Metadata Files

Metadata files are used to document the result of a CT scan: the projection image data, as well as the reconstructed image data.

 2  "file":                 {
 3    "name":                "01_full_example",
 4    "description":         "Tetrahedron in a rigid frame.",
 5    "contact":             "Jane Doe",
 6    "date_created":        "2023-09-05",
 7    "date_changed":        "2023-09-05",
 8    "file_type":           "CTSimU Metadata",
 9    "file_format_version": {"major": 1, "minor": 2}
10  },
11  "output":               {
12    "system":        "aRTist v2.12.6-0-g30fb1d33, CTSimU Scenario Loader 1.2.3",
13    "date_measured": "2023-09-05",
14    "projections":   {
15      "filename":      "../projections/corrected/01_full_example_%04d.tif",
16      "number":        21,
17      "frame_average": 3,
18      "max_intensity": 45000.430564932205,
19      "datatype":      "uint16",
20      "byteorder":     "little",
21      "headersize":    {"file":  0, "image": 0},
22      "dimensions":    {
23        "x": {"value": 200, "unit": "px"},
24        "y": {"value": 150, "unit": "px"}
25      },
26      "pixelsize":     {
27        "x": {"value": 1.3, "unit": "mm"},
28        "y": {"value": 1.3, "unit": "mm"}
29      },
30      "dark_field":    {
31        "number":        1,
32        "frame_average": 1,
33        "filename":      "../projections/01_full_example_dark.tif",
34        "projections_corrected": true
35      },
36      "flat_field":    {
37        "number":        3,
38        "frame_average": 20,
39        "filename":      "../projections/01_full_example_flat_%04d.tif",
40        "projections_corrected": true
41      },
42      "bad_pixel_map": {
43        "filename": null,
44        "projections_corrected": false
45      }
46    },
47    "tomogram":      {
48      "filename":   null,
49      "datatype":   "float32",
50      "byteorder":  "little",
51      "headersize": {
52        "file":  0,
53        "image": 0
54      },
55      "dimensions": {
56        "x": {"value": 200, "unit":  "px"},
57        "y": {"value": 200, "unit":  "px"},
58        "z": {"value": 150, "unit":  "px"}
59      },
60      "voxelsize":  {
61        "x": {"value": 0.893752963236774, "unit":  "mm"},
62        "y": {"value": 0.893752963236774, "unit":  "mm"},
63        "z": {"value": 0.893752963236774, "unit":  "mm"}
64      }
65    }
66  },
67  "acquisition_geometry": {
68    "path_to_CTSimU_JSON": "../01_full_example.json"
69  },
70  "reconstruction":       {
71    "software": null,
72    "settings": {}
73  },
74  "simulation":           {
75    "full_simulation":     true,
76    "compute_detector":    true,
77    "compute_xray_source": true,
78    "load_samples":        true,
79    "set_multisampling":   true,
80    "set_scattering":      true,
81    "multisampling":       {
82      "source":   "30",
83      "detector": "3x3"
84    },
85    "scattering":          {
86      "on":             false,
87      "image_interval": null,
88      "photons":        null
89    },
90    "ctsimu_scenario":     {}
91  }