.. include:: _templates/icons.rst User interface ============== When you open |artist|, you will see its main window (:numref:`guiMainWindow`) with the following areas. * **Menu bar**, used to access detailed settings and commands. * **Toolbar**, used to access the most commonly used functions and viewer settings. * **Parameter panel**, used to control the current model parameters for the scene, X-ray source and detector. * **Virtual scene**, a 3D scene view of the radiographic setup. * **Docking area**, integrates additional program windows and modules. By default, the **Image Viewer** showing the simulated radiograph is placed here. * **Status bar** displays what's currently going on. :numref:`guiMainWindow` shows the default view of the user interface. The scene already contains two items: source and detector. The three main areas (parameter panel, virtual scene, docking area) can be scaled by clicking and dragging the edges of the respective areas. .. _guiMainWindow: .. figure:: pictures/gui-main-window.png :alt: aRTist main window :width: 100% aRTist main window. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: User interface elements: gui-menu-bar gui-scene gui-setup gui-source gui-scattering gui-detector