "# Results\n"
        resultText += "# \n"
        resultText += "# iSRb: {:.5f} mm\n".format(results.SRb_interpolated)
        resultText += "# \n"
        resultText += "# Interpolation function: f(x) = ax²+bx+c\n"
        resultText += "# a: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_a)
        resultText += "# b: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_b)
        resultText += "# c: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_c)
        resultText += "# \n"
        resultText += "# Wire spacing [mm]\tModulation depth [%]\n"

        for j in range(len(results.wireSpacings)):
            resultText += "{ws:.3f}\t{md:.3f}".format(ws=results.wireSpacings[j], md=results.modulationDepths[j])
            resultText += "\n"

        resultTextFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_results.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subname)
        with open(resultTextFileName, 'w') as resultFile:

    def run(self, image):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]

        self.results[i].lineProfileGV, self.results[i].lineProfilePos, stepsize = image.lineProfile(x0=self.p0.x(), y0=self.p0.y(), x1=self.p1.x(), y1=self.p1.y(), width=self.profileWidth, resolution=self.profileRes)

        print("Pixel Size: {}, SOD: {}, SDD: {}".format(self.currentPixelSize, self.currentSOD, self.currentSDD))

        # Use Bendix' iSRb tool to evaluate the basic spatial resolution
        tool = Interpolation(im=image.px, pixelsize=self.currentPixelSize, SOD=self.currentSOD, SDD=self.currentSDD, wire_length=15, wire_spacing=[0.8, 0.63, 0.5, 0.4, 0.32, 0.25, 0.2, 0.16, 0.13, 0.1, 0.08, 0.063, 0.05])

        # The line profile has already been measured. Provide it to the tool:
        tool.measure = self.results[i].lineProfileGV
        tool.ind     = self.results[i].lineProfilePos

        if tool.dip20 is not None:
            self.results[i].SRb_interpolated = tool.dip20
            self.results[i].SRb_interpolated = 0
        print("iSRb: {:.5f} mm".format(self.results[i].SRb_interpolated))

        self.results[i].criticalIndex = tool.criticalIndex

        self.results[i].wireSpacings = tool.wire_spacing
        self.results[i].modulationDepths = tool.dips[0:len(tool.wire_spacing)]

        self.results[i].interpolation_wireSpacings = tool.inter[0]
        self.results[i].interpolation_modulationDepths = tool.inter[1]
        self.results[i].interpolation_a = tool.a
        self.results[i].interpolation_b = tool.b
        self.results[i].interpolation_c = tool.c

        self.writeResultFile(subtestName, self.results[i])
        self.currentRun += 1

        return image

    def followUp(self):

    def plotResults(self):
        i = self.currentRun
        subtestName = self.subtests[i]
            import matplotlib
            import matplotlib.pyplot
            from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, AutoMinorLocator)


            fig, (ax1, ax2) = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(9, 7.5))

            # Grey Value Profile:
            ax1.plot(self.results[i].lineProfilePos, self.results[i].lineProfileGV, linewidth=1.5, label="Measured", color='#1f77b4')

            ax1.set_xlabel("Horizontal distance in px")
            ax1.set_ylabel("Grey Value")
            #ax1.set_xlim([-3*self.results[i].nominalGaussianSigmaPX, 3*self.results[i].nominalGaussianSigmaPX])
            ax1.set_title("Grey Value Profile")
            ax1.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='#d9d9d9', linestyle='dashed')
            ax1.grid(visible=True, which='minor', axis='both', color='#e7e7e7', linestyle='dotted')

            # Contrast vs. Wire Spacing
            ax2.plot(self.results[i].interpolation_wireSpacings, self.results[i].interpolation_modulationDepths, linewidth=1.5, label="Interpolation", color='#ffaa00')

            ax2.plot(self.results[i].wireSpacings, self.results[i].modulationDepths, 'o', markersize=4.0, label="Measured modulation depth", color='#1f77b4')
            if self.results[i].criticalIndex is not None:
                ci = self.results[i].criticalIndex
                ax2.plot(self.results[i].wireSpacings[ci], self.results[i].modulationDepths[ci], 'o', markersize=9.0, label="Critical Pair", markerfacecolor='none', markeredgecolor='black')
            ax2.plot(self.results[i].SRb_interpolated, 20, 'x', markersize=7.0, label="iSRb", color='#ff0000')

            ax2.set_xlabel("Wire spacing in mm")
            ax2.set_ylabel("Modulation depth in %")
            ax2.set_xlim([0.9, 0])
            ax2.set_title("SRb Interpolation")
            ax2.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='#d9d9d9', linestyle='dashed')
            ax2.grid(visible=True, which='minor', axis='both', color='#e7e7e7', linestyle='dotted')

            ax22 = ax2.twiny()
            ax22.set_xticks(numpy.array([0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0]))
            ax22.set_xticklabels(["0.56", "0.625", "0.714", "0.83", "1", "1.25", "1.67", "2.5", "5", "10", "∞"])
            ax22.set_xlabel("Spatial resolution in lp/mm")


            plotFilename = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_results.png".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subtestName)
        except Exception as e:
            log(f"Warning: Error plotting results for test {}, {subtestName} using matplotlib: {e}")



def prepare(self)

Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline.

Expand source code
def prepare(self):
    """ Preparations before the test will be run with the images from the pipeline. """
    self.prepared = True
def prepareRun(self, i)
Expand source code
def prepareRun(self, i):
    if i < len(self.subtests):
        self.jsonScenarioFile = "2D-DW-1_Detektor1_2021-05-26v01r01dp.json"
        if self.subtests[i] == "SR150":
            self.jsonScenarioFile = "2D-DW-1_Detektor2_2021-05-26v01r01dp.json"

        if self.jsonScenarioFile is not None:
            scenario = Scenario(json_dict=json_from_pkg(pkg_scenario(self.jsonScenarioFile)))

            self.currentNominalSRb = scenario.detector.unsharpness.basic_spatial_resolution.get()

            if self.currentNominalSRb is None:
                raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot find 'basic_spatial_resolution' value in JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

            self.currentPixelSize = scenario.detector.pixel_pitch.u.get()
            if self.currentPixelSize is None:
                raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot find 'pixel_pitch/u' value in JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

            geo = scenario.current_geometry()
            self.currentSDD = geo.SDD
            if self.currentSDD is None:
                raise Exception(f"Test {}: Calculation of SDD failed.")

            self.currentSOD = geo.SOD
            if self.currentSOD is None:
                raise Exception(f"Test {}: Calculation of SOD failed.")
            raise Exception("Test {name}: Cannot open JSON scenario description: {json}".format(, json=self.jsonScenarioFile))

        # Prepare this test run:
        self.results[i].SRb_nominal = self.currentNominalSRb
        self.results[i].pixelSize = self.currentPixelSize
        self.results[i].SDD = self.currentSDD
        self.results[i].SOD = self.currentSOD

        if len(self.subtests) == 0:
            raise Exception("Please provide keywords that identify which metadata file belongs to which subtest. Test {testname} accepts two keywords: 'SR50' for 50um basic spatial resolution and 'SR100' for 100um basic spatial resolution.".format(testname=self.testName))
            raise Exception("Number of provided image metadata files exceeds number of test runs ({expected}).".format(expected=len(self.subtests)))
def writeResultFile(self, subname, results)
Expand source code
def writeResultFile(self, subname, results):
    pos  = results.lineProfilePos
    prof = results.lineProfileGV

    profileText  = "# Profile data\n"
    profileText += "# s [px]\tGV"
    profileText += "\n"

    for j in range(len(pos)):
        profileText += "{pos:.2f}\t{GV}".format(pos=pos[j], GV=prof[j])
        profileText += "\n"

    profileFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_profile.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subname)
    with open(profileFileName, 'w') as profileFile:

    resultText  = "# Results\n"
    resultText += "# \n"
    resultText += "# iSRb: {:.5f} mm\n".format(results.SRb_interpolated)
    resultText += "# \n"
    resultText += "# Interpolation function: f(x) = ax²+bx+c\n"
    resultText += "# a: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_a)
    resultText += "# b: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_b)
    resultText += "# c: {:.5f}\n".format(results.interpolation_c)
    resultText += "# \n"
    resultText += "# Wire spacing [mm]\tModulation depth [%]\n"

    for j in range(len(results.wireSpacings)):
        resultText += "{ws:.3f}\t{md:.3f}".format(ws=results.wireSpacings[j], md=results.modulationDepths[j])
        resultText += "\n"

    resultTextFileName = "{dir}/{name}_{subname}_results.txt".format(dir=self.resultFileDirectory,, subname=subname)
    with open(resultTextFileName, 'w') as resultFile:

Inherited members

class Test2D_DW_1_results

Results for one sub-test.

Expand source code
class Test2D_DW_1_results:
    """ Results for one sub-test. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.lineProfileGV  = None   # Profile positions
        self.lineProfilePos = None   # Profile values

        # For the modulation depth vs. wire spacing diagram:
        self.wireSpacings     = None
        self.modulationDepths = None

        self.interpolation_wireSpacings = None
        self.interpolation_modulationDepths = None

        self.interpolation_a = 0
        self.interpolation_b = 0
        self.interpolation_c = 0

        self.pixelSize   = None
        self.SDD         = None
        self.SOD         = None

        self.criticalIndex = None   # Last wire pair with dip > 20%.
        self.SRb_nominal  = None
        self.SRb_interpolated = None